blob: 46f3d9c378a2cfe4bb448ebd5762218a57c1e5d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <tuple>
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkRRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGRect.h"
#include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGRenderContext.h"
#include "modules/svg/src/SkSVGRectPriv.h"
std::tuple<float, float> ResolveOptionalRadii(const SkTLazy<SkSVGLength>& opt_rx,
const SkTLazy<SkSVGLength>& opt_ry,
const SkSVGLengthContext& lctx) {
// The used values for rx and ry are determined from the computed values by following these
// steps in order:
// 1. If both rx and ry have a computed value of auto (since auto is the initial value for both
// properties, this will also occur if neither are specified by the author or if all
// author-supplied values are invalid), then the used value of both rx and ry is 0.
// (This will result in square corners.)
// 2. Otherwise, convert specified values to absolute values as follows:
// 1. If rx is set to a length value or a percentage, but ry is auto, calculate an absolute
// length equivalent for rx, resolving percentages against the used width of the
// rectangle; the absolute value for ry is the same.
// 2. If ry is set to a length value or a percentage, but rx is auto, calculate the absolute
// length equivalent for ry, resolving percentages against the used height of the
// rectangle; the absolute value for rx is the same.
// 3. If both rx and ry were set to lengths or percentages, absolute values are generated
// individually, resolving rx percentages against the used width, and resolving ry
// percentages against the used height.
const float rx = opt_rx.isValid()
? lctx.resolve(*opt_rx, SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kHorizontal)
: 0;
const float ry = opt_ry.isValid()
? lctx.resolve(*opt_ry, SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kVertical)
: 0;
return std::make_tuple(opt_rx.isValid() ? rx : ry,
opt_ry.isValid() ? ry : rx);
SkSVGRect::SkSVGRect() : INHERITED(SkSVGTag::kRect) {}
bool SkSVGRect::parseAndSetAttribute(const char* n, const char* v) {
return INHERITED::parseAndSetAttribute(n, v) ||
this->setX(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("x", n, v)) ||
this->setY(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("y", n, v)) ||
this->setWidth(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("width", n, v)) ||
this->setHeight(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("height", n, v)) ||
this->setRx(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("rx", n, v)) ||
this->setRy(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("ry", n, v));
SkRRect SkSVGRect::resolve(const SkSVGLengthContext& lctx) const {
const auto rect = lctx.resolveRect(fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight);
const auto [ rx, ry ] = ResolveOptionalRadii(fRx, fRy, lctx);
// ...
// 3. Finally, apply clamping to generate the used values:
// 1. If the absolute rx (after the above steps) is greater than half of the used width,
// then the used value of rx is half of the used width.
// 2. If the absolute ry (after the above steps) is greater than half of the used height,
// then the used value of ry is half of the used height.
// 3. Otherwise, the used values of rx and ry are the absolute values computed previously.
return SkRRect::MakeRectXY(rect,
std::min(rx, rect.width() / 2),
std::min(ry, rect.height() / 2));
void SkSVGRect::onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkSVGLengthContext& lctx,
const SkPaint& paint, SkPathFillType) const {
canvas->drawRRect(this->resolve(lctx), paint);
SkPath SkSVGRect::onAsPath(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx) const {
SkPath path = SkPath::RRect(this->resolve(ctx.lengthContext()));
return path;
SkRect SkSVGRect::onObjectBoundingBox(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx) const {
return ctx.lengthContext().resolveRect(fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight);