blob: d132eb23ffd792efd88c196924613e5765029e21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLSampleUsage.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/base/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLBuiltinTypes.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLConstantFolder.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLContext.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLDefines.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLErrorReporter.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLIntrinsicList.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLOperator.h"
#include "src/sksl/analysis/SkSLNoOpErrorReporter.h"
#include "src/sksl/analysis/SkSLProgramUsage.h"
#include "src/sksl/analysis/SkSLProgramVisitor.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBinaryExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBlock.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLChildCall.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructor.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLDoStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpressionStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFieldAccess.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLForStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionCall.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDefinition.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIRNode.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIfStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIndexExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLLayout.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLModifierFlags.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLPostfixExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLPrefixExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgram.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgramElement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLReturnStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSwitchCase.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSwitchStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSwizzle.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSymbol.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLTernaryExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLType.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVarDeclarations.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariable.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariableReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/transform/SkSLProgramWriter.h"
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
namespace SkSL {
namespace {
// Visitor that determines the merged SampleUsage for a given child in the program.
class MergeSampleUsageVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
MergeSampleUsageVisitor(const Context& context,
const Variable& child,
bool writesToSampleCoords)
: fContext(context), fChild(child), fWritesToSampleCoords(writesToSampleCoords) {}
SampleUsage visit(const Program& program) {
fUsage = SampleUsage(); // reset to none
return fUsage;
int elidedSampleCoordCount() const { return fElidedSampleCoordCount; }
const Context& fContext;
const Variable& fChild;
const Variable* fMainCoordsParam = nullptr;
const bool fWritesToSampleCoords;
SampleUsage fUsage;
int fElidedSampleCoordCount = 0;
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& pe) override {
fMainCoordsParam =<FunctionDefinition>()
: nullptr;
return INHERITED::visitProgramElement(pe);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
switch (e.kind()) {
case ExpressionKind::kChildCall: {
const ChildCall& cc =<ChildCall>();
if (&cc.child() == &fChild) {
// Determine the type of call at this site, and merge it with the accumulated
// state
const ExpressionArray& arguments = cc.arguments();
const Expression* maybeCoords = arguments[0].get();
if (maybeCoords->type().matches(*fContext.fTypes.fFloat2)) {
// If the coords are a direct reference to the program's sample-coords, and
// those coords are never modified, we can conservatively turn this into
// PassThrough sampling. In all other cases, we consider it Explicit.
if (!fWritesToSampleCoords && maybeCoords->is<VariableReference>() &&
maybeCoords->as<VariableReference>().variable() == fMainCoordsParam) {
} else {
} else {
// child(inputColor) or child(srcColor, dstColor) -> PassThrough
case ExpressionKind::kFunctionCall: {
// If this child effect is ever passed via a function call...
const FunctionCall& call =<FunctionCall>();
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : call.arguments()) {
if (arg->is<VariableReference>() &&
arg->as<VariableReference>().variable() == &fChild) {
// ... we must treat it as explicitly sampled, since the program's
// sample-coords only exist as a parameter to `main`.
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
// Visitor that searches for child calls from a function other than main()
class SampleOutsideMainVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
SampleOutsideMainVisitor() {}
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<ChildCall>()) {
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& p) override {
return<FunctionDefinition>() &&
!<FunctionDefinition>().declaration().isMain() &&
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class ReturnsNonOpaqueColorVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
ReturnsNonOpaqueColorVisitor() {}
bool visitStatement(const Statement& s) override {
if (<ReturnStatement>()) {
const Expression* e =<ReturnStatement>().expression().get();
bool knownOpaque = e && e->type().slotCount() == 4 &&
.value_or(0) == 1;
return !knownOpaque;
return INHERITED::visitStatement(s);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
// No need to recurse into expressions, these can never contain return statements
return false;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
using INHERITED::visitProgramElement;
// Visitor that counts the number of nodes visited
class NodeCountVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
NodeCountVisitor(int limit) : fLimit(limit) {}
int visit(const Statement& s) {
return fCount;
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
return (fCount >= fLimit) || INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& p) override {
return (fCount >= fLimit) || INHERITED::visitProgramElement(p);
bool visitStatement(const Statement& s) override {
return (fCount >= fLimit) || INHERITED::visitStatement(s);
int fCount = 0;
int fLimit;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class VariableWriteVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
VariableWriteVisitor(const Variable* var)
: fVar(var) {}
bool visit(const Statement& s) {
return this->visitStatement(s);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<VariableReference>()) {
const VariableReference& ref =<VariableReference>();
if (ref.variable() == fVar &&
(ref.refKind() == VariableReference::RefKind::kWrite ||
ref.refKind() == VariableReference::RefKind::kReadWrite ||
ref.refKind() == VariableReference::RefKind::kPointer)) {
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
const Variable* fVar;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
// This isn't actually using ProgramVisitor, because it only considers a subset of the fields for
// any given expression kind. For instance, when indexing an array (e.g. `x[1]`), we only want to
// know if the base (`x`) is assignable; the index expression (`1`) doesn't need to be.
