blob: f80a3602394803ca2415abf84fdc9b2b365434cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/GrClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrFillRectOp.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> new_RTC(GrContext* context) {
return context->priv().makeDeferredRenderTargetContext(SkBackingFit::kExact, 128, 128,
GrColorType::kRGBA_8888, nullptr);
typedef GrQuadAAFlags (*PerQuadAAFunc)(int i);
static void bulk_fill_rect_create_test(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* context,
PerQuadAAFunc perQuadAA, GrAAType overallAA,
int requestedTotNumQuads, int expectedNumOps) {
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> rtc = new_RTC(context);
auto quads = new GrRenderTargetContext::QuadSetEntry[requestedTotNumQuads];
for (int i = 0; i < requestedTotNumQuads; ++i) {
quads[i].fRect = SkRect::MakeWH(100.5f, 100.5f); // prevent the int non-AA optimization
quads[i].fColor = SK_PMColor4fWHITE;
quads[i].fLocalMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
quads[i].fAAFlags = perQuadAA(i);
GrPaint paint;
GrFillRectOp::AddFillRectOps(rtc.get(), GrNoClip(), context, std::move(paint), overallAA,
SkMatrix::I(), quads, requestedTotNumQuads);
GrOpsTask* opsTask = rtc->testingOnly_PeekLastOpsTask();
int actualNumOps = opsTask->numOpChains();
int actualTotNumQuads = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < actualNumOps; ++i) {
const GrOp* tmp = opsTask->getChain(i);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tmp->classID() == GrFillRectOp::ClassID());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tmp->isChainTail());
actualTotNumQuads += ((GrDrawOp*) tmp)->numQuads();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, expectedNumOps == actualNumOps);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, requestedTotNumQuads == actualTotNumQuads);
delete[] quads;
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(BulkFillRectTest, reporter, ctxInfo) {
GrContext* context = ctxInfo.grContext();
if (!context->priv().caps()->dynamicStateArrayGeometryProcessorTextureSupport()) {
// This is the simple case where there is no AA at all. We expect 2 non-AA clumps of quads.
auto noAA = [](int i) -> GrQuadAAFlags {
return GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
static const int kNumExpectedOps = 2;
bulk_fill_rect_create_test(reporter, context, noAA, GrAAType::kNone,
2*GrResourceProvider::MaxNumNonAAQuads(), kNumExpectedOps);
// This is the same as the above case except the overall AA is kCoverage. However, since
// the per-quad AA is still none, all the quads should be downgraded to non-AA.
auto noAA = [](int i) -> GrQuadAAFlags {
return GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
static const int kNumExpectedOps = 2;
bulk_fill_rect_create_test(reporter, context, noAA, GrAAType::kCoverage,
2*GrResourceProvider::MaxNumNonAAQuads(), kNumExpectedOps);
// This case has an overall AA of kCoverage but the per-quad AA alternates.
// We should end up with several aa-sized clumps
auto alternateAA = [](int i) -> GrQuadAAFlags {
return (i % 2) ? GrQuadAAFlags::kAll : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
int numExpectedOps = 2*GrResourceProvider::MaxNumNonAAQuads() /
bulk_fill_rect_create_test(reporter, context, alternateAA, GrAAType::kCoverage,
2*GrResourceProvider::MaxNumNonAAQuads(), numExpectedOps);
// In this case we have a run of MaxNumAAQuads non-AA quads and then AA quads. This
// exercises the case where we have a clump of quads that can't be upgraded to AA bc of
// its size. We expect one clump of non-AA quads followed by one clump of AA quads.
auto runOfNonAA = [](int i) -> GrQuadAAFlags {
return (i < GrResourceProvider::MaxNumAAQuads()) ? GrQuadAAFlags::kNone
: GrQuadAAFlags::kAll;
static const int kNumExpectedOps = 2;
bulk_fill_rect_create_test(reporter, context, runOfNonAA, GrAAType::kCoverage,
2*GrResourceProvider::MaxNumAAQuads(), kNumExpectedOps);