blob: ef09875c63c00ee9f1fa8dcfba647d29d7598b64 [file] [log] [blame]
/*#pragma settings RewriteSwitchStatements*/
uniform half4 colorGreen, colorRed;
half4 main(float2 coords) {
bool ok;
switch (int(colorGreen.g)) {
case 0: bool a; // `a` should be declared above the switch.
case 1: const int ONE = 1; // a const-declaration can also move above the switch safely.
case 2: int b = ONE, c; // declarations for `b` and `c` should be moved upwards;
// an assignment-statement `b = ONE` should be here instead.
case 3: { float d = float(b); c = int(d); } // no changes expected
case 4: a = bool(c); // " " "
case 5: ok = a; // " " "
return ok ? colorGreen : colorRed;