blob: 9ba841986f1679ce1a4798a1aaadfbe7e49b2d77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skiatest_graphite_GraphiteTestContext_DEFINED
#define skiatest_graphite_GraphiteTestContext_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/GraphiteTypes.h"
namespace skgpu {
enum class BackendApi : unsigned;
enum class ContextType;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Context;
struct ContextOptions;
class Recording;
namespace sk_gpu_test { class FlushFinishTracker; }
namespace skiatest::graphite {
struct TestOptions;
* An offscreen 3D context. This class is intended for Skia's internal testing needs and not
* for general use.
class GraphiteTestContext {
GraphiteTestContext(const GraphiteTestContext&) = delete;
GraphiteTestContext& operator=(const GraphiteTestContext&) = delete;
virtual ~GraphiteTestContext();
virtual skgpu::BackendApi backend() = 0;
virtual skgpu::ContextType contextType() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<skgpu::graphite::Context> makeContext(const TestOptions&) = 0;
bool getMaxGpuFrameLag(int *maxFrameLag) const {
*maxFrameLag = kMaxFrameLag;
return true;
* This will insert a Recording and submit work to the GPU. Additionally, we will add a finished
* callback to our insert recording call. We allow ourselves to have kMaxFrameLag number of
* unfinished flushes active on the GPU at a time. If we have 2 outstanding flushes then we will
* wait on the CPU until one has finished.
void submitRecordingAndWaitOnSync(skgpu::graphite::Context*, skgpu::graphite::Recording*);
* Allow the GPU API to make or detect forward progress on submitted work. For most APIs this is
* a no-op as the API can do this on another thread.
virtual void tick() {}
* If the context supports CPU/GPU sync'ing this calls submit with skgpu::SyncToCpu::kYes.
* Otherwise it calls it with kNo in a busy loop.
void syncedSubmit(skgpu::graphite::Context*);
static constexpr int kMaxFrameLag = 3;
sk_sp<sk_gpu_test::FlushFinishTracker> fFinishTrackers[kMaxFrameLag - 1];
int fCurrentFlushIdx = 0;
} // namespace skiatest::graphite
#endif // skiatest_graphite_GraphiteTestContext_DEFINED