blob: 3d020feec6eb0ba3e3a5d831d2b123a9e2953c5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/text/gpu/VertexFiller.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint3.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTLogic.h"
#include "src/base/SkZip.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include "src/gpu/AtlasTypes.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/Glyph.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/SubRunAllocator.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/SubRunContainer.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/ops/AtlasTextOp.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <optional>
using MaskFormat = skgpu::MaskFormat;
namespace sktext::gpu {
VertexFiller::VertexFiller(MaskFormat maskFormat,
const SkMatrix &creationMatrix,
SkRect creationBounds,
SkSpan<const SkPoint> leftTop,
bool canDrawDirect)
: fMaskType{maskFormat}, fCanDrawDirect{canDrawDirect},
fCreationMatrix{creationMatrix}, fCreationBounds{creationBounds},
fLeftTop{leftTop} {}
VertexFiller VertexFiller::Make(MaskFormat maskType,
const SkMatrix &creationMatrix,
SkRect creationBounds,
SkSpan<const SkPoint> positions,
SubRunAllocator *alloc,
FillerType fillerType) {
SkSpan<SkPoint> leftTop = alloc->makePODSpan<SkPoint>(positions);
return VertexFiller{
maskType, creationMatrix, creationBounds, leftTop, fillerType == kIsDirect};
std::optional<VertexFiller> VertexFiller::MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer &buffer,
SubRunAllocator *alloc) {
int checkingMaskType = buffer.readInt();
if (!buffer.validate(
0 <= checkingMaskType && checkingMaskType < skgpu::kMaskFormatCount)) {
return std::nullopt;
MaskFormat maskType = (MaskFormat) checkingMaskType;
const bool canDrawDirect = buffer.readBool();
SkMatrix creationMatrix;
SkRect creationBounds = buffer.readRect();
SkSpan<SkPoint> leftTop = MakePointsFromBuffer(buffer, alloc);
if (leftTop.empty()) { return std::nullopt; }
return VertexFiller{maskType, creationMatrix, creationBounds, leftTop, canDrawDirect};
void VertexFiller::flatten(SkWriteBuffer &buffer) const {
buffer.writePointArray(, SkCount(fLeftTop));
SkMatrix VertexFiller::viewDifference(const SkMatrix &positionMatrix) const {
if (SkMatrix inverse; fCreationMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
return SkMatrix::Concat(positionMatrix, inverse);
return SkMatrix::I();
// Check for integer translate with the same 2x2 matrix.
// Returns the translation, and true if the change from creation matrix to the position matrix
// supports using direct glyph masks.
static std::tuple<bool, SkVector> can_use_direct(
const SkMatrix& creationMatrix, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) {
// The existing direct glyph info can be used if the creationMatrix, and the
// positionMatrix have the same 2x2, the translation between them is integer, and no
// perspective is involved. Calculate the translation in source space to a translation in
// device space by mapping (0, 0) through both the creationMatrix and the positionMatrix;
// take the difference.
SkVector translation = positionMatrix.mapOrigin() - creationMatrix.mapOrigin();
return {creationMatrix.getScaleX() == positionMatrix.getScaleX() &&
creationMatrix.getScaleY() == positionMatrix.getScaleY() &&
creationMatrix.getSkewX() == positionMatrix.getSkewX() &&
creationMatrix.getSkewY() == positionMatrix.getSkewY() &&
!positionMatrix.hasPerspective() && !creationMatrix.hasPerspective() &&
SkScalarIsInt(translation.x()) && SkScalarIsInt(translation.y()),
struct AtlasPt {
uint16_t u;
uint16_t v;
// Normal text mask, SDFT, or color.
struct Mask2DVertex {
SkPoint devicePos;
GrColor color;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
struct ARGB2DVertex {
ARGB2DVertex(SkPoint d, GrColor, AtlasPt a) : devicePos{d}, atlasPos{a} {}
SkPoint devicePos;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
// Perspective SDFT or SDFT forced to 3D or perspective color.
struct Mask3DVertex {
SkPoint3 devicePos;
GrColor color;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
struct ARGB3DVertex {
ARGB3DVertex(SkPoint3 d, GrColor, AtlasPt a) : devicePos{d}, atlasPos{a} {}
SkPoint3 devicePos;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
size_t VertexFiller::vertexStride(const SkMatrix &matrix) const {
if (fMaskType != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
// For formats MaskFormat::kA565 and MaskFormat::kA8 where A8 include SDF.
return matrix.hasPerspective() ? sizeof(Mask3DVertex) : sizeof(Mask2DVertex);
} else {
// For format MaskFormat::kARGB
return matrix.hasPerspective() ? sizeof(ARGB3DVertex) : sizeof(ARGB2DVertex);
// The 99% case. Direct Mask, No clip, No RGB.
void fillDirectNoClipping(SkZip<Mask2DVertex[4], const Glyph*, const SkPoint> quadData,
GrColor color,
SkPoint originOffset) {
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkScalar dl = leftTop.x() + originOffset.x(),
dt = leftTop.y() + originOffset.y(),
dr = dl + (ar - al),
db = dt + (ab - at);
quad[0] = {{dl, dt}, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {{dl, db}, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {{dr, dt}, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {{dr, db}, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
template <typename Rect>
static auto LTBR(const Rect& r) {
return std::make_tuple(r.left(),, r.right(), r.bottom());
// Handle any combination of BW or color and clip or no clip.
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
static void fillDirectClipped(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
SkPoint originOffset,
SkIRect* clip = nullptr) {
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
uint16_t w = ar - al,
h = ab - at;
SkScalar l = leftTop.x() + originOffset.x(),
t = leftTop.y() + originOffset.y();
if (clip == nullptr) {
auto[dl, dt, dr, db] = SkRect::MakeLTRB(l, t, l + w, t + h);
quad[0] = {{dl, dt}, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {{dl, db}, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {{dr, dt}, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {{dr, db}, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
} else {
SkIRect devIRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(l, t, l + w, t + h);
SkScalar dl, dt, dr, db;
if (!clip->containsNoEmptyCheck(devIRect)) {
if (SkIRect clipped; clipped.intersect(devIRect, *clip)) {
al += clipped.left() - devIRect.left();
at += -;
ar += clipped.right() - devIRect.right();
ab += clipped.bottom() - devIRect.bottom();
std::tie(dl, dt, dr, db) = LTBR(clipped);
} else {
// TODO: omit generating any vertex data for fully clipped glyphs ?
std::tie(dl, dt, dr, db) = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0, 0);
std::tie(al, at, ar, ab) = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
std::tie(dl, dt, dr, db) = LTBR(devIRect);
quad[0] = {{dl, dt}, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {{dl, db}, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {{dr, dt}, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {{dr, db}, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
static void fill2D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& viewDifference) {
for (auto [quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto [l, t] = leftTop;
auto [r, b] = leftTop + glyph->fAtlasLocator.widthHeight();
SkPoint lt = viewDifference.mapXY(l, t),
lb = viewDifference.mapXY(l, b),
rt = viewDifference.mapXY(r, t),
rb = viewDifference.mapXY(r, b);
auto [al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
quad[0] = {lt, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {lb, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {rt, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {rb, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
static void fill3D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& viewDifference) {
auto mapXYZ = [&](SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
SkPoint pt{x, y};
SkPoint3 result;
viewDifference.mapHomogeneousPoints(&result, &pt, 1);
return result;
for (auto [quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto [l, t] = leftTop;
auto [r, b] = leftTop + glyph->fAtlasLocator.widthHeight();
SkPoint3 lt = mapXYZ(l, t),
lb = mapXYZ(l, b),
rt = mapXYZ(r, t),
rb = mapXYZ(r, b);
auto [al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
quad[0] = {lt, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {lb, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {rt, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {rb, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
void VertexFiller::fillVertexData(int offset, int count,
SkSpan<const Glyph*> glyphs,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix,
SkIRect clip,
void* vertexBuffer) const {
auto quadData = [&](auto dst) {
return SkMakeZip(dst,
glyphs.subspan(offset, count),
fLeftTop.subspan(offset, count));
// Handle direct mask drawing specifically.
if (fCanDrawDirect) {
auto [noTransformNeeded, originOffset] =
can_use_direct(fCreationMatrix, positionMatrix);
if (noTransformNeeded) {
if (clip.isEmpty()) {
if (fMaskType != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
fillDirectNoClipping(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, originOffset);
} else {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
fillDirectClipped(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, originOffset);
} else {
if (fMaskType != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
fillDirectClipped(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, originOffset, &clip);
} else {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
fillDirectClipped(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, originOffset, &clip);
// Handle the general transformed case.
SkMatrix viewDifference = this->viewDifference(positionMatrix);
if (!positionMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
if (fMaskType == MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
fill2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, viewDifference);
} else {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
fill2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, viewDifference);
} else {
if (fMaskType == MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = ARGB3DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB3DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
fill3D(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, viewDifference);
} else {
using Quad = Mask3DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask3DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
fill3D(quadData((Quad*)vertexBuffer), color, viewDifference);
using AtlasTextOp = skgpu::ganesh::AtlasTextOp;
AtlasTextOp::MaskType VertexFiller::opMaskType() const {
switch (fMaskType) {
case MaskFormat::kA8: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kGrayscaleCoverage;
case MaskFormat::kA565: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kLCDCoverage;
case MaskFormat::kARGB: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kColorBitmap;
#endif // defined(SK_GANESH) || defined(SK_USE_LEGACY_GANESH_TEXT_APIS)
bool VertexFiller::isLCD() const { return fMaskType == MaskFormat::kA565; }
// Return true if the positionMatrix represents an integer translation. Return the device
// bounding box of all the glyphs. If the bounding box is empty, then something went singular
// and this operation should be dropped.
std::tuple<bool, SkRect> VertexFiller::deviceRectAndCheckTransform(
const SkMatrix &positionMatrix) const {
if (fCanDrawDirect) {
const auto [directDrawCompatible, offset] =
can_use_direct(fCreationMatrix, positionMatrix);
if (directDrawCompatible) {
return {true, fCreationBounds.makeOffset(offset)};
if (SkMatrix inverse; fCreationMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
SkMatrix viewDifference = SkMatrix::Concat(positionMatrix, inverse);
return {false, viewDifference.mapRect(fCreationBounds)};
// initialPositionMatrix is singular. Do nothing.
return {false, SkRect::MakeEmpty()};
} // namespace sktext::gpu