blob: 55c4e758915cca27a3632ae0fdb9a6c8ef0aa88b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLDefines.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLLayout.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLModifiers.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLProgramKind.h"
#include "include/private/SkStringView.h"
#include "include/sksl/SkSLErrorReporter.h"
#include "include/sksl/SkSLPosition.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLBuiltinTypes.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLContext.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLModifiersPool.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLProgramSettings.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSymbolTable.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLType.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariable.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
namespace SkSL {
static bool check_modifiers(const Context& context,
Position pos,
const Modifiers& modifiers) {
const int permitted = Modifiers::kInline_Flag |
Modifiers::kNoInline_Flag |
(context.fConfig->fIsBuiltinCode ? (Modifiers::kES3_Flag |
Modifiers::kPure_Flag) : 0);
modifiers.checkPermitted(context, pos, permitted, /*permittedLayoutFlags=*/0);
if ((modifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kInline_Flag) &&
(modifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kNoInline_Flag)) {
context.fErrors->error(pos, "functions cannot be both 'inline' and 'noinline'");
return false;
return true;
static bool check_return_type(const Context& context, Position pos, const Type& returnType) {
ErrorReporter& errors = *context.fErrors;
if (returnType.isArray()) {
errors.error(pos, "functions may not return type '" + returnType.displayName() + "'");
return false;
if (context.fConfig->strictES2Mode() && returnType.isOrContainsArray()) {
errors.error(pos, "functions may not return structs containing arrays");
return false;
if (!context.fConfig->fIsBuiltinCode && returnType.componentType().isOpaque()) {
errors.error(pos, "functions may not return opaque type '" + returnType.displayName() +
return false;
return true;
static bool check_parameters(const Context& context,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Variable>>& parameters,
bool isMain) {
auto typeIsValidForColor = [&](const Type& type) {
return type.matches(*context.fTypes.fHalf4) || type.matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat4);
// The first color parameter passed to main() is the input color; the second is the dest color.
static constexpr int kBuiltinColorIDs[] = {SK_INPUT_COLOR_BUILTIN, SK_DEST_COLOR_BUILTIN};
unsigned int builtinColorIndex = 0;
// Check modifiers on each function parameter.
for (auto& param : parameters) {
const Type& type = param->type();
int permittedFlags = Modifiers::kConst_Flag | Modifiers::kIn_Flag;
if (!type.isOpaque()) {
permittedFlags |= Modifiers::kOut_Flag;
if (type.typeKind() == Type::TypeKind::kTexture) {
permittedFlags |= Modifiers::kReadOnly_Flag | Modifiers::kWriteOnly_Flag;
// Only the (builtin) declarations of 'sample' are allowed to have shader/colorFilter or FP
// parameters. You can pass other opaque types to functions safely; this restriction is
// specific to "child" objects.
if (type.isEffectChild() && !context.fConfig->fIsBuiltinCode) {
context.fErrors->error(param->fPosition, "parameters of type '" + type.displayName() +
"' not allowed");
return false;
Modifiers m = param->modifiers();
bool modifiersChanged = false;
// The `in` modifier on function parameters is implicit, so we can replace `in float x` with
// `float x`. This prevents any ambiguity when matching a function by its param types.
if (Modifiers::kIn_Flag == (m.fFlags & (Modifiers::kOut_Flag | Modifiers::kIn_Flag))) {
m.fFlags &= ~(Modifiers::kOut_Flag | Modifiers::kIn_Flag);
modifiersChanged = true;
if (isMain) {
if (ProgramConfig::IsRuntimeEffect(context.fConfig->fKind) &&
context.fConfig->fKind != ProgramKind::kMeshFragment &&
context.fConfig->fKind != ProgramKind::kMeshVertex) {
// We verify that the signature is fully correct later. For now, if this is a
// runtime effect of any flavor, a float2 param is supposed to be the coords, and a
// half4/float parameter is supposed to be the input or destination color:
if (type.matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat2)) {
m.fLayout.fBuiltin = SK_MAIN_COORDS_BUILTIN;
modifiersChanged = true;
} else if (typeIsValidForColor(type) &&
builtinColorIndex < std::size(kBuiltinColorIDs)) {
m.fLayout.fBuiltin = kBuiltinColorIDs[builtinColorIndex++];
modifiersChanged = true;
} else if (ProgramConfig::IsFragment(context.fConfig->fKind)) {
// For testing purposes, we have .sksl inputs that are treated as both runtime
// effects and fragment shaders. To make that work, fragment shaders are allowed to
// have a coords parameter.
