blob: 89f63af6736932156a4d3f4bc8caeea9bf6ce8e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_BackendTexture_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_BackendTexture_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/GraphiteTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/TextureInfo.h"
#ifdef SK_DAWN
#include "include/gpu/graphite/dawn/DawnTypes.h"
#ifdef SK_METAL
#include "include/gpu/graphite/mtl/MtlGraphiteTypes.h"
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
#include "include/gpu/vk/VulkanTypes.h"
#include "include/private/gpu/vk/SkiaVulkan.h"
namespace skgpu {
class MutableTextureState;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class SK_API BackendTexture {
#ifdef SK_DAWN
// Create a BackendTexture from a WGPUTexture. Texture info will be queried from the texture.
// This is the recommended way of specifying a BackendTexture for Dawn. See the note below on
// the constructor that takes a WGPUTextureView for a fuller explanation.
// The BackendTexture will not call retain or release on the passed in WGPUTexture. Thus, the
// client must keep the WGPUTexture valid until they are no longer using the BackendTexture.
// However, any SkImage or SkSurface that wraps the BackendTexture *will* retain and release
// the WGPUTexture.
BackendTexture(WGPUTexture texture);
// Create a BackendTexture from a WGPUTexture. Texture planeDimensions, plane aspect and
// info have to be provided. This is intended to be used only when accessing a plane
// of a WGPUTexture.
// The BackendTexture will not call retain or release on the passed in WGPUTexture. Thus, the
// client must keep the WGPUTexture valid until they are no longer using the BackendTexture.
// However, any SkImage or SkSurface that wraps the BackendTexture *will* retain and release
// the WGPUTexture.
BackendTexture(SkISize planeDimensions, const DawnTextureInfo& info, WGPUTexture texture);
// Create a BackendTexture from a WGPUTextureView. Texture dimensions and
// info have to be provided.
// Using a WGPUTextureView rather than a WGPUTexture is less effecient for operations that
// require buffer transfers to or from the texture (e.g. methods on graphite::Context that read
// pixels or SkSurface::writePixels). In such cases an intermediate copy to or from a
// WGPUTexture is required. Thus, it is recommended to use this functionality only for cases
// where a WGPUTexture is unavailable, in particular when using wgpu::SwapChain.
// The BackendTexture will not call retain or release on the passed in WGPUTextureView. Thus,
// the client must keep the WGPUTextureView valid until they are no longer using the
// BackendTexture. However, any SkImage or SkSurface that wraps the BackendTexture *will* retain
// and release the WGPUTextureView.
BackendTexture(SkISize dimensions, const DawnTextureInfo& info, WGPUTextureView textureView);
#ifdef SK_METAL
// The BackendTexture will not call retain or release on the passed in CFTypeRef. Thus the
// client must keep the CFTypeRef valid until they are no longer using the BackendTexture.
BackendTexture(SkISize dimensions, CFTypeRef mtlTexture);
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
BackendTexture(SkISize dimensions,
const VulkanTextureInfo&,
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex,
BackendTexture(const BackendTexture&);
BackendTexture& operator=(const BackendTexture&);
bool operator==(const BackendTexture&) const;
bool operator!=(const BackendTexture& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
bool isValid() const { return fInfo.isValid(); }
BackendApi backend() const { return fInfo.backend(); }
SkISize dimensions() const { return fDimensions; }
const TextureInfo& info() const { return fInfo; }
// If the client changes any of the mutable backend of the GrBackendTexture they should call
// this function to inform Skia that those values have changed. The backend API specific state
// that can be set from this function are:
// Vulkan: VkImageLayout and QueueFamilyIndex
void setMutableState(const skgpu::MutableTextureState&);
#ifdef SK_DAWN
WGPUTexture getDawnTexturePtr() const;
WGPUTextureView getDawnTextureViewPtr() const;
#ifdef SK_METAL
CFTypeRef getMtlTexture() const;
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
VkImage getVkImage() const;
VkImageLayout getVkImageLayout() const;
uint32_t getVkQueueFamilyIndex() const;
const VulkanAlloc* getMemoryAlloc() const;
friend class VulkanResourceProvider; // for getMutableState
sk_sp<MutableTextureState> getMutableState() const;
SkISize fDimensions;
TextureInfo fInfo;
sk_sp<MutableTextureState> fMutableState;
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
// fMemoryAlloc == VulkanAlloc() if the client has already created their own VkImage and
// will destroy it themselves as opposed to having Skia create/destroy it via
// Recorder::createBackendTexture and Context::deleteBackendTexture.
VulkanAlloc fMemoryAlloc = VulkanAlloc();
union {
#ifdef SK_DAWN
struct {
WGPUTexture fDawnTexture;
WGPUTextureView fDawnTextureView;
#ifdef SK_METAL
CFTypeRef fMtlTexture;
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
VkImage fVkImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
void* fEnsureUnionNonEmpty;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_BackendTexture_DEFINED