blob: 47541cca55cc586c3fd24d1adf95ce83641393b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/shaders/gradients/SkGradientBaseShader.h"
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMalloc.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/base/SkFloatBits.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpaceXformSteps.h"
#include "src/core/SkConvertPixels.h"
#include "src/core/SkEffectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkPicturePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipeline.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipelineOpContexts.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipelineOpList.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
using namespace skia_private;
enum GradientSerializationFlags {
// Bits 29:31 used for various boolean flags
kHasPosition_GSF = 0x80000000,
kHasLegacyLocalMatrix_GSF = 0x40000000,
kHasColorSpace_GSF = 0x20000000,
// Bits 12:28 unused
// Bits 8:11 for fTileMode
kTileModeShift_GSF = 8,
kTileModeMask_GSF = 0xF,
// Bits 4:7 for fInterpolation.fColorSpace
kInterpolationColorSpaceShift_GSF = 4,
kInterpolationColorSpaceMask_GSF = 0xF,
// Bits 1:3 for fInterpolation.fHueMethod
kInterpolationHueMethodShift_GSF = 1,
kInterpolationHueMethodMask_GSF = 0x7,
// Bit 0 for fInterpolation.fInPremul
kInterpolationInPremul_GSF = 0x1,
SkGradientBaseShader::Descriptor::Descriptor() {
sk_bzero(this, sizeof(*this));
fTileMode = SkTileMode::kClamp;
SkGradientBaseShader::Descriptor::~Descriptor() = default;
void SkGradientBaseShader::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
uint32_t flags = 0;
if (fPositions) {
flags |= kHasPosition_GSF;
sk_sp<SkData> colorSpaceData = fColorSpace ? fColorSpace->serialize() : nullptr;
if (colorSpaceData) {
flags |= kHasColorSpace_GSF;
if (fInterpolation.fInPremul == Interpolation::InPremul::kYes) {
flags |= kInterpolationInPremul_GSF;
SkASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(fTileMode) <= kTileModeMask_GSF);
flags |= ((uint32_t)fTileMode << kTileModeShift_GSF);
SkASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(fInterpolation.fColorSpace) <= kInterpolationColorSpaceMask_GSF);
flags |= ((uint32_t)fInterpolation.fColorSpace << kInterpolationColorSpaceShift_GSF);
SkASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(fInterpolation.fHueMethod) <= kInterpolationHueMethodMask_GSF);
flags |= ((uint32_t)fInterpolation.fHueMethod << kInterpolationHueMethodShift_GSF);
// If we injected implicit first/last stops at construction time, omit those when serializing:
int colorCount = fColorCount;
const SkColor4f* colors = fColors;
const SkScalar* positions = fPositions;
if (fFirstStopIsImplicit) {
if (positions) {
if (fLastStopIsImplicit) {
buffer.writeColor4fArray(colors, colorCount);
if (colorSpaceData) {
if (positions) {
buffer.writeScalarArray(positions, colorCount);
template <int N, typename T, bool MEM_MOVE>
static bool validate_array(SkReadBuffer& buffer, size_t count, STArray<N, T, MEM_MOVE>* array) {
if (!buffer.validateCanReadN<T>(count)) {
return false;
return true;
bool SkGradientBaseShader::DescriptorScope::unflatten(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SkMatrix* legacyLocalMatrix) {
// New gradient format. Includes floating point color, color space, densely packed flags
uint32_t flags = buffer.readUInt();
fTileMode = (SkTileMode)((flags >> kTileModeShift_GSF) & kTileModeMask_GSF);
fInterpolation.fColorSpace = (Interpolation::ColorSpace)(
(flags >> kInterpolationColorSpaceShift_GSF) & kInterpolationColorSpaceMask_GSF);
fInterpolation.fHueMethod = (Interpolation::HueMethod)(
(flags >> kInterpolationHueMethodShift_GSF) & kInterpolationHueMethodMask_GSF);
fInterpolation.fInPremul = (flags & kInterpolationInPremul_GSF) ? Interpolation::InPremul::kYes
: Interpolation::InPremul::kNo;
fColorCount = buffer.getArrayCount();
if (!(validate_array(buffer, fColorCount, &fColorStorage) &&
buffer.readColor4fArray(fColorStorage.begin(), fColorCount))) {
return false;
fColors = fColorStorage.begin();
if (SkToBool(flags & kHasColorSpace_GSF)) {
sk_sp<SkData> data = buffer.readByteArrayAsData();
fColorSpace = data ? SkColorSpace::Deserialize(data->data(), data->size()) : nullptr;
} else {
fColorSpace = nullptr;
if (SkToBool(flags & kHasPosition_GSF)) {
if (!(validate_array(buffer, fColorCount, &fPositionStorage) &&
buffer.readScalarArray(fPositionStorage.begin(), fColorCount))) {
return false;
fPositions = fPositionStorage.begin();
} else {
fPositions = nullptr;
if (SkToBool(flags & kHasLegacyLocalMatrix_GSF)) {
} else {
*legacyLocalMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
return buffer.isValid();
SkGradientBaseShader::SkGradientBaseShader(const Descriptor& desc, const SkMatrix& ptsToUnit)
: fPtsToUnit(ptsToUnit)
, fColorSpace(desc.fColorSpace ? desc.fColorSpace : SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB())
, fFirstStopIsImplicit(false)
, fLastStopIsImplicit(false)
, fColorsAreOpaque(true) {
fPtsToUnit.getType(); // Precache so reads are threadsafe.
SkASSERT(desc.fColorCount > 1);
fInterpolation = desc.fInterpolation;
SkASSERT((unsigned)desc.fTileMode < kSkTileModeCount);
fTileMode = desc.fTileMode;
/* Note: we let the caller skip the first and/or last position.
i.e. pos[0] = 0.3, pos[1] = 0.7
In these cases, we insert entries to ensure that the final data
will be bracketed by [0, 1].
i.e. our_pos[0] = 0, our_pos[1] = 0.3, our_pos[2] = 0.7, our_pos[3] = 1
Thus colorCount (the caller's value, and fColorCount (our value) may
differ by up to 2. In the above example:
colorCount = 2
fColorCount = 4
fColorCount = desc.fColorCount;
// Check if we need to add in start and/or end position/colors
if (desc.fPositions) {
fFirstStopIsImplicit = desc.fPositions[0] > 0;
fLastStopIsImplicit = desc.fPositions[desc.fColorCount - 1] != SK_Scalar1;
fColorCount += fFirstStopIsImplicit + fLastStopIsImplicit;
size_t storageSize =
fColorCount * (sizeof(SkColor4f) + (desc.fPositions ? sizeof(SkScalar) : 0));
fColors = reinterpret_cast<SkColor4f*>(fStorage.reset(storageSize));
fPositions = desc.fPositions ? reinterpret_cast<SkScalar*>(fColors + fColorCount) : nullptr;
// Now copy over the colors, adding the duplicates at t=0 and t=1 as needed
SkColor4f* colors = fColors;
if (fFirstStopIsImplicit) {
*colors++ = desc.fColors[0];
for (int i = 0; i < desc.fColorCount; ++i) {
colors[i] = desc.fColors[i];
fColorsAreOpaque = fColorsAreOpaque && (desc.fColors[i].fA == 1);
if (fLastStopIsImplicit) {
colors += desc.fColorCount;
*colors = desc.fColors[desc.fColorCount - 1];
if (desc.fPositions) {
SkScalar prev = 0;
SkScalar* positions = fPositions;
*positions++ = prev; // force the first pos to 0
int startIndex = fFirstStopIsImplicit ? 0 : 1;
int count = desc.fColorCount + fLastStopIsImplicit;
bool uniformStops = true;
const SkScalar uniformStep = desc.fPositions[startIndex] - prev;
for (int i = startIndex; i < count; i++) {
// Pin the last value to 1.0, and make sure pos is monotonic.
float curr = 1.0f;
if (i != desc.fColorCount) {
curr = SkTPin(desc.fPositions[i], prev, 1.0f);
// If a value is clamped to 1.0 before the last stop, the last stop
// actually isn't implicit if we thought it was.
if (curr == 1.0f && fLastStopIsImplicit) {
fLastStopIsImplicit = false;
uniformStops &= SkScalarNearlyEqual(uniformStep, curr - prev);
*positions++ = prev = curr;
if (uniformStops) {
// If the stops are uniform, treat them as implicit.
fPositions = nullptr;
} else {
// Remove duplicate stops with more than two of the same stop,
// keeping the leftmost and rightmost stop colors.
// i.e. 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1, 1
// w/ clamp 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 1, 1
// w/o clamp 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 1
int i = 0;
int dedupedColorCount = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= fColorCount; j++) {
// We can compare the current positions at i and j since once these fPosition
// values are overwritten, our i and j pointers will be past the overwritten values.
if (j == fColorCount || fPositions[i] != fPositions[j]) {
bool dupStop = j - i > 1;
// Ignore the leftmost stop (i) if it is a non-clamp tilemode with
// a duplicate stop on t = 0.
bool ignoreLeftmost = dupStop && fTileMode != SkTileMode::kClamp
&& fPositions[i] == 0;
if (!ignoreLeftmost) {
fPositions[dedupedColorCount] = fPositions[i];
fColors[dedupedColorCount] = fColors[i];
// Include the rightmost stop (j-1) only if the stop has a duplicate,
// ignoring the rightmost stop if it is a non-clamp tilemode with t = 1.