class IsAssignableVisitor {
IsAssignableVisitor(ErrorReporter* errors) : fErrors(errors) {}
bool visit(Expression& expr, Analysis::AssignmentInfo* info) {
int oldErrorCount = fErrors->errorCount();
if (info) {
info->fAssignedVar = fAssignedVar;
return fErrors->errorCount() == oldErrorCount;
void visitExpression(Expression& expr, const FieldAccess* fieldAccess = nullptr) {
switch (expr.kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kVariableReference: {
VariableReference& varRef =<VariableReference>();
const Variable* var = varRef.variable();
auto fieldName = [&] {
return fieldAccess ? fieldAccess->description(OperatorPrecedence::kExpression)
: std::string(var->name());
if (var->modifierFlags().isConst() || var->modifierFlags().isUniform()) {
"cannot modify immutable variable '" + fieldName() + "'");
} else if (var->storage() == Variable::Storage::kGlobal &&
(var->modifierFlags() & ModifierFlag::kIn)) {
"cannot modify pipeline input variable '" + fieldName() + "'");
} else {
SkASSERT(fAssignedVar == nullptr);
fAssignedVar = &varRef;
case Expression::Kind::kFieldAccess: {
const FieldAccess& f =<FieldAccess>();
this->visitExpression(*f.base(), &f);
case Expression::Kind::kSwizzle: {
const Swizzle& swizzle =<Swizzle>();
this->visitExpression(*swizzle.base(), fieldAccess);
case Expression::Kind::kIndex:
this->visitExpression(*<IndexExpression>().base(), fieldAccess);
case Expression::Kind::kPoison:
fErrors->error(expr.fPosition, "cannot assign to this expression");
void checkSwizzleWrite(const Swizzle& swizzle) {
int bits = 0;
for (int8_t idx : swizzle.components()) {
SkASSERT(idx >= SwizzleComponent::X && idx <= SwizzleComponent::W);
int bit = 1 << idx;
if (bits & bit) {
"cannot write to the same swizzle field more than once");
bits |= bit;
ErrorReporter* fErrors;
VariableReference* fAssignedVar = nullptr;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
} // namespace
// Analysis
SampleUsage Analysis::GetSampleUsage(const Program& program,
const Variable& child,
bool writesToSampleCoords,
int* elidedSampleCoordCount) {
MergeSampleUsageVisitor visitor(*program.fContext, child, writesToSampleCoords);
SampleUsage result = visitor.visit(program);
if (elidedSampleCoordCount) {
*elidedSampleCoordCount += visitor.elidedSampleCoordCount();
return result;
bool Analysis::ReferencesBuiltin(const Program& program, int builtin) {
for (const auto& [variable, counts] : program.fUsage->fVariableCounts) {
if (counts.fRead > 0 && variable->layout().fBuiltin == builtin) {
return true;
return false;
bool Analysis::ReferencesSampleCoords(const Program& program) {
// Look for main().
for (const std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>& pe : program.fOwnedElements) {
if (pe->is<FunctionDefinition>()) {
const FunctionDeclaration& func = pe->as<FunctionDefinition>().declaration();
if (func.isMain()) {
// See if main() has a coords parameter that is read from anywhere.
if (const Variable* coords = func.getMainCoordsParameter()) {
ProgramUsage::VariableCounts counts = program.fUsage->get(*coords);
return counts.fRead > 0;
// The program is missing a main().
