blob: 1c36628aea65a13983b1144975c6c18e5ae198e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkGainmapShader.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "include/private/SkGainmapInfo.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAssert.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorFilterPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageInfoPriv.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
static constexpr char gGainmapSKSL[] =
"uniform shader base;"
"uniform shader gainmap;"
"uniform half4 logRatioMin;"
"uniform half4 logRatioMax;"
"uniform half4 gainmapGamma;"
"uniform half4 epsilonBase;"
"uniform half4 epsilonOther;"
"uniform half W;"
"uniform int gainmapIsAlpha;"
"uniform int gainmapIsRed;"
"uniform int singleChannel;"
"uniform int noGamma;"
"uniform int isApple;"
"uniform half appleG;"
"uniform half appleH;"
"half4 main(float2 coord) {"
"half4 S = base.eval(coord);"
"half4 G = gainmap.eval(coord);"
"if (gainmapIsAlpha == 1) {"
"G = half4(G.a, G.a, G.a, 1.0);"
"if (gainmapIsRed == 1) {"
"G = half4(G.r, G.r, G.r, 1.0);"
"if (singleChannel == 1) {"
"half L;"
"if (isApple == 1) {"
"L = pow(G.r, appleG);"
"L = log(1.0 + (appleH - 1.0) * pow(G.r, appleG));"
"} else if (noGamma == 1) {"
"L = mix(logRatioMin.r, logRatioMax.r, G.r);"
"} else {"
"L = mix(logRatioMin.r, logRatioMax.r, pow(G.r, gainmapGamma.r));"
"half3 H = (S.rgb + epsilonBase.rgb) * exp(L * W) - epsilonOther.rgb;"
"return half4(H.r, H.g, H.b, S.a);"
"} else {"
"half3 L;"
"if (isApple == 1) {"
"L = pow(G.rgb, half3(appleG));"
"L = log(half3(1.0) + (appleH - 1.0) * L);"
"} else if (noGamma == 1) {"
"L = mix(logRatioMin.rgb, logRatioMax.rgb, G.rgb);"
"} else {"
"L = mix(logRatioMin.rgb, logRatioMax.rgb, pow(G.rgb, gainmapGamma.rgb));"
"half3 H = (S.rgb + epsilonBase.rgb) * exp(L * W) - epsilonOther.rgb;"
"return half4(H.r, H.g, H.b, S.a);"
static sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> gainmap_apply_effect() {
static const SkRuntimeEffect* effect =
SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(SkString(gGainmapSKSL), {}).effect.release();
return sk_ref_sp(effect);
static bool all_channels_equal(const SkColor4f& c) {
return c.fR == c.fG && c.fR == c.fB;
sk_sp<SkShader> SkGainmapShader::Make(const sk_sp<const SkImage>& baseImage,
const SkRect& baseRect,
const SkSamplingOptions& baseSamplingOptions,
const sk_sp<const SkImage>& gainmapImage,
const SkRect& gainmapRect,
const SkSamplingOptions& gainmapSamplingOptions,
const SkGainmapInfo& gainmapInfo,
const SkRect& dstRect,
float dstHdrRatio,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> dstColorSpace) {
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> baseColorSpace =
baseImage->colorSpace() ? baseImage->refColorSpace() : SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
// Determine the color space in which the gainmap math is to be applied.