bool ignoreRightmost = fTileMode != SkTileMode::kClamp
&& fPositions[j - 1] == 1;
if (dupStop && !ignoreRightmost) {
fPositions[dedupedColorCount] = fPositions[j - 1];
fColors[dedupedColorCount] = fColors[j - 1];
i = j;
fColorCount = dedupedColorCount;
SkGradientBaseShader::~SkGradientBaseShader() {}
static void add_stop_color(SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx* ctx,
size_t stop,
SkPMColor4f Fs,
SkPMColor4f Bs) {
(ctx->fs[0])[stop] = Fs.fR;
(ctx->fs[1])[stop] = Fs.fG;
(ctx->fs[2])[stop] = Fs.fB;
(ctx->fs[3])[stop] = Fs.fA;
(ctx->bs[0])[stop] = Bs.fR;
(ctx->bs[1])[stop] = Bs.fG;
(ctx->bs[2])[stop] = Bs.fB;
(ctx->bs[3])[stop] = Bs.fA;
static void add_const_color(SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx* ctx, size_t stop, SkPMColor4f color) {
add_stop_color(ctx, stop, {0, 0, 0, 0}, color);
// Calculate a factor F and a bias B so that color = F*t + B when t is in range of
// the stop. Assume that the distance between stops is 1/gapCount.
static void init_stop_evenly(SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx* ctx,
float gapCount,
size_t stop,
SkPMColor4f c_l,
SkPMColor4f c_r) {
// Clankium's GCC 4.9 targeting ARMv7 is barfing when we use Sk4f math here, so go scalar...
SkPMColor4f Fs = {
(c_r.fR - c_l.fR) * gapCount,
(c_r.fG - c_l.fG) * gapCount,
(c_r.fB - c_l.fB) * gapCount,
(c_r.fA - c_l.fA) * gapCount,
SkPMColor4f Bs = {
c_l.fR - Fs.fR * (stop / gapCount),
c_l.fG - Fs.fG * (stop / gapCount),
c_l.fB - Fs.fB * (stop / gapCount),
c_l.fA - Fs.fA * (stop / gapCount),
add_stop_color(ctx, stop, Fs, Bs);
// For each stop we calculate a bias B and a scale factor F, such that
// for any t between stops n and n+1, the color we want is B[n] + F[n]*t.
static void init_stop_pos(SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx* ctx,
size_t stop,
float t_l,
float c_scale,
SkPMColor4f c_l,
SkPMColor4f c_r) {
// See note about Clankium's old compiler in init_stop_evenly().
SkPMColor4f Fs = {
(c_r.fR - c_l.fR) * c_scale,
(c_r.fG - c_l.fG) * c_scale,
(c_r.fB - c_l.fB) * c_scale,
(c_r.fA - c_l.fA) * c_scale,
SkPMColor4f Bs = {
c_l.fR - Fs.fR * t_l,
c_l.fG - Fs.fG * t_l,
c_l.fB - Fs.fB * t_l,
c_l.fA - Fs.fA * t_l,
ctx->ts[stop] = t_l;
add_stop_color(ctx, stop, Fs, Bs);
void SkGradientBaseShader::AppendGradientFillStages(SkRasterPipeline* p,
SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
const SkPMColor4f* pmColors,
const SkScalar* positions,
int count) {
// The two-stop case with stops at 0 and 1.
if (count == 2 && positions == nullptr) {
const SkPMColor4f c_l = pmColors[0], c_r = pmColors[1];
// See F and B below.
auto ctx = alloc->make<SkRasterPipeline_EvenlySpaced2StopGradientCtx>();
(skvx::float4::Load(c_r.vec()) - skvx::float4::Load(c_l.vec())).store(ctx->f);
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::evenly_spaced_2_stop_gradient, ctx);
} else {
auto* ctx = alloc->make<SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx>();
// Note: In order to handle clamps in search, the search assumes a stop conceptully placed
// at -inf. Therefore, the max number of stops is fColorCount+1.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Allocate at least at for the AVX2 gather from a YMM register.
ctx->fs[i] = alloc->makeArray<float>(std::max(count + 1, 8));
ctx->bs[i] = alloc->makeArray<float>(std::max(count + 1, 8));
if (positions == nullptr) {
// Handle evenly distributed stops.
size_t stopCount = count;
float gapCount = stopCount - 1;
SkPMColor4f c_l = pmColors[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < stopCount - 1; i++) {
SkPMColor4f c_r = pmColors[i + 1];
init_stop_evenly(ctx, gapCount, i, c_l, c_r);
c_l = c_r;
add_const_color(ctx, stopCount - 1, c_l);
ctx->stopCount = stopCount;
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::evenly_spaced_gradient, ctx);
} else {
// Handle arbitrary stops.
ctx->ts = alloc->makeArray<float>(count + 1);
// Remove the default stops inserted by SkGradientBaseShader::SkGradientBaseShader
// because they are naturally handled by the search method.
int firstStop;
int lastStop;
if (count > 2) {
firstStop = pmColors[0] != pmColors[1] ? 0 : 1;
lastStop = pmColors[count - 2] != pmColors[count - 1] ? count - 1 : count - 2;
} else {
firstStop = 0;
lastStop = 1;
size_t stopCount = 0;
float t_l = positions[firstStop];
SkPMColor4f c_l = pmColors[firstStop];
add_const_color(ctx, stopCount++, c_l);
// N.B. lastStop is the index of the last stop, not one after.