return false;
bool Analysis::ReferencesFragCoords(const Program& program) {
return Analysis::ReferencesBuiltin(program, SK_FRAGCOORD_BUILTIN);
bool Analysis::CallsSampleOutsideMain(const Program& program) {
SampleOutsideMainVisitor visitor;
return visitor.visit(program);
bool Analysis::CallsColorTransformIntrinsics(const Program& program) {
for (auto [symbol, count] : program.usage()->fCallCounts) {
const FunctionDeclaration& fn = symbol->as<FunctionDeclaration>();
if (count != 0 && (fn.intrinsicKind() == k_toLinearSrgb_IntrinsicKind ||
fn.intrinsicKind() == k_fromLinearSrgb_IntrinsicKind)) {
return true;
return false;
bool Analysis::ReturnsOpaqueColor(const FunctionDefinition& function) {
ReturnsNonOpaqueColorVisitor visitor;
return !visitor.visitProgramElement(function);
bool Analysis::ContainsRTAdjust(const Expression& expr) {
class ContainsRTAdjustVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
bool visitExpression(const Expression& expr) override {
if (<VariableReference>() &&<VariableReference>().variable()->name() == Compiler::RTADJUST_NAME) {
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(expr);
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
ContainsRTAdjustVisitor visitor;
return visitor.visitExpression(expr);
bool Analysis::ContainsVariable(const Expression& expr, const Variable& var) {
class ContainsVariableVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
ContainsVariableVisitor(const Variable* v) : fVariable(v) {}
bool visitExpression(const Expression& expr) override {
if (<VariableReference>() &&<VariableReference>().variable() == fVariable) {
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(expr);
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
const Variable* fVariable;
ContainsVariableVisitor visitor{&var};
return visitor.visitExpression(expr);
bool Analysis::IsCompileTimeConstant(const Expression& expr) {
class IsCompileTimeConstantVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
bool visitExpression(const Expression& expr) override {
switch (expr.kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kLiteral:
// Literals are compile-time constants.
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorArray:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompound:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorDiagonalMatrix:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorMatrixResize:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorSplat:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorStruct:
// Constructors might be compile-time constants, if they are composed entirely
// of literals and constructors. (Casting constructors are intentionally omitted
// here. If the value inside was a compile-time constant, we would have not have
// generated a cast at all.)
return INHERITED::visitExpression(expr);
// This expression isn't a compile-time constant.
fIsConstant = false;
return true;
bool fIsConstant = true;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
IsCompileTimeConstantVisitor visitor;
return visitor.fIsConstant;
bool Analysis::DetectVarDeclarationWithoutScope(const Statement& stmt, ErrorReporter* errors) {
// A variable declaration can create either a lone VarDeclaration or an unscoped Block
// containing multiple VarDeclaration statements. We need to detect either case.
const Variable* var;
if (<VarDeclaration>()) {
// The single-variable case. No blocks at all.
var =<VarDeclaration>().var();
} else if (<Block>()) {
// The multiple-variable case: an unscoped, non-empty block...
const Block& block =<Block>();
if (block.isScope() || block.children().empty()) {
return false;
// ... holding a variable declaration.
const Statement& innerStmt = *block.children().front();
if (!<VarDeclaration>()) {
return false;
var =<VarDeclaration>().var();
} else {
// This statement wasn't a variable declaration. No problem.
return false;
// Report an error.
if (errors) {
"variable '" + std::string(var->name()) + "' must be created in a scope");
return true;
int Analysis::NodeCountUpToLimit(const FunctionDefinition& function, int limit) {
return NodeCountVisitor{limit}.visit(*function.body());
bool Analysis::StatementWritesToVariable(const Statement& stmt, const Variable& var) {
return VariableWriteVisitor(&var).visit(stmt);
bool Analysis::IsAssignable(Expression& expr, AssignmentInfo* info, ErrorReporter* errors) {
NoOpErrorReporter unusedErrors;
return IsAssignableVisitor{errors ? errors : &unusedErrors}.visit(expr, info);
bool Analysis::UpdateVariableRefKind(Expression* expr,
VariableReference::RefKind kind,
ErrorReporter* errors) {
Analysis::AssignmentInfo info;
if (!Analysis::IsAssignable(*expr, &info, errors)) {
return false;
if (!info.fAssignedVar) {
if (errors) {
errors->error(expr->fPosition, "can't assign to expression '" + expr->description() +
return false;
return true;
// ProgramVisitor
bool ProgramVisitor::visit(const Program& program) {
for (const ProgramElement* pe : program.elements()) {
if (this->visitProgramElement(*pe)) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename T> bool TProgramVisitor<T>::visitExpression(typename T::Expression& e) {
switch (e.kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kEmpty:
case Expression::Kind::kFunctionReference:
case Expression::Kind::kLiteral:
case Expression::Kind::kMethodReference:
case Expression::Kind::kPoison:
case Expression::Kind::kSetting:
case Expression::Kind::kTypeReference:
case Expression::Kind::kVariableReference:
// Leaf expressions return false
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kBinary: {
auto& b = e.template as<BinaryExpression>();
return (b.left() && this->visitExpressionPtr(b.left())) ||
(b.right() && this->visitExpressionPtr(b.right()));
case Expression::Kind::kChildCall: {
// We don't visit the child variable itself, just the arguments
auto& c = e.template as<ChildCall>();
for (auto& arg : c.arguments()) {
if (arg && this->visitExpressionPtr(arg)) { return true; }
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorArray:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorArrayCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompound:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompoundCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorDiagonalMatrix:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorMatrixResize:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorScalarCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorSplat:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorStruct: {
auto& c = e.asAnyConstructor();
for (auto& arg : c.argumentSpan()) {
if (this->visitExpressionPtr(arg)) { return true; }
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kFieldAccess:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(e.template as<FieldAccess>().base());
case Expression::Kind::kFunctionCall: {
auto& c = e.template as<FunctionCall>();
for (auto& arg : c.arguments()) {
if (arg && this->visitExpressionPtr(arg)) { return true; }
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kIndex: {
auto& i = e.template as<IndexExpression>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(i.base()) || this->visitExpressionPtr(i.index());
case Expression::Kind::kPostfix:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(e.template as<PostfixExpression>().operand());
case Expression::Kind::kPrefix:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(e.template as<PrefixExpression>().operand());
case Expression::Kind::kSwizzle: {
auto& s = e.template as<Swizzle>();
return s.base() && this->visitExpressionPtr(s.base());
case Expression::Kind::kTernary: {
auto& t = e.template as<TernaryExpression>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(t.test()) ||
(t.ifTrue() && this->visitExpressionPtr(t.ifTrue())) ||
(t.ifFalse() && this->visitExpressionPtr(t.ifFalse()));
template <typename T> bool TProgramVisitor<T>::visitStatement(typename T::Statement& s) {
switch (s.kind()) {
case Statement::Kind::kBreak:
case Statement::Kind::kContinue:
case Statement::Kind::kDiscard:
case Statement::Kind::kNop:
// Leaf statements just return false
return false;
case Statement::Kind::kBlock:
for (auto& stmt : s.template as<Block>().children()) {
if (stmt && this->visitStatementPtr(stmt)) {
return true;
return false;
case Statement::Kind::kSwitchCase: {
auto& sc = s.template as<SwitchCase>();
return this->visitStatementPtr(sc.statement());
case Statement::Kind::kDo: {
auto& d = s.template as<DoStatement>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(d.test()) || this->visitStatementPtr(d.statement());
case Statement::Kind::kExpression:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(s.template as<ExpressionStatement>().expression());
case Statement::Kind::kFor: {
auto& f = s.template as<ForStatement>();
return (f.initializer() && this->visitStatementPtr(f.initializer())) ||
(f.test() && this->visitExpressionPtr(f.test())) ||
( && this->visitExpressionPtr( ||
case Statement::Kind::kIf: {
auto& i = s.template as<IfStatement>();
return (i.test() && this->visitExpressionPtr(i.test())) ||
(i.ifTrue() && this->visitStatementPtr(i.ifTrue())) ||
(i.ifFalse() && this->visitStatementPtr(i.ifFalse()));
case Statement::Kind::kReturn: {
auto& r = s.template as<ReturnStatement>();
return r.expression() && this->visitExpressionPtr(r.expression());
case Statement::Kind::kSwitch: {
auto& sw = s.template as<SwitchStatement>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(sw.value()) || this->visitStatementPtr(sw.caseBlock());
case Statement::Kind::kVarDeclaration: {
auto& v = s.template as<VarDeclaration>();
return v.value() && this->visitExpressionPtr(v.value());
template <typename T> bool TProgramVisitor<T>::visitProgramElement(typename T::ProgramElement& pe) {
switch (pe.kind()) {
case ProgramElement::Kind::kExtension:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kFunctionPrototype:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kInterfaceBlock:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kModifiers:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kStructDefinition:
// Leaf program elements just return false by default
return false;
case ProgramElement::Kind::kFunction:
return this->visitStatementPtr(pe.template as<FunctionDefinition>().body());
case ProgramElement::Kind::kGlobalVar:
return this->visitStatementPtr(pe.template as<GlobalVarDeclaration>().declaration());
template class TProgramVisitor<ProgramVisitorTypes>;
template class TProgramVisitor<ProgramWriterTypes>;
} // namespace SkSL