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> gainmapMathColorSpace =
? gainmapInfo.fGainmapMathColorSpace->makeLinearGamma()
: baseColorSpace->makeLinearGamma();
if (!dstColorSpace) {
dstColorSpace = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
// Compute the sampling transformation matrices.
const SkMatrix baseRectToDstRect = SkMatrix::RectToRect(baseRect, dstRect);
const SkMatrix gainmapRectToDstRect = SkMatrix::RectToRect(gainmapRect, dstRect);
// Compute the weight parameter that will be used to blend between the images.
float W = 0.f;
if (dstHdrRatio > gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioSdr) {
if (dstHdrRatio < gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioHdr) {
W = (std::log(dstHdrRatio) - std::log(gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioSdr)) /
(std::log(gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioHdr) -
} else {
W = 1.f;
const bool baseImageIsHdr = (gainmapInfo.fBaseImageType == SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kHDR);
if (baseImageIsHdr) {
W -= 1.f;
// Return the base image directly if the gainmap will not be applied at all.
if (W == 0.f) {
return baseImage->makeShader(baseSamplingOptions, &baseRectToDstRect);
// Create a color filter to transform from the base image's color space to the color space in
// which the gainmap is to be applied.
auto colorXformSdrToGainmap =
SkColorFilterPriv::MakeColorSpaceXform(baseColorSpace, gainmapMathColorSpace);
// Create a color filter to transform from the color space in which the gainmap is applied to
// the destination color space.
auto colorXformGainmapToDst =
SkColorFilterPriv::MakeColorSpaceXform(gainmapMathColorSpace, dstColorSpace);
// The base image shader will convert into the color space in which the gainmap is applied.
auto baseImageShader = baseImage->makeRawShader(baseSamplingOptions, &baseRectToDstRect)
// The gainmap image shader will ignore any color space that the gainmap has.
auto gainmapImageShader =
gainmapImage->makeRawShader(gainmapSamplingOptions, &gainmapRectToDstRect);
// Create the shader to apply the gainmap.
sk_sp<SkShader> gainmapMathShader;
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(gainmap_apply_effect());
const SkColor4f logRatioMin({std::log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMin.fR),
const SkColor4f logRatioMax({std::log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMax.fR),
const int noGamma =
gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma.fR == 1.f &&
gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma.fG == 1.f &&
gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma.fB == 1.f;
const uint32_t colorTypeFlags = SkColorTypeChannelFlags(gainmapImage->colorType());
const int gainmapIsAlpha = colorTypeFlags == kAlpha_SkColorChannelFlag;
const int gainmapIsRed = colorTypeFlags == kRed_SkColorChannelFlag;
const int singleChannel = all_channels_equal(gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma) &&
all_channels_equal(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMin) &&
all_channels_equal(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMax) &&
(colorTypeFlags == kGray_SkColorChannelFlag ||
colorTypeFlags == kAlpha_SkColorChannelFlag ||
colorTypeFlags == kRed_SkColorChannelFlag);
const SkColor4f& epsilonBase =
baseImageIsHdr ? gainmapInfo.fEpsilonHdr : gainmapInfo.fEpsilonSdr;
const SkColor4f& epsilonOther =
baseImageIsHdr ? gainmapInfo.fEpsilonSdr : gainmapInfo.fEpsilonHdr;
const int isApple = gainmapInfo.fType == SkGainmapInfo::Type::kApple;
const float appleG = 1.961f;
const float appleH = gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioHdr;
builder.child("base") = baseImageShader;
builder.child("gainmap") = gainmapImageShader;
builder.uniform("logRatioMin") = logRatioMin;
builder.uniform("logRatioMax") = logRatioMax;
builder.uniform("gainmapGamma") = gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma;
builder.uniform("epsilonBase") = epsilonBase;
builder.uniform("epsilonOther") = epsilonOther;
builder.uniform("noGamma") = noGamma;
builder.uniform("singleChannel") = singleChannel;
builder.uniform("gainmapIsAlpha") = gainmapIsAlpha;
builder.uniform("gainmapIsRed") = gainmapIsRed;
builder.uniform("W") = W;
builder.uniform("isApple") = isApple;
builder.uniform("appleG") = appleG;
builder.uniform("appleH") = appleH;
gainmapMathShader = builder.makeShader();
// Return a shader that will apply the gainmap and then convert to the destination color space.
return gainmapMathShader->makeWithColorFilter(colorXformGainmapToDst);