blob: 02e6cfb543fa5c66fb4ccf05f36fd9e5f1e5953a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
## This file specifies the files and directories that can usually occur in a
## developer build of this Git repository.
## Reference:
## When we say, "files", it actually means files and directories. By
## convention, directories are marked through a trailing first and listed
## first in each category.
# Files brought in by gnulib-tool:
# Cached parameters of gnulib-tool:
# Files brought in by "automake --add-missing --copy":
# Other files brought in by
# ---------- "make -f Makefile.devel totally-clean" gets you here ----------