blob: 196be52b1760f79e99eab2ed0e6efdfbf5c9e1bf [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Makefile -*- for libcharset/lib on VMS using the MMS utility
#### Start of system configuration section. ####
# Directories used by "make install":
prefix = SYS$DATA:[
exec_prefix = $(prefix)
libdir = $(exec_prefix).lib
# Programs used by "make":
CC = cc
# These flags affect binary compatibility. GNU gettext does not need them,
# but other packages do, and we need to be binary compatible with them.
ABIFLAGS = /name=(as_is,short) /float=ieee
WARN_CFLAGS = /warning
OPTIMFLAGS = /optimize
INCLUDES = /include=([],[-],[-.include])
AR = library
AR_FLAGS = /create
LN = copy
RM = delete
# Programs used by "make install":
INSTALL = copy
#### End of system configuration section. ####
OBJECTS = localcharset.obj,relocatable.obj
all : charset.olb
write sys$output "Nothing else to be done for 'all'."
localcharset.obj : localcharset.c
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) /define=($(DEFS)) localcharset.c
relocatable.obj : relocatable.c
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) /define=($(DEFS)) relocatable.c
charset.olb : $(OBJECTS)
$(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) charset.olb $(OBJECTS)
install : all
create /directory $(prefix)]
create /directory $(exec_prefix)]
create /directory $(libdir)]
$(INSTALL_DATA) charset.olb $(libdir)]charset.olb
installdirs :
create /directory $(prefix)]
create /directory $(exec_prefix)]
create /directory $(libdir)]
uninstall :
$(RM) $(libdir)]charset.olb
check : all
write sys$output "Nothing else to be done for 'check'."
mostlyclean : clean
write sys$output "Nothing else to be done for 'mostlyclean'."
clean :
$(RM) *.obj;*
$(RM) *.olb;*
distclean : clean
write sys$output "Nothing else to be done for 'distclean'."
maintainer-clean : distclean
write sys$output "Nothing else to be done for 'maintainer-clean'."