blob: 7edbb1104ec314f6e753dbe485d00e2f3425e84c [file] [log] [blame]
// Our buffers are in std140 layout, so the generated code will need to compensate.
layout(set=0, binding=1) uniform UniformBuffer {
float uf[3];
float2 uf2[3];
float3 uf3[3];
float4 uf4[3];
half uh[3];
half2 uh2[3];
half3 uh3[3];
half4 uh4[3];
int ui[3];
int2 ui2[3];
int3 ui3[3];
int4 ui4[3];
layout(set=0, binding=2) buffer StorageBuffer {
float sf[4];
float2 sf2[4];
float3 sf3[4];
float4 sf4[4];
half sh[4];
half2 sh2[4];
half3 sh3[4];
half4 sh4[4];
int si[4];
int2 si2[4];
int3 si3[4];
int4 si4[4];
half4 main() {
float value = float(uf [1] ) +
float(uf2[1].x) +
float(uf3[1].x) +
float(uf4[1].x) +
float(uh [1] ) +
float(uh2[1].x) +
float(uh3[1].x) +
float(uh4[1].x) +
float(ui [1] ) +
float(ui2[1].x) +
float(ui3[1].x) +
float(ui4[1].x) +
float(sf [1] ) +
float(sf2[1].x) +
float(sf3[1].x) +
float(sf4[1].x) +
float(sh [1] ) +
float(sh2[1].x) +
float(sh3[1].x) +
float(sh4[1].x) +
float(si [1] ) +
float(si2[1].x) +
float(si3[1].x) +
return half4(value);