for (int i = firstStop; i < lastStop; i++) {
float t_r = positions[i + 1];
SkPMColor4f c_r = pmColors[i + 1];
SkASSERT(t_l <= t_r);
if (t_l < t_r) {
float c_scale = sk_ieee_float_divide(1, t_r - t_l);
if (SkIsFinite(c_scale)) {
init_stop_pos(ctx, stopCount, t_l, c_scale, c_l, c_r);
stopCount += 1;
t_l = t_r;
c_l = c_r;
ctx->ts[stopCount] = t_l;
add_const_color(ctx, stopCount++, c_l);
ctx->stopCount = stopCount;
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::gradient, ctx);
void SkGradientBaseShader::AppendInterpolatedToDstStages(SkRasterPipeline* p,
SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
bool colorsAreOpaque,
const Interpolation& interpolation,
const SkColorSpace* intermediateColorSpace,
const SkColorSpace* dstColorSpace) {
using ColorSpace = Interpolation::ColorSpace;
bool colorIsPremul = static_cast<bool>(interpolation.fInPremul);
// If we interpolated premul colors in any of the special color spaces, we need to unpremul
if (colorIsPremul && !colorsAreOpaque) {
switch (interpolation.fColorSpace) {
case ColorSpace::kLab:
case ColorSpace::kOKLab:
case ColorSpace::kOKLabGamutMap:
colorIsPremul = false;
case ColorSpace::kLCH:
case ColorSpace::kOKLCH:
case ColorSpace::kOKLCHGamutMap:
case ColorSpace::kHSL:
case ColorSpace::kHWB:
colorIsPremul = false;
// Convert colors in exotic spaces back to their intermediate SkColorSpace
switch (interpolation.fColorSpace) {
case ColorSpace::kLab: p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_lab_to_xyz); break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLab: p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_oklab_to_linear_srgb); break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLabGamutMap:
case ColorSpace::kLCH: p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_hcl_to_lab);
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_lab_to_xyz); break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLCH: p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_hcl_to_lab);
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_oklab_to_linear_srgb); break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLCHGamutMap:
case ColorSpace::kHSL: p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_hsl_to_srgb); break;
case ColorSpace::kHWB: p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::css_hwb_to_srgb); break;
default: break;
// Now transform from intermediate to destination color space.
// See comments in GrGradientShader.cpp about the decisions here.
if (!dstColorSpace) {
dstColorSpace = sk_srgb_singleton();
SkAlphaType intermediateAlphaType = colorIsPremul ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kUnpremul_SkAlphaType;
// TODO(skia:13108): Get dst alpha type correctly
SkAlphaType dstAlphaType = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
if (colorsAreOpaque) {
intermediateAlphaType = dstAlphaType = kUnpremul_SkAlphaType;
intermediateColorSpace, intermediateAlphaType, dstColorSpace, dstAlphaType)
bool SkGradientBaseShader::appendStages(const SkStageRec& rec,
const SkShaders::MatrixRec& mRec) const {
SkRasterPipeline* p = rec.fPipeline;
SkArenaAlloc* alloc = rec.fAlloc;
SkRasterPipeline_DecalTileCtx* decal_ctx = nullptr;
std::optional<SkShaders::MatrixRec> newMRec = mRec.apply(rec, fPtsToUnit);
if (!newMRec.has_value()) {
return false;
SkRasterPipeline_<256> postPipeline;
this->appendGradientStages(alloc, p, &postPipeline);
switch (fTileMode) {
case SkTileMode::kMirror:
case SkTileMode::kRepeat:
case SkTileMode::kDecal:
decal_ctx = alloc->make<SkRasterPipeline_DecalTileCtx>();
decal_ctx->limit_x = SkBits2Float(SkFloat2Bits(1.0f) + 1);
// reuse mask + limit_x stage, or create a custom decal_1 that just stores the mask
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::decal_x, decal_ctx);
case SkTileMode::kClamp:
if (!fPositions) {
// We clamp only when the stops are evenly spaced.
// If not, there may be hard stops, and clamping ruins hard stops at 0 and/or 1.
// In that case, we must make sure we're using the general "gradient" stage,
// which is the only stage that will correctly handle unclamped t.
// Transform all of the colors to destination color space, possibly premultiplied
SkColor4fXformer xformedColors(this, rec.fDstCS);
AppendGradientFillStages(p, alloc,
AppendInterpolatedToDstStages(p, alloc, fColorsAreOpaque, fInterpolation,
xformedColors.fIntermediateColorSpace.get(), rec.fDstCS);
if (decal_ctx) {
p->append(SkRasterPipelineOp::check_decal_mask, decal_ctx);
return true;
bool SkGradientBaseShader::isOpaque() const {
return fColorsAreOpaque && (this->getTileMode() != SkTileMode::kDecal);
bool SkGradientBaseShader::onAsLuminanceColor(SkColor4f* lum) const {
// We just compute an average color. There are several things we could do better:
// 1) We already have a different average_gradient_color helper later in this file, that weights
// contribution by the relative size of each band.