if (type.matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat2)) {
m.fLayout.fBuiltin = SK_MAIN_COORDS_BUILTIN;
modifiersChanged = true;
if (modifiersChanged) {
return true;
static bool check_main_signature(const Context& context, Position pos, const Type& returnType,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Variable>>& parameters) {
ErrorReporter& errors = *context.fErrors;
ProgramKind kind = context.fConfig->fKind;
auto typeIsValidForColor = [&](const Type& type) {
return type.matches(*context.fTypes.fHalf4) || type.matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat4);
auto typeIsValidForAttributes = [&](const Type& type) {
return type.isStruct() && == "Attributes";
auto typeIsValidForVaryings = [&](const Type& type) {
return type.isStruct() && == "Varyings";
auto paramIsCoords = [&](int idx) {
const Variable& p = *parameters[idx];
return p.type().matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat2) &&
p.modifiers().fFlags == 0 &&
p.modifiers().fLayout.fBuiltin == SK_MAIN_COORDS_BUILTIN;
auto paramIsBuiltinColor = [&](int idx, int builtinID) {
const Variable& p = *parameters[idx];
return typeIsValidForColor(p.type()) &&
p.modifiers().fFlags == 0 &&
p.modifiers().fLayout.fBuiltin == builtinID;
auto paramIsInAttributes = [&](int idx) {
const Variable& p = *parameters[idx];
return typeIsValidForAttributes(p.type()) && p.modifiers().fFlags == 0;
auto paramIsOutVaryings = [&](int idx) {
const Variable& p = *parameters[idx];
return typeIsValidForVaryings(p.type()) && p.modifiers().fFlags == Modifiers::kOut_Flag;
auto paramIsInVaryings = [&](int idx) {
const Variable& p = *parameters[idx];
return typeIsValidForVaryings(p.type()) && p.modifiers().fFlags == 0;
auto paramIsOutColor = [&](int idx) {
const Variable& p = *parameters[idx];
return typeIsValidForColor(p.type()) && p.modifiers().fFlags == Modifiers::kOut_Flag;
auto paramIsInputColor = [&](int n) { return paramIsBuiltinColor(n, SK_INPUT_COLOR_BUILTIN); };
auto paramIsDestColor = [&](int n) { return paramIsBuiltinColor(n, SK_DEST_COLOR_BUILTIN); };
switch (kind) {
case ProgramKind::kRuntimeColorFilter: {
// (half4|float4) main(half4|float4)
if (!typeIsValidForColor(returnType)) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' must return: 'vec4', 'float4', or 'half4'");
return false;
bool validParams = (parameters.size() == 1 && paramIsInputColor(0));
if (!validParams) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' parameter must be 'vec4', 'float4', or 'half4'");
return false;
case ProgramKind::kRuntimeShader:
case ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeShader: {
// (half4|float4) main(float2)
if (!typeIsValidForColor(returnType)) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' must return: 'vec4', 'float4', or 'half4'");
return false;
if (!(parameters.size() == 1 && paramIsCoords(0))) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' parameter must be 'float2' or 'vec2'");
return false;
case ProgramKind::kRuntimeBlender: {
// (half4|float4) main(half4|float4, half4|float4)
if (!typeIsValidForColor(returnType)) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' must return: 'vec4', 'float4', or 'half4'");
return false;
if (!(parameters.size() == 2 &&
paramIsInputColor(0) &&
paramIsDestColor(1))) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' parameters must be (vec4|float4|half4, "
return false;
case ProgramKind::kMeshVertex: {
// float2 main(Attributes, out Varyings)
if (!returnType.matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat2)) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' must return: 'vec2' or 'float2'");
return false;
if (!(parameters.size() == 2 && paramIsInAttributes(0) && paramIsOutVaryings(1))) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' parameters must be (Attributes, out Varyings");
return false;
case ProgramKind::kMeshFragment: {
// float2 main(Varyings) -or- float2 main(Varyings, out half4|float4) -or-
// void main(Varyings) -or- void main(Varyings, out half4|float4)
if (!returnType.matches(*context.fTypes.fFloat2) &&
!returnType.matches(*context.fTypes.fVoid)) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' must return: 'vec2', 'float2', 'or' 'void'");
return false;
if (!((parameters.size() == 1 && paramIsInVaryings(0)) ||
(parameters.size() == 2 && paramIsInVaryings(0) && paramIsOutColor(1)))) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' parameters must be (Varyings, (out (half4|float4))?)");
return false;
case ProgramKind::kGeneric:
// No rules apply here
case ProgramKind::kFragment:
case ProgramKind::kGraphiteFragment: {
bool validParams = (parameters.size() == 0) ||
(parameters.size() == 1 && paramIsCoords(0));
if (!validParams) {
errors.error(pos, "shader 'main' must be main() or main(float2)");
return false;
case ProgramKind::kVertex:
case ProgramKind::kGraphiteVertex:
case ProgramKind::kCompute:
if (!returnType.matches(*context.fTypes.fVoid)) {
errors.error(pos, "'main' must return 'void'");
return false;
if (parameters.size()) {
errors.error(pos, "shader 'main' must have zero parameters");
return false;
return true;
* Given a concrete type (`float3`) and a generic type (`$genType`), returns the index of the
* concrete type within the generic type's typelist. Returns -1 if there is no match.
