blob: b30591c8bcca81d88fe1a55b4f95ec196eb13886 [file] [log] [blame]
### Compilation failed:
error: :9:14 error: 'uniform' storage requires that array elements are aligned to 16 bytes, but array element of type 'f32' has a stride of 4 bytes. Consider using a vector or struct as the element type instead.
testArray: array<f32, 5>,
:6:8 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(16) size(64) */ struct _GlobalUniforms {
/* offset( 0) align(16) size(16) */ colorGreen : vec4<f32>,
/* offset(16) align(16) size(16) */ colorRed : vec4<f32>,
/* offset(32) align( 4) size(20) */ testArray : array<f32, 5>,
/* offset(52) align( 1) size(12) */ // -- implicit struct size padding --
/* */ };
struct _GlobalUniforms {
:11:23 note: '_GlobalUniforms' used in address space 'uniform' here
@binding(0) @group(0) var<uniform> _globalUniforms: _GlobalUniforms;
diagnostic(off, derivative_uniformity);
diagnostic(off, chromium.unreachable_code);
struct FSOut {
@location(0) sk_FragColor: vec4<f32>,
struct _GlobalUniforms {
colorGreen: vec4<f32>,
colorRed: vec4<f32>,
testArray: array<f32, 5>,
@binding(0) @group(0) var<uniform> _globalUniforms: _GlobalUniforms;
struct S {
x: i32,
y: i32,
m: mat2x2<f32>,
a: array<f32, 5>,
fn _skslMain(coords: vec2<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
var R_array: array<f32, 5> = array<f32, 5>(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
var s1: S = S(1, 2, mat2x2<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), R_array);
var s2: S = S(1, 2, mat2x2<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), _globalUniforms.testArray);
var s3: S = S(1, 2, mat2x2<f32>(2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0), array<f32, 5>(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0));
return select(_globalUniforms.colorRed, _globalUniforms.colorGreen, vec4<bool>(((s1.x == s2.x) && (s1.y == s2.y) && (all(s1.m[0] == s2.m[0]) && all(s1.m[1] == s2.m[1])) && ((s1.a[0] == s2.a[0]) && (s1.a[1] == s2.a[1]) && (s1.a[2] == s2.a[2]) && (s1.a[3] == s2.a[3]) && (s1.a[4] == s2.a[4]))) && ((s1.x != s3.x) || (s1.y != s3.y) || (any(s1.m[0] != s3.m[0]) || any(s1.m[1] != s3.m[1])) || ((s1.a[0] != s3.a[0]) || (s1.a[1] != s3.a[1]) || (s1.a[2] != s3.a[2]) || (s1.a[3] != s3.a[3]) || (s1.a[4] != s3.a[4])))));
@fragment fn main() -> FSOut {
var _stageOut: FSOut;
_stageOut.sk_FragColor = _skslMain(/*fragcoord*/ vec2<f32>());
return _stageOut;
1 error