blob: 7fd067f15f4062c552e9166450ca1713137a3b0c [file] [log] [blame]
struct S {
int x;
MyInterfaceBlock1 {
float3 sk_RTAdjust;
MyInterfaceBlock2 {
half4 sk_RTAdjust;
MyInterfaceBlock3 {
S sk_RTAdjust;
MyInterfaceBlock4 {
int sk_RTAdjust;
MyInterfaceBlock5 {
int sk_RTAdjust[2];
MyInterfaceBlock6 {
bool sk_RTAdjust;
MyInterfaceBlock7 {
float4 sk_RTAdjust[1];
float3 sk_RTAdjust;
half4 sk_RTAdjust;
S sk_RTAdjust;
int sk_RTAdjust;
int sk_RTAdjust[2];
bool sk_RTAdjust;
float4 sk_RTAdjust[1];
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'
sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'