blob: 5376c7205fd38f252f27788ba4a89dd503a51c5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrProcessorSet_DEFINED
#define GrProcessorSet_DEFINED
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrFragmentProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrPaint.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrProcessorAnalysis.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrXferProcessor.h"
struct GrUserStencilSettings;
class GrAppliedClip;
class GrXPFactory;
class GrProcessorSet {
// Arbitrary constructor arg for empty set and analysis
enum class Empty { kEmpty };
GrProcessorSet(std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> colorFP);
GrProcessorSet(const GrProcessorSet&) = delete;
GrProcessorSet& operator=(const GrProcessorSet&) = delete;
bool hasColorFragmentProcessor() const { return fColorFragmentProcessor != nullptr; }
bool hasCoverageFragmentProcessor() const { return fCoverageFragmentProcessor != nullptr; }
const GrFragmentProcessor* colorFragmentProcessor() const {
return fColorFragmentProcessor.get();
const GrFragmentProcessor* coverageFragmentProcessor() const {
return fCoverageFragmentProcessor.get();
const GrXferProcessor* xferProcessor() const {
return fXP.fProcessor;
sk_sp<const GrXferProcessor> refXferProcessor() const {
return sk_ref_sp(fXP.fProcessor);
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> detachColorFragmentProcessor() {
return std::move(fColorFragmentProcessor);
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> detachCoverageFragmentProcessor() {
return std::move(fCoverageFragmentProcessor);
/** Comparisons are only legal on finalized processor sets. */
bool operator==(const GrProcessorSet& that) const;
bool operator!=(const GrProcessorSet& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
* This is used to report results of processor analysis when a processor set is finalized (see
* below).
class Analysis {
Analysis(const Analysis&) = default;
Analysis() { *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this) = 0; }
Analysis& operator=(const Analysis &other) = default;
bool isInitialized() const { return fIsInitialized; }
bool usesLocalCoords() const { return fUsesLocalCoords; }
bool requiresDstTexture() const { return fRequiresDstTexture; }
bool requiresNonOverlappingDraws() const { return fRequiresNonOverlappingDraws; }
bool isCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha() const { return fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha; }
// Indicates whether all color fragment processors were eliminated in the analysis.
bool hasColorFragmentProcessor() const { return fHasColorFragmentProcessor; }
bool inputColorIsIgnored() const { return fInputColorType == kIgnored_InputColorType; }
bool inputColorIsOverridden() const {
return fInputColorType == kOverridden_InputColorType;
bool usesNonCoherentHWBlending() const { return fUsesNonCoherentHWBlending; }
bool unaffectedByDstValue() const { return fUnaffectedByDstValue; }
constexpr Analysis(Empty)
: fUsesLocalCoords(false)
, fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha(true)
, fRequiresDstTexture(false)
, fRequiresNonOverlappingDraws(false)
, fHasColorFragmentProcessor(false)
, fIsInitialized(true)
, fUsesNonCoherentHWBlending(false)
, fUnaffectedByDstValue(false)
, fInputColorType(kOriginal_InputColorType) {}
enum InputColorType : uint32_t {
// MSVS 2015 won't pack different underlying types
using PackedBool = uint32_t;
using PackedInputColorType = uint32_t;
PackedBool fUsesLocalCoords : 1;
PackedBool fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha : 1;
PackedBool fRequiresDstTexture : 1;
PackedBool fRequiresNonOverlappingDraws : 1;
PackedBool fHasColorFragmentProcessor : 1;
PackedBool fIsInitialized : 1;
PackedBool fUsesNonCoherentHWBlending : 1;
PackedBool fUnaffectedByDstValue : 1;
PackedInputColorType fInputColorType : 2;
friend class GrProcessorSet;
static_assert(sizeof(Analysis) <= sizeof(uint32_t));
* This analyzes the processors given an op's input color and coverage as well as a clip. The
* state of the processor set may change to an equivalent but more optimal set of processors.
* This new state requires that the caller respect the returned 'inputColorOverride'. This is
* indicated by the returned Analysis's inputColorIsOverridden(). 'inputColorOverride' will not
* be written if the analysis does not override the input color.
* This must be called before the processor set is used to construct a GrPipeline and may only
* be called once.
* This also puts the processors in "pending execution" state and must be called when an op
* that owns a processor set is recorded to ensure pending and writes are propagated to
* resources referred to by the processors. Otherwise, data hazards may occur.
Analysis finalize(const GrProcessorAnalysisColor&, const GrProcessorAnalysisCoverage,
const GrAppliedClip*, const GrUserStencilSettings*, const GrCaps&,
GrClampType, SkPMColor4f* inputColorOverride);
bool isFinalized() const { return SkToBool(kFinalized_Flag & fFlags); }
/** These are valid only for non-LCD coverage. */
static const GrProcessorSet& EmptySet();
static GrProcessorSet MakeEmptySet();
static constexpr Analysis EmptySetAnalysis() { return Analysis(Empty::kEmpty); }
#if defined(GR_TEST_UTILS)
SkString dumpProcessors() const;
void visitProxies(const GrVisitProxyFunc&) const;
GrProcessorSet(Empty) : fXP((const GrXferProcessor*)nullptr), fFlags(kFinalized_Flag) {}
int numFragmentProcessors() const {
return (fColorFragmentProcessor ? 1 : 0) + (fCoverageFragmentProcessor ? 1 : 0);
enum Flags : uint16_t { kFinalized_Flag = 0x1 };
union XP {
XP(const GrXPFactory* factory) : fFactory(factory) {}
XP(const GrXferProcessor* processor) : fProcessor(processor) {}
explicit XP(XP&& that) : fProcessor(that.fProcessor) {
SkASSERT(fProcessor == that.fProcessor);
that.fProcessor = nullptr;
const GrXPFactory* fFactory;
const GrXferProcessor* fProcessor;
const GrXPFactory* xpFactory() const {
return fXP.fFactory;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fColorFragmentProcessor;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fCoverageFragmentProcessor;
uint8_t fFlags = 0;