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Name Strings
Bill Licea-Kane
Evan Hart
and contributors to the arb-gl2 working groups, the product
of which provided the basis for this spec.
Bill Licea-Kane, ATI Research (bill 'at'
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
IP Status
No known IP issues.
Complete. Approved by the ARB on May 13, 2009.
Last Modified Date: April 13, 2011
Revision: 11
ARB Extension #60
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0 Specification.
This extension is written against The OpenGL Shading Language,
Language Version 1.10, Document Revision 59.
ARB_shader_objects is required.
This extension interacts with ATI_shader_texture_lod.
This extension interacts with ARB_texture_rectangle.
This extension interacts with EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.
This extension adds additional texture functions to the
OpenGL Shading Language which provide the shader writer
with explicit control of LOD.
Mipmap texture fetches and anisotropic texture fetches
require an implicit derivatives to calculate rho, lambda
and/or the line of anisotropy. These implicit derivatives
will be undefined for texture fetches occurring inside
non-uniform control flow or for vertex shader texture
fetches, resulting in undefined texels.
The additional texture functions introduced with
this extension provide explict control of LOD
(isotropic texture functions) or provide explicit
derivatives (anisotropic texture functions).
Anisotropic texture functions return defined texels
for mipmap texture fetches or anisotropic texture fetches,
even inside non-uniform control flow. Isotropic texture
functions return defined texels for mipmap texture fetches,
even inside non-uniform control flow. However, isotropic
texture functions return undefined texels for anisotropic
texture fetches.
The existing isotropic vertex texture functions:
texture1DLod, texture1DProjLod,
texture2DLod, texture2DProjLod,
texture3DLod, texture3DProjLod,
shadow1DLod, shadow1DProjLod,
shadow2DLod, shadow2DProjLod,
are added to the built-in functions for fragment shaders.
New anisotropic texture functions, providing explicit
texture1DGradARB( sampler1D sampler,
float P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
texture1DProjGradARB( sampler1D sampler,
vec2 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
texture1DProjGradARB( sampler1D sampler,
vec4 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
texture2DGradARB( sampler2D sampler,
vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DProjGradARB( sampler2D sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DProjGradARB( sampler2D sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture3DGradARB( sampler3D sampler,
vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy );
texture3DProjGradARB( sampler3D sampler,
vec4 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy );
textureCubeGradARB( samplerCube sampler,
vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy );
shadow1DGradARB( sampler1DShadow sampler,
vec3 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
shadow1DProjGradARB( sampler1DShadow sampler,
vec4 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
shadow2DGradARB( sampler2DShadow sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
shadow2DProjGradARB( sampler2DShadow sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DRectGradARB( sampler2DRect sampler,
vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DRectProjGradARB( sampler2DRect sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DRectProjGradARB( sampler2DRect sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
shadow2DRectGradARB( sampler2DRectShadow sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
shadow2DRectProjGradARB( sampler2DRectShadow sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
are added to the built-in functions for vertex shaders
and fragment shaders.
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
In Section 3.8.8, replace the final paragraph on p. 171 with:
"Let s(x, y) be the function that associates an s texture coordinate
with each set of window coordinates (x, y) that lie within a
primitive; define t(x, y) and r(x, y) analogously. For a
one-dimensional texture, define t(x, y) = 0 and r(x, y) = 0; for a
two-dimensional texture, define r(x, y) = 0.
Let u(x, y) = wt * s(x, y), v(x, y) = ht * t(x, y), and
w(x, y) = dt * r(x, y), where wt, ht, and dt are as defined by equations
3.15, 3.16, and 3.17 with ws, hs, and ds equal to the width, height,
and depth of the image array whose level is levelbase. However, for
rectangular textures let u(x, y) = s(x, y), v(x, y) = t(x, y), and
w(x, y) = r(x, y)."
dUdx = wt*dSdx; dUdy = wt*dSdy;
dVdx = ht*dTdx; dVdy = ht*dTdy;
dWdx = dt*dRdx; dWdy = dt*dRdx; (3.21a)
where dSdx indicates the derivative of s with respect to window x,
and similarly for the other derivatives, and
For a rectangular texture, let
dUdx = dSdx; dUdy = dSdy;
dVdx = dTdx; dVdy = dTdy;
dWdx = 0.0; (3.21b)
For a polygon, rho is given at a fragment with window coordinates
(x, y) by
rho = max (
sqrt(dUdx*dUdx + dVdx*dVdx + dWdx*dWdx),
sqrt(dUdy*dUdy + dVdy*dVdy + dWdy*dWdy)
); (3.21c)"
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations
and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and State
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Additions to version 1.10.59 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
"A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL Shading Language:
#define GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod 1
Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
language features described in this extension:
#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : <behavior>
Where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.3."
