blob: c806b85653890e3272b721376d1dd9f0ade25c80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkOTTable_sbix_DEFINED
#define SkOTTable_sbix_DEFINED
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/base/SkUtils.h"
#include "src/sfnt/SkOTTableTypes.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct SkOTTableGlyphData;
struct SkOTTableStandardBitmapGraphics {
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG0 = 's';
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG1 = 'b';
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG2 = 'i';
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG3 = 'x';
static const SK_OT_ULONG TAG = SkOTTableTAG<SkOTTableStandardBitmapGraphics>::value;
SK_OT_USHORT version; // 1
SK_OT_USHORT flags; // Bit 0: 1. Bit 1: Draw outlines. Bits 2 to 15: reserved (set to 0)
SK_OT_ULONG numStrikes;
//SK_OT_ULONG strikeOffsets[/*numStrikes*/]; // offset from sbix table to Strike
SK_OT_ULONG strikeOffset(int strikeIndex) {
return sk_unaligned_load<SK_OT_ULONG>(
SkTAddOffset<void*>(&numStrikes, sizeof(numStrikes)+sizeof(SK_OT_ULONG)*strikeIndex));
struct Strike {
SK_OT_USHORT ppem; // pixels for em
SK_OT_USHORT ppi; // design pixel density
//SK_OT_ULONG glyphDataOffsets[/*numGlyphs+1*/]; // offset from Strike to GlyphData
SK_OT_ULONG glyphDataOffset(int glyphId) {
return sk_unaligned_load<SK_OT_ULONG>(
SkTAddOffset<void*>(&ppi, sizeof(ppi)+sizeof(SK_OT_ULONG)*glyphId));
struct GlyphData {
SK_OT_SHORT originOffsetX; // x offset of bitmap in pixels
SK_OT_SHORT originOffsetY; // y offset of bitmap in pixels (y-up)
SK_OT_ULONG graphicType; // 'jpg ', 'png ', 'tiff', or 'dupe'
//SK_OT_BYTE data[]; // length is to next glyphDataOffsets entry
SK_OT_BYTE* data() { return SkTAfter<SK_OT_BYTE>(&graphicType); }
const SK_OT_BYTE* data() const { return SkTAfter<const SK_OT_BYTE>(&graphicType); }
#pragma pack(pop)