static int find_generic_index(const Type& concreteType,
const Type& genericType,
bool allowNarrowing) {
SkSpan<const Type* const> genericTypes = genericType.coercibleTypes();
for (size_t index = 0; index < genericTypes.size(); ++index) {
if (concreteType.canCoerceTo(*genericTypes[index], allowNarrowing)) {
return index;
return -1;
/** Returns true if the types match, or if `concreteType` can be found in `maybeGenericType`. */
static bool type_generically_matches(const Type& concreteType, const Type& maybeGenericType) {
return maybeGenericType.isGeneric()
? find_generic_index(concreteType, maybeGenericType, /*allowNarrowing=*/false) != -1
: concreteType.matches(maybeGenericType);
* Checks a parameter list (params) against the parameters of a function that was declared earlier
* (otherParams). Returns true if they match, even if the parameters in `otherParams` contain
* generic types.
static bool parameters_match(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Variable>>& params,
const std::vector<const Variable*>& otherParams) {
// If the param lists are different lengths, they're definitely not a match.
if (params.size() != otherParams.size()) {
return false;
// Figure out a consistent generic index (or bail if we find a contradiction).
int genericIndex = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
const Type* paramType = &params[i]->type();
const Type* otherParamType = &otherParams[i]->type();
if (otherParamType->isGeneric()) {
int genericIndexForThisParam = find_generic_index(*paramType, *otherParamType,
if (genericIndexForThisParam == -1) {
// The type wasn't a match for this generic at all; these params can't be a match.
return false;
if (genericIndex != -1 && genericIndex != genericIndexForThisParam) {
// The generic index mismatches from what we determined on a previous parameter.
return false;
genericIndex = genericIndexForThisParam;
// Now that we've determined a generic index (if we needed one), do a parameter check.
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
const Type* paramType = &params[i]->type();
const Type* otherParamType = &otherParams[i]->type();
// Make generic types concrete.
if (otherParamType->isGeneric()) {
SkASSERT(genericIndex != -1);
SkASSERT(genericIndex < (int)otherParamType->coercibleTypes().size());
otherParamType = otherParamType->coercibleTypes()[genericIndex];
// Detect type mismatches.
if (!paramType->matches(*otherParamType)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks for a previously existing declaration of this function, reporting errors if there is an
* incompatible symbol. Returns true and sets outExistingDecl to point to the existing declaration
* (or null if none) on success, returns false on error.
static bool find_existing_declaration(const Context& context,
SymbolTable& symbols,
Position pos,
std::string_view name,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Variable>>& parameters,
Position returnTypePos,
const Type* returnType,
const FunctionDeclaration** outExistingDecl) {
ErrorReporter& errors = *context.fErrors;
const Symbol* entry = symbols[name];
*outExistingDecl = nullptr;
if (entry) {
if (!entry->is<FunctionDeclaration>()) {
errors.error(pos, "symbol '" + std::string(name) + "' was already defined");
return false;
for (const FunctionDeclaration* other = &entry->as<FunctionDeclaration>();
other; other = other->nextOverload()) {
SkASSERT(name == other->name());
if (!parameters_match(parameters, other->parameters())) {
if (!type_generically_matches(*returnType, other->returnType())) {
std::vector<const Variable*> paramPtrs;
for (std::unique_ptr<Variable>& param : parameters) {
FunctionDeclaration invalidDecl(pos,
"functions '" + invalidDecl.description() + "' and '" +
other->description() + "' differ only in return type");
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
if (parameters[i]->modifiers() != other->parameters()[i]->modifiers()) {
errors.error(parameters[i]->fPosition, "modifiers on parameter " +
std::to_string(i + 1) + " differ between declaration and definition");
return false;
if (other->definition() || other->isBuiltin()) {
errors.error(pos, "duplicate definition of " + other->description());
return false;
*outExistingDecl = other;
return true;
FunctionDeclaration::FunctionDeclaration(Position pos,
const Modifiers* modifiers,
std::string_view name,
std::vector<const Variable*> parameters,
const Type* returnType,
bool builtin)
: INHERITED(pos, kSymbolKind, name, /*type=*/nullptr)
, fDefinition(nullptr)
, fModifiers(modifiers)
, fParameters(std::move(parameters))
, fReturnType(returnType)
, fBuiltin(builtin)
, fIsMain(name == "main")
, fIntrinsicKind(builtin ? FindIntrinsicKind(name) : kNotIntrinsic) {
// None of the parameters are allowed to be be null.
SkASSERT(std::count(fParameters.begin(), fParameters.end(), nullptr) == 0);
const FunctionDeclaration* FunctionDeclaration::Convert(
const Context& context,
SymbolTable& symbols,
Position pos,
Position modifiersPosition,
const Modifiers* modifiers,
std::string_view name,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Variable>> parameters,
Position returnTypePos,
const Type* returnType) {
bool isMain = (name == "main");
const FunctionDeclaration* decl = nullptr;
if (!check_modifiers(context, modifiersPosition, *modifiers) ||
!check_return_type(context, returnTypePos, *returnType) ||
!check_parameters(context, parameters, isMain) ||
(isMain && !check_main_signature(context, pos, *returnType, parameters)) ||
!find_existing_declaration(context, symbols, pos, name, parameters, returnTypePos,
returnType, &decl)) {
return nullptr;
std::vector<const Variable*> finalParameters;
for (std::unique_ptr<Variable>& param : parameters) {
if (decl) {
return decl;
auto result = std::make_unique<FunctionDeclaration>(pos,
return symbols.add(std::move(result));
std::string FunctionDeclaration::mangledName() const {
if ((this->isBuiltin() && !this->definition()) || this->isMain()) {
// Builtins without a definition (like `sin` or `sqrt`) must use their real names.
return std::string(this->name());
// Built-in functions can have a $ prefix, which will fail to compile in GLSL. Remove the
// $ and add a unique mangling specifier, so user code can't conflict with the name.
std::string_view name = this->name();
const char* builtinMarker = "";
if (skstd::starts_with(name, '$')) {
builtinMarker = "Q"; // a unique, otherwise-unused mangle character
// Rename function to `funcname_returntypeparamtypes`.
std::string result = std::string(name) + "_" + builtinMarker +
for (const Variable* p : this->parameters()) {
result += p->type().abbreviatedName();
return result;
std::string FunctionDeclaration::description() const {
// We don't want to show `$pure` and `$es3` on function descriptions, even if it's true.
int modifierFlags = this->modifiers().fFlags;
modifierFlags &= ~(Modifiers::kPure_Flag | Modifiers::kES3_Flag);
std::string result =
(modifierFlags ? Modifiers::DescribeFlags(modifierFlags) + " " : std::string()) +
this->returnType().displayName() + " " + std::string(this->name()) + "(";
std::string separator;
for (const Variable* p : this->parameters()) {
result += separator;
separator = ", ";
result += p->type().displayName();
result += " ";
result += p->name();
result += ")";
return result;
bool FunctionDeclaration::matches(const FunctionDeclaration& f) const {
if (this->name() != {
return false;
const std::vector<const Variable*>& parameters = this->parameters();
const std::vector<const Variable*>& otherParameters = f.parameters();
if (parameters.size() != otherParameters.size()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
if (!parameters[i]->type().matches(otherParameters[i]->type())) {
return false;
return true;
bool FunctionDeclaration::determineFinalTypes(const ExpressionArray& arguments,
ParamTypes* outParameterTypes,
const Type** outReturnType) const {
const std::vector<const Variable*>& parameters = this->parameters();
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == parameters.size());
int genericIndex = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
// Non-generic parameters are final as-is.
const Type& parameterType = parameters[i]->type();
if (!parameterType.isGeneric()) {
// We use the first generic parameter we find to lock in the generic index;
// e.g. if we find `float3` here, all `$genType`s will be assumed to be `float3`.
if (genericIndex == -1) {
genericIndex = find_generic_index(arguments[i]->type(), parameterType,
if (genericIndex == -1) {
// The passed-in type wasn't a match for ANY of the generic possibilities.
// This function isn't a match at all.
return false;
// Apply the generic index to our return type.
const Type& returnType = this->returnType();
if (returnType.isGeneric()) {
if (genericIndex == -1) {
// We don't support functions with a generic return type and no other generics.
return false;
*outReturnType = returnType.coercibleTypes()[genericIndex];
} else {
*outReturnType = &returnType;
return true;
} // namespace SkSL