Additions to Chapter 8 of version 1.10.59 of the OpenGL Shading Language
8.7 Texture Lookup Functions
Delete the last paragraph, and replace with:
"For the "Lod" functions, lod specifies lambda_base (see equation 3.18 in
The OpenGL 2.0 Specification) and specifies dSdx, dTdx, dRdx = 0 and
dSdy, dTdy, and dRdy = 0 (see equation 3.21a and 3.21b. in The OpenGL
2.0 Specification). The "Lod" functions are allowed in a vertex shader.
If enabled by the preprocessor directive #extension, the "Lod" functions
are also allowed in a fragment shader.
For the "Grad" functions, dPdx is the explicit derivative of P with respect
to window x, and similarly dPdy with respect to window y. For the “ProjGrad”
functions, dPdx is the explicit derivative of the projected P with respect
to window x, and similarly for dPdy with respect to window y. For a
one-dimensional texture, dPdx and dPdy are float. For a two-dimensional
texture, dPdx and dPdy are vec2. Otherwise, dPdx and dPdy are vec3.
dSdx = dPdx.s;
dSdy = dPdy.s;
/ 0.0; for one-dimensional texture
dTdx = (
\ dPdx.t; otherwise
/ 0.0; for one-dimensional texture
dTdy = (
\ dPdy.t; otherwise
/ 0.0; for one-dimenstional or two-dimensional texture
dRdx = ( (including rectangular texture)
\ dPdx.p; otherwise
(including cubemap texture)
/ 0.0; for one dimensional or two-dimensional texture
dRdy = ( (including rectangular texture)
\ dPdy.p; otherwise
(including cubemap texture)
(See equation 3.21a and 3.21b in The OpenGL 2.0 Specification).
If enabled by the preprocessor directive #extension, the "Grad" functions
are allowed in vertex and fragment shaders.
All other texture functions may require implicit derivatives. Implicit
derivatives are undefined within non-uniform control flow or for vertex
shader texture fetches."
Add the following entries to the texture function table:
texture1DGradARB( sampler1D sampler,
float P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
texture1DProjGradARB( sampler1D sampler,
vec2 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
texture1DProjGradARB( sampler1D sampler,
vec4 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
texture2DGradARB( sampler2D sampler,
vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DProjGradARB( sampler2D sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DProjGradARB( sampler2D sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture3DGradARB( sampler3D sampler,
vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy );
texture3DProjGradARB( sampler3D sampler,
vec4 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy );
textureCubeGradARB( samplerCube sampler,
vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy );
shadow1DGradARB( sampler1DShadow sampler,
vec3 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
shadow1DProjGradARB( sampler1DShadow sampler,
vec4 P, float dPdx, float dPdy );
shadow2DGradARB( sampler2DShadow sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
shadow2DProjGradARB( sampler2DShadow sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DRectGradARB( sampler2DRect sampler,
vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DRectProjGradARB( sampler2DRect sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
texture2DRectProjGradARB( sampler2DRect sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
shadow2DRectGradARB( sampler2DRectShadow sampler,
vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
shadow2DRectProjGradARB( sampler2DRectShadow sampler,
vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy );
Interactions with ATI_texture_shader_lod
Each texture function added to the texture function table
by ATI_texture_shader_lod is suffixed with "_ATI".
The equivalent texture functions added to the texture
function table by this extension are suffixed with "GradARB".
It is anticipated that this extension might get promoted
to core. The promoted texture functions added to the
texture function table would then be suffixed with "Grad".
Note that ATI_texture_shader_lod does not contain the
interactions with ARB_texture_rectangle and EXT_texture_anisotropic.
Nor does it overload the texture2DRect and shadow2DRect functions.
This extension is a slight superset of ATI_texture_shader_lod.
Interactions with ARB_texture_rectangle
If ARB_texture_rectangle is not supported, delete references
to rectangular textures and references to equation 3.21b.
Interactions with EXT_texture_anisotropic
The Lod functions set the derivatives ds/dx, dt/dx, dr/dx,
dx/dy, dt/dy, and dr/dy = 0. Therefore Rhox and Rhoy = 0
0, Rhomax and Rhomin = 0.
(1) What should this extension be called?
RESOLVED: ARB_shader_texture_lod
(2) There are several existing built-in functions we
could use. Should we use them, and do we need to
name decorate them with suffix _ARB?
It makes sense to use the existing built-ins suffixed
with "Lod." We will simply drop the restriction that
they are allowed only in the vertex shader.
Since this extension simply extends the scope of
the functions, I don't think we need to suffix with _ARB.
RESOLVED: Yes, use existing "Lod" built-in names without
an _ARB suffix.
(3) Should we add additional texture functions with derivative
There are two approaches.
Existing texture functions could be overloaded to
accept optional derivatives. (Similar to the Lod bias
texture functions.) These names *should* probably
be name decorated with the suffix ARB."
New texture functions suffixed with GradARB
could be added.
The advantage of overloading the existing functions
is it reduces the plethora of texture function names.
