blob: 639ee6989545f0e1f9b16ea89069e14ccb9207f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Use of this source code is governed by a ISC-License license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
config("c99") {
cflags_c = []
if (is_win) {
cflags_c += [ "-std:c11" ]
} else {
cflags_c += [ "-std=c99" ]
# Header generation only happens on the host.
# Ensure it will not be built for non-host even when implicitly building all targets.
if (current_toolchain == "//gn/toolchain:$host_toolchain") {
copy("copy_unicode_data") {
unicode_tools_dir =
sources = [
outputs =
[ "$root_gen_dir/third_party/libgrapheme/data/{{source_file_part}}" ]
template("compile_tool") {
executable(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "deps" ])
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
configs += [ ":c99" ]
sources += [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/util.c" ]
compile_tool("bidirectional") {
sources = [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/bidirectional.c" ]
compile_tool("case") {
sources = [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/case.c" ]
compile_tool("character") {
sources = [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/character.c" ]
compile_tool("line") {
sources = [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/line.c" ]
compile_tool("sentence") {
sources = [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/sentence.c" ]
compile_tool("word") {
sources = [ "../externals/libgrapheme/gen/word.c" ]
# Run an executable that will produce a header
action_foreach("generate_headers") {
script = ""
cmd_dir = rebase_path(root_out_dir)
args = [
rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/third_party/libgrapheme", root_build_dir),
_src = "../externals/libgrapheme/gen"
sources = [
outputs =
[ "$root_gen_dir/third_party/libgrapheme/gen/{{source_name_part}}.h" ]
deps = [
# libgrapheme is built for the target and so must be able to always see headers and headers_config.
config("headers_config") {
if (current_toolchain == "//gn/toolchain:$host_toolchain") {
include_dirs = [ "$root_gen_dir/third_party/libgrapheme/gen" ]
source_set("headers") {
if (current_toolchain == "//gn/toolchain:$host_toolchain") {
# Prevent :generate_headers from being run when building all targets.
sources = get_target_outputs(":generate_headers")
#get_target_outputs does not actually depend on the outputs
deps = [ ":generate_headers" ]
third_party("libgrapheme") {
public_include_dirs = [ "../externals/libgrapheme" ]
_src = "../externals/libgrapheme/src"
configs = [
sources = [
deps = [ ":headers(//gn/toolchain:$host_toolchain)" ]