blob: 12e233b5beb8b635535d78d4d712f8396d4870e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_tessellate_FixedCountBufferUtils_DEFINED
#define skgpu_tessellate_FixedCountBufferUtils_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/LinearTolerances.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/Tessellation.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace skgpu { struct VertexWriter; }
namespace skgpu::tess {
* Fixed-count tessellation operates in three modes, two for filling paths, and one for stroking.
* These modes may have additional sub-variations, but in terms of vertex buffer management, these
* three categories are sufficient:
* - FixedCountCurves: for filling paths where just the curves are tessellated. Additional measures
* to fill space between the inner control points of the paths are needed.
* - FixedCountWedges: for filling paths by tessellating the curves and adding an additional inline
* triangle with a shared vertex that all verbs connect to. Works with PatchAttribs::kFanPoint.
* - FixedCountStrokes: for stroking a path. Likely paired with PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint and
* PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams.
* The three types defined below for these three modes provide utility functions for heuristics to
* choose pre-allocation size when accumulating instance attributes with a PatchWriter, and
* functions for creating static/GPU-private vertex and index buffers that are used as the template
* for instanced rendering.
class FixedCountCurves {
FixedCountCurves() = delete;
// A heuristic function for reserving instance attribute space before using a PatchWriter.
static constexpr int PreallocCount(int totalCombinedPathVerbCnt) {
// Over-allocate enough curves for 1 in 4 to chop. Every chop introduces 2 new patches:
// another curve patch and a triangle patch that glues the two chops together,
// i.e. + 2 * ((count + 3) / 4) == (count + 3) / 2
return totalCombinedPathVerbCnt + (totalCombinedPathVerbCnt + 3) / 2;
// Convert the accumulated worst-case tolerances into an index count passed into an instanced,
// indexed draw function that uses FixedCountCurves static vertex and index buffers.
static int VertexCount(const LinearTolerances& tolerances) {
// We should already chopped curves to make sure none needed a higher resolveLevel than
// kMaxResolveLevel.
int resolveLevel = std::min(tolerances.requiredResolveLevel(), kMaxResolveLevel);
return NumCurveTrianglesAtResolveLevel(resolveLevel) * 3;
// Return the number of bytes to allocate for a buffer filled via WriteVertexBuffer, assuming
// the shader and curve instances do require more than kMaxParametricSegments segments.
static constexpr size_t VertexBufferSize() {
return (kMaxParametricSegments + 1) * (2 * sizeof(float));
// As above but for the corresponding index buffer, written via WriteIndexBuffer.
static constexpr size_t IndexBufferSize() {
return NumCurveTrianglesAtResolveLevel(kMaxResolveLevel) * 3 * sizeof(uint16_t);
static void WriteVertexBuffer(VertexWriter, size_t bufferSize);
static void WriteIndexBuffer(VertexWriter, size_t bufferSize);
class FixedCountWedges {
FixedCountWedges() = delete;
// These functions provide equivalent functionality to the matching ones in FixedCountCurves,
// but are intended for use with a shader and PatchWriter that has enabled the kFanPoint attrib.
static constexpr int PreallocCount(int totalCombinedPathVerbCnt) {
// Over-allocate enough wedges for 1 in 4 to chop, i.e., ceil(maxWedges * 5/4)
return (totalCombinedPathVerbCnt * 5 + 3) / 4;
static int VertexCount(const LinearTolerances& tolerances) {
// Emit 3 vertices per curve triangle, plus 3 more for the wedge fan triangle.
int resolveLevel = std::min(tolerances.requiredResolveLevel(), kMaxResolveLevel);
return (NumCurveTrianglesAtResolveLevel(resolveLevel) + 1) * 3;
static constexpr size_t VertexBufferSize() {
return ((kMaxParametricSegments + 1) + 1/*fan vertex*/) * (2 * sizeof(float));
static constexpr size_t IndexBufferSize() {
return (NumCurveTrianglesAtResolveLevel(kMaxResolveLevel) + 1/*fan triangle*/) *
3 * sizeof(uint16_t);
static void WriteVertexBuffer(VertexWriter, size_t bufferSize);
static void WriteIndexBuffer(VertexWriter, size_t bufferSize);
class FixedCountStrokes {
FixedCountStrokes() = delete;
// These functions provide equivalent functionality to the matching ones in FixedCountCurves,
// but are intended for a shader that that strokes a path instead of filling, where vertices
// are associated with joins, caps, radial segments, or parametric segments.
// NOTE: The fixed-count stroke buffer is only needed when vertex IDs are not available as an
// SkSL built-in. And unlike the curve and wedge variants, stroke drawing never relies on an
// index buffer so those functions are not provided.
// Don't draw more vertices than can be indexed by a signed short. We just have to draw the line
// somewhere and this seems reasonable enough. (There are two vertices per edge, so 2^14 edges
// make 2^15 vertices.)
static constexpr int kMaxEdges = (1 << 14) - 1;
static constexpr int kMaxEdgesNoVertexIDs = 1024;
static constexpr int PreallocCount(int totalCombinedPathVerbCnt) {
// Over-allocate enough patches for each stroke to chop once, and for 8 extra caps. Since
// we have to chop at inflections, points of 180 degree rotation, and anywhere a stroke
// requires too many parametric segments, many strokes will end up getting choppped.
return (totalCombinedPathVerbCnt * 2) + 8/* caps */;
// Does not account for falling back to kMaxEdgesNoVertexIDs
static int VertexCount(const LinearTolerances& tolerances) {
return std::min(tolerances.requiredStrokeEdges(), kMaxEdges) * 2;
static constexpr size_t VertexBufferSize() {
// Each vertex is a single float (explicit id) and each edge is composed of two vertices.
return 2 * kMaxEdgesNoVertexIDs * sizeof(float);
// Initializes the fallback vertex buffer that should be bound when sk_VertexID is not supported
static void WriteVertexBuffer(VertexWriter, size_t bufferSize);
} // namespace skgpu::tess
#endif // skgpu_tessellate_FixedCountBufferUtils