The disadvantage of overloading the existing functions
is that not all of the existing texture functions
make sense with explicit derivatives. (Example,
projective texture fetch with explict derivatives.)
We have two sets of precedent here. The existing absolute
LOD texture functions use explicit name decoration.
The existing LOD bias texture functions use overloading.
RESOLVED: We will use existing built-in texture functions
suffixed with "Lod" *WITHOUT* name decoration for absolute
LOD functions.
We will use existing built-in texture functions suffixed with
GradARB for derivatives.
We establish a precedent that new texture functions
will have explicit names. The existing LOD bias texture
functions are exceptions to the precedent.
(4) What is done with the vec3 dPdx and vec3 dPdy for
cube map texture fetches?
For cube maps, it is incorrect to simply say "dPdx
specificies ds/dx, dt/dx, and dr/dx, and dPdy specifies
ds/dy, dt/dy and dr/dy (see equation 3.21a in The
OpenGL 2.0 Specification)."
This is currently tough to specify given the core specification.
3.8.6 covers cube map face selection and transformation of
the incoming rx, ry, rz to s and t.
3.8.8 covers derivatives, and states:
"Let s(x, y) be the function that associates an s texture
coordinate with each set of window coordinates (x, y) that
lie within a primitive; define t(x, y) and r(x, y) analogously."
Because of the cube mape face selection of 3.8.6, s(x, y)
and t(x, y) may be discontinuous within a primitive. A discontinuous
function has undefined derivatives at the discontinuity. (This
discontinuity occurs at the cube map edges.)
The core spec is silent on how this discontinuity may be resolved.
Nor does the core spec provide an alternative method for calculating
rho given the continuous original rx, ry, rz, and their well
specified derivatives (dPdx and dPdy).
The changes required to the core spec are substantial and may
require much discussion on the tradeoffs between tightly
specifying a method and providing sufficient freedom for implementers.
RESOLVED: For now, we will leave this as unspecified.
Implementors are cautioned to take sufficient steps so
that the calculation of rho based on explicit dPdx
and dPdy provides comparable quality to the existing
implicit derivative methods.
(5) Should the projective versions of the anisotropic texture
functions be added?
ATI_shader_texture_lod resolved issue 3 to use overloaded
functions (opposite of the way issue 3 is resolved here),
including overloading the projective texture functions.
We have insufficient feedback to permit removing them in this
extension. We err on the side of caution and keep them.
This extension is therefore a functional equivalent to
ATI_shader_texture_lod. (Slight superset, see issue 6.)
RESOLVED: Add them since ATI_shader_texture_lod introduced
overloaded versions.
(6) Should anisotropic rectangular texture functions be added?
Even though derivatives are not required for Lod selection
for rectangular textures (there is only the baselevel for
rectangular textures) the derivatives are required for
anisotropic texture fetches. (Perhaps
ARB_texture_rectangle should have an interaction with
EXT_texture_anisotropic clarifying this.)
ATI_shader_texture_lod is silent on these interactions.
Adding the interactions and functions makes this extension
a slight superset of ATI_shader_texture_lod.
RESOLVED: Add them.
(7) How are ProjGrad functions handled?
The dPdx and dPdy derivatives are of the projected P. The shader
writer is responsible for this projection. That is, for a 2D
texture, dPdx = dFdx( ); dPdy = dFdy( );
Revision History:
10 - 2011-04-13 (Jon Leech)
* Remove nonexistent textureCubProjLod from list of existing
isotropic vertex texture functions (Khronos Bug 7205).
9 - 2010-12-09 (Jon Leech)
* Corrected typos where 1D texture functions were specified
as taking sampler2D parameters (Khronos Bug 7008).
8 - 2009-05-24 (Jon Leech)
* Added to the Registry
* Corrected minor typos
7 - 2007-08-22
* Shipping status.
6 - 2006-07-06
* Clarified ProjGrad.
* Added issue 7.
* Clarified cubemap.
5 - 2006-06-08
* u(x,y),v(x,y) and w(x,y) are used for wrap calculations.
Their definitions (with ARB_texture_rectangle interaction)
are restored.
* Clean up defined/undefined language of functions in
4 - 2006-05-25
* Follow ASCII conventions. See examples in core
spec equations 3.23, 3.24, & 3.25 and EXT_texture_3D.
3 - 2006-05-25
* Add #extension and #define
* Explicitly reference page/paragraph in core edits.
* Rework texture function descriptions. Add language
to shading language spec that makes it clear that the
extension must be enabled for the functions to be
2 - 2006-05-25
* Name changes.
* Added interaction with ARB_texture_rectangle.
* Added interaction with EXT_texture_anisotropic.
* Clarified that implicit derivatives are undefined
within non-uniform control flow and the vertex shader.
* Relocated issues to the tail of the spec.
1 - 2006-05-17
Initial ARB version