// 2) Colors should be converted to some standard color space! These could be in any space.
// 3) Do we want to average in the source space, sRGB, or some linear space?
SkColor4f color{0, 0, 0, 1};
for (int i = 0; i < fColorCount; ++i) {
color.fR += fColors[i].fR;
color.fG += fColors[i].fG;
color.fB += fColors[i].fB;
const float scale = 1.0f / fColorCount;
color.fR *= scale;
color.fG *= scale;
color.fB *= scale;
*lum = color;
return true;
static sk_sp<SkColorSpace> intermediate_color_space(SkGradientShader::Interpolation::ColorSpace cs,
SkColorSpace* dst) {
using ColorSpace = SkGradientShader::Interpolation::ColorSpace;
switch (cs) {
case ColorSpace::kDestination:
return sk_ref_sp(dst);
// css-color-4 allows XYZD50 and XYZD65. For gradients, those are redundant. Interpolating
// in any linear RGB space, (regardless of white point), gives the same answer.
case ColorSpace::kSRGBLinear:
return SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear();
case ColorSpace::kSRGB:
case ColorSpace::kHSL:
case ColorSpace::kHWB:
return SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
case ColorSpace::kLab:
case ColorSpace::kLCH:
// Conversion to Lab (and LCH) starts with XYZD50
return SkColorSpace::MakeRGB(SkNamedTransferFn::kLinear, SkNamedGamut::kXYZ);
case ColorSpace::kOKLab:
case ColorSpace::kOKLabGamutMap:
case ColorSpace::kOKLCH:
case ColorSpace::kOKLCHGamutMap:
// The "standard" conversion to these spaces starts with XYZD65. That requires extra
// effort to conjure. The author also has reference code for going directly from linear
// sRGB, so we use that.
// TODO(skia:13108): Even better would be to have an LMS color space, because the first
// part of the conversion is a matrix multiply, which could be absorbed into the
// color space xform.
return SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear();
using ConvertColorProc = SkPMColor4f(*)(SkPMColor4f, bool*);
using PremulColorProc = SkPMColor4f(*)(SkPMColor4f);
static SkPMColor4f srgb_to_hsl(SkPMColor4f rgb, bool* hueIsPowerless) {
float mx = std::max({rgb.fR, rgb.fG, rgb.fB});
float mn = std::min({rgb.fR, rgb.fG, rgb.fB});
float hue = 0, sat = 0, light = (mn + mx) / 2;
float d = mx - mn;
if (d != 0) {
sat = (light == 0 || light == 1) ? 0 : (mx - light) / std::min(light, 1 - light);
if (mx == rgb.fR) {
hue = (rgb.fG - rgb.fB) / d + (rgb.fG < rgb.fB ? 6 : 0);
} else if (mx == rgb.fG) {
hue = (rgb.fB - rgb.fR) / d + 2;
} else {
hue = (rgb.fR - rgb.fG) / d + 4;
hue *= 60;
if (sat == 0) {
*hueIsPowerless = true;
return {hue, sat * 100, light * 100, rgb.fA};
static SkPMColor4f srgb_to_hwb(SkPMColor4f rgb, bool* hueIsPowerless) {
SkPMColor4f hsl = srgb_to_hsl(rgb, hueIsPowerless);
float white = std::min({rgb.fR, rgb.fG, rgb.fB});
float black = 1 - std::max({rgb.fR, rgb.fG, rgb.fB});
return {hsl.fR, white * 100, black * 100, rgb.fA};
static SkPMColor4f xyzd50_to_lab(SkPMColor4f xyz, bool* /*hueIsPowerless*/) {
constexpr float D50[3] = {0.3457f / 0.3585f, 1.0f, (1.0f - 0.3457f - 0.3585f) / 0.3585f};
constexpr float e = 216.0f / 24389;
constexpr float k = 24389.0f / 27;
SkPMColor4f f;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
float v = xyz[i] / D50[i];
f[i] = (v > e) ? std::cbrtf(v) : (k * v + 16) / 116;
return {(116 * f[1]) - 16, 500 * (f[0] - f[1]), 200 * (f[1] - f[2]), xyz.fA};
// The color space is technically LCH, but we produce HCL, so that all polar spaces have hue in the
// first component. This simplifies the hue handling for HueMethod and premul/unpremul.
