blob: 66c8120de598f137b2afc617526a6004864d1236 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef sktext_gpu_StrikeCache_DEFINED
#define sktext_gpu_StrikeCache_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkDescriptor.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeSpec.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include <cstdint>
struct SkPackedGlyphID;
namespace sktext::gpu {
class Glyph;
// The TextStrike manages an SkArenaAlloc for Glyphs. The SkStrike is what actually creates
// the mask. The TextStrike may outlive the generating SkStrike. However, it retains a copy
// of it's SkDescriptor as a key to access (or regenerate) the SkStrike. TextStrikes are
// created by and owned by a StrikeCache.
class TextStrike : public SkNVRefCnt<TextStrike> {
TextStrike(const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec);
Glyph* getGlyph(SkPackedGlyphID);
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec() const { return fStrikeSpec; }
// Key for retrieving the SkStrike for creating new atlas data.
const SkStrikeSpec fStrikeSpec;
struct HashTraits {
static const SkPackedGlyphID& GetKey(const Glyph* glyph);
static uint32_t Hash(SkPackedGlyphID key);
// Map SkPackedGlyphID -> Glyph*.
skia_private::THashTable<Glyph*, SkPackedGlyphID, HashTraits> fCache;
// Store for the glyph information.
SkArenaAlloc fAlloc{512};
friend class StrikeCache;
// StrikeCache manages strikes which are indexed by a SkStrike. These strikes can then be
// used to generate individual Glyph Masks.
class StrikeCache {
// The user of the cache may hold a long-lived ref to the returned strike.
sk_sp<TextStrike> findOrCreateStrike(const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec);
void freeAll();
sk_sp<TextStrike> generateStrike(const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec);
struct HashTraits {
static const SkDescriptor& GetKey(const sk_sp<TextStrike>& strike);
static uint32_t Hash(const SkDescriptor& strikeSpec);
using StrikeHash = skia_private::THashTable<sk_sp<TextStrike>, const SkDescriptor&, HashTraits>;
StrikeHash fCache;
} // namespace sktext::gpu
#endif // sktext_gpu_StrikeCache_DEFINED