static SkPMColor4f xyzd50_to_hcl(SkPMColor4f xyz, bool* hueIsPowerless) {
SkPMColor4f Lab = xyzd50_to_lab(xyz, hueIsPowerless);
float hue = sk_float_radians_to_degrees(atan2f(Lab[2], Lab[1]));
float chroma = sqrtf(Lab[1] * Lab[1] + Lab[2] * Lab[2]);
// The LCH math produces small-ish (but not tiny) chroma values for achromatic colors:
constexpr float kMaxChromaForPowerlessHue = 1e-2f;
if (chroma <= kMaxChromaForPowerlessHue) {
*hueIsPowerless = true;
return {hue >= 0 ? hue : hue + 360, chroma, Lab[0], xyz.fA};
static SkPMColor4f lin_srgb_to_oklab(SkPMColor4f rgb, bool* /*hueIsPowerless*/) {
float l = 0.4122214708f * rgb.fR + 0.5363325363f * rgb.fG + 0.0514459929f * rgb.fB;
float m = 0.2119034982f * rgb.fR + 0.6806995451f * rgb.fG + 0.1073969566f * rgb.fB;
float s = 0.0883024619f * rgb.fR + 0.2817188376f * rgb.fG + 0.6299787005f * rgb.fB;
l = std::cbrtf(l);
m = std::cbrtf(m);
s = std::cbrtf(s);
return {0.2104542553f * l + 0.7936177850f * m - 0.0040720468f * s,
1.9779984951f * l - 2.4285922050f * m + 0.4505937099f * s,
0.0259040371f * l + 0.7827717662f * m - 0.8086757660f * s,
// The color space is technically OkLCH, but we produce HCL, so that all polar spaces have hue in
// the first component. This simplifies the hue handling for HueMethod and premul/unpremul.
static SkPMColor4f lin_srgb_to_okhcl(SkPMColor4f rgb, bool* hueIsPowerless) {
SkPMColor4f OKLab = lin_srgb_to_oklab(rgb, hueIsPowerless);
float hue = sk_float_radians_to_degrees(atan2f(OKLab[2], OKLab[1]));
float chroma = sqrtf(OKLab[1] * OKLab[1] + OKLab[2] * OKLab[2]);
// The OKLCH math produces very small chroma values for achromatic colors:
constexpr float kMaxChromaForPowerlessHue = 1e-6f;
if (chroma <= kMaxChromaForPowerlessHue) {
*hueIsPowerless = true;
return {hue >= 0 ? hue : hue + 360, chroma, OKLab[0], rgb.fA};
static SkPMColor4f premul_polar(SkPMColor4f hsl) {
return {hsl.fR, hsl.fG * hsl.fA, hsl.fB * hsl.fA, hsl.fA};
static SkPMColor4f premul_rgb(SkPMColor4f rgb) {
return {rgb.fR * rgb.fA, rgb.fG * rgb.fA, rgb.fB * rgb.fA, rgb.fA};
static bool color_space_is_polar(SkGradientShader::Interpolation::ColorSpace cs) {
using ColorSpace = SkGradientShader::Interpolation::ColorSpace;
switch (cs) {
case ColorSpace::kLCH:
case ColorSpace::kOKLCH:
case ColorSpace::kHSL:
case ColorSpace::kHWB:
return true;
return false;
// Given `colors` in `src` color space, an interpolation space, and a `dst` color space,
// we are doing several things. First, some definitions:
// The interpolation color space is "special" if it can't be represented as an SkColorSpace. This
// applies to any color space that isn't an RGB space, like Lab or HSL. These need special handling
// because we have to run bespoke code to do the conversion (before interpolation here, and after
// interpolation in the backend shader/pipeline).
// The interpolation color space is "polar" if it involves hue (HSL, HWB, LCH, Oklch). These need
// special handling, becuase hue is never premultiplied, and because HueMethod comes into play.
// 1) Pick an `intermediate` SkColorSpace. If the interpolation color space is not "special",
// (kDestination, kSRGB, etc... ), then `intermediate` is exact. Otherwise, `intermediate` is the
// RGB space that prepares us to do the final conversion. For example, conversion to Lab starts
// with XYZD50, so `intermediate` will be XYZD50 if we're actually interpolating in Lab.
// 2) Transform all colors to the `intermediate` color space, leaving them unpremultiplied.
// 3) If the interpolation color space is "special", transform the colors to that space.
// 4) If the interpolation color space is "polar", adjust the angles to respect HueMethod.
// 5) If premul interpolation is requested, apply that. For "polar" interpolated colors, don't
// premultiply hue, only the other two channels. Note that there are four polar spaces.
// Two have hue as the first component, and two have it as the third component. To reduce
// complexity, we always store hue in the first component, swapping it with luminance for
// LCH and Oklch. The backend code (eg, shaders) needs to know about this.
SkColor4fXformer::SkColor4fXformer(const SkGradientBaseShader* shader,
SkColorSpace* dst,
bool forceExplicitPositions) {
using ColorSpace = SkGradientShader::Interpolation::ColorSpace;
using HueMethod = SkGradientShader::Interpolation::HueMethod;
int colorCount = shader->fColorCount;
const SkGradientShader::Interpolation interpolation = shader->fInterpolation;
// 0) Copy the shader's position pointer. Certain interpolation modes might force us to add
// new stops, in which case we'll allocate & edit the positions.
fPositions = shader->fPositions;
// 1) Determine the color space of our intermediate colors.
fIntermediateColorSpace = intermediate_color_space(interpolation.fColorSpace, dst);
// 2) Convert all colors to the intermediate color space
auto info = SkImageInfo::Make(colorCount, 1, kRGBA_F32_SkColorType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType);
auto dstInfo = info.makeColorSpace(fIntermediateColorSpace);
auto srcInfo = info.makeColorSpace(shader->fColorSpace);
// 3) Transform to the interpolation color space (if it's special)
ConvertColorProc convertFn = nullptr;
switch (interpolation.fColorSpace) {
case ColorSpace::kHSL: convertFn = srgb_to_hsl; break;
case ColorSpace::kHWB: convertFn = srgb_to_hwb; break;
case ColorSpace::kLab: convertFn = xyzd50_to_lab; break;
case ColorSpace::kLCH: convertFn = xyzd50_to_hcl; break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLab: convertFn = lin_srgb_to_oklab; break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLabGamutMap: convertFn = lin_srgb_to_oklab; break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLCH: convertFn = lin_srgb_to_okhcl; break;
case ColorSpace::kOKLCHGamutMap: convertFn = lin_srgb_to_okhcl; break;
default: break;
skia_private::STArray<4, bool> hueIsPowerless;
bool anyPowerlessHue = false;
hueIsPowerless.push_back_n(colorCount, false);
if (convertFn) {
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) {
fColors[i] = convertFn(fColors[i], + i);
anyPowerlessHue = anyPowerlessHue || hueIsPowerless[i];
if (anyPowerlessHue) {
// In theory, if we knew we were just going to adjust the existing colors (without adding
// new ones), we could do it all in-place. To keep things simple, we always generate the
// new colors in separate storage.
ColorStorage newColors;
PositionStorage newPositions;
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) {
const SkPMColor4f& curColor = fColors[i];
float curPos = shader->getPos(i);
if (!hueIsPowerless[i]) {
auto colorWithHueFrom = [](const SkPMColor4f& color, const SkPMColor4f& hueColor) {
// If we have any powerless hue, then all colors are already in (some) polar space,
// and they all store their hue in the red channel.
return SkPMColor4f{hueColor.fR, color.fG, color.fB, color.fA};
// In each case, we might be copying a powerless (invalid) hue from the neighbor, but
// that should be fine, as it will match that neighbor perfectly, and any hue is ok.
if (i != 0) {
newColors.push_back(colorWithHueFrom(curColor, fColors[i - 1]));
if (i != colorCount - 1) {
newColors.push_back(colorWithHueFrom(curColor, fColors[i + 1]));
fPositions =;
colorCount = fColors.size();
// 4) For polar colors, adjust hue values to respect the hue method. We're using a trick here...
// The specification looks at adjacent colors, and adjusts one or the other. Because we store
// the stops in uniforms (and our backend conversions normalize the hue angle), we can
// instead always apply the adjustment to the *second* color. That lets us keep a running
// total, and do a single pass across all the colors to respect the requested hue method,
// without needing to do any extra work per-pixel.
if (color_space_is_polar(interpolation.fColorSpace)) {
float delta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount - 1; ++i) {
float h1 = fColors[i].fR;
float& h2 = fColors[i + 1].fR;
h2 += delta;
switch (interpolation.fHueMethod) {
case HueMethod::kShorter:
if (h2 - h1 > 180) {
h2 -= 360; // i.e. h1 += 360
delta -= 360;
} else if (h2 - h1 < -180) {
h2 += 360;
delta += 360;
case HueMethod::kLonger:
if ((i == 0 && shader->fFirstStopIsImplicit) ||
(i == colorCount - 2 && shader->fLastStopIsImplicit)) {
// Do nothing. We don't want to introduce a full revolution for these stops
// Full rationale at
} else if (0 < h2 - h1 && h2 - h1 < 180) {
h2 -= 360; // i.e. h1 += 360
delta -= 360;
} else if (-180 < h2 - h1 && h2 - h1 <= 0) {
h2 += 360;
delta += 360;
case HueMethod::kIncreasing:
if (h2 < h1) {
h2 += 360;
delta += 360;
case HueMethod::kDecreasing:
if (h1 < h2) {
h2 -= 360; // i.e. h1 += 360;
delta -= 360;
// 5) Apply premultiplication
PremulColorProc premulFn = nullptr;
if (static_cast<bool>(interpolation.fInPremul)) {
switch (interpolation.fColorSpace) {
case ColorSpace::kHSL:
case ColorSpace::kHWB:
case ColorSpace::kLCH:
case ColorSpace::kOKLCH:
premulFn = premul_polar;
premulFn = premul_rgb;
if (premulFn) {
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) {
fColors[i] = premulFn(fColors[i]);
// Ganesh requires that the positions be explicit (rather than implicitly evenly spaced)
if (forceExplicitPositions && !fPositions) {
float posScale = 1.0f / (colorCount - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
fPositionStorage.push_back(i * posScale);
fPositions =;
SkColorConverter::SkColorConverter(const SkColor* colors, int count) {
const float ONE_OVER_255 = 1.f / 255;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
fColors4f.push_back({SkColorGetR(colors[i]) * ONE_OVER_255,
SkColorGetG(colors[i]) * ONE_OVER_255,
SkColorGetB(colors[i]) * ONE_OVER_255,
SkColorGetA(colors[i]) * ONE_OVER_255});
void SkGradientBaseShader::commonAsAGradient(GradientInfo* info) const {
if (info) {
if (info->fColorCount >= fColorCount) {
if (info->fColors) {
for (int i = 0; i < fColorCount; ++i) {
info->fColors[i] = this->getLegacyColor(i);
if (info->fColorOffsets) {
for (int i = 0; i < fColorCount; ++i) {
info->fColorOffsets[i] = this->getPos(i);
info->fColorCount = fColorCount;
info->fTileMode = fTileMode;
info->fGradientFlags =
this->interpolateInPremul() ? SkGradientShader::kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag : 0;
// Return true if these parameters are valid/legal/safe to construct a gradient
bool SkGradientBaseShader::ValidGradient(const SkColor4f colors[],
int count,
SkTileMode tileMode,
const Interpolation& interpolation) {
return nullptr != colors && count >= 1 && (unsigned)tileMode < kSkTileModeCount &&
(unsigned)interpolation.fColorSpace < Interpolation::kColorSpaceCount &&
(unsigned)interpolation.fHueMethod < Interpolation::kHueMethodCount;
SkGradientBaseShader::Descriptor::Descriptor(const SkColor4f colors[],
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
const SkScalar positions[],
int colorCount,
SkTileMode mode,
const Interpolation& interpolation)
: fColors(colors)
, fColorSpace(std::move(colorSpace))
, fPositions(positions)
, fColorCount(colorCount)
, fTileMode(mode)
, fInterpolation(interpolation) {
SkASSERT(fColorCount > 1);
static SkColor4f average_gradient_color(const SkColor4f colors[],
const SkScalar pos[],
int colorCount) {
// The gradient is a piecewise linear interpolation between colors. For a given interval,
// the integral between the two endpoints is 0.5 * (ci + cj) * (pj - pi), which provides that
// intervals average color. The overall average color is thus the sum of each piece. The thing
// to keep in mind is that the provided gradient definition may implicitly use p=0 and p=1.
skvx::float4 blend(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount - 1; ++i) {
// Calculate the average color for the interval between pos(i) and pos(i+1)
auto c0 = skvx::float4::Load(&colors[i]);
auto c1 = skvx::float4::Load(&colors[i + 1]);
// when pos == null, there are colorCount uniformly distributed stops, going from 0 to 1,
// so pos[i + 1] - pos[i] = 1/(colorCount-1)
SkScalar w;
if (pos) {
// Match position fixing in SkGradientShader's constructor, clamping positions outside
// [0, 1] and forcing the sequence to be monotonic
SkScalar p0 = SkTPin(pos[i], 0.f, 1.f);
SkScalar p1 = SkTPin(pos[i + 1], p0, 1.f);
w = p1 - p0;
// And account for any implicit intervals at the start or end of the positions
if (i == 0) {
if (p0 > 0.0f) {
// The first color is fixed between p = 0 to pos[0], so 0.5*(ci + cj)*(pj - pi)
// becomes 0.5*(c + c)*(pj - 0) = c * pj
auto c = skvx::float4::Load(&colors[0]);
blend += p0 * c;
if (i == colorCount - 2) {
if (p1 < 1.f) {
// The last color is fixed between pos[n-1] to p = 1, so 0.5*(ci + cj)*(pj - pi)
// becomes 0.5*(c + c)*(1 - pi) = c * (1 - pi)
auto c = skvx::float4::Load(&colors[colorCount - 1]);
blend += (1.f - p1) * c;
} else {
w = 1.f / (colorCount - 1);
blend += 0.5f * w * (c1 + c0);
SkColor4f avg;;
return avg;
// Except for special circumstances of clamped gradients, every gradient shape--when degenerate--
// can be mapped to the same fallbacks. The specific shape factories must account for special
// clamped conditions separately, this will always return the last color for clamped gradients.
sk_sp<SkShader> SkGradientBaseShader::MakeDegenerateGradient(const SkColor4f colors[],
const SkScalar pos[],
int colorCount,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
SkTileMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case SkTileMode::kDecal:
// normally this would reject the area outside of the interpolation region, so since
// inside region is empty when the radii are equal, the entire draw region is empty
return SkShaders::Empty();
case SkTileMode::kRepeat:
case SkTileMode::kMirror:
// repeat and mirror are treated the same: the border colors are never visible,
// but approximate the final color as infinite repetitions of the colors, so
// it can be represented as the average color of the gradient.
return SkShaders::Color(average_gradient_color(colors, pos, colorCount),
case SkTileMode::kClamp:
// Depending on how the gradient shape degenerates, there may be a more specialized
// fallback representation for the factories to use, but this is a reasonable default.
return SkShaders::Color(colors[colorCount - 1], std::move(colorSpace));
SkDEBUGFAIL("Should not be reached");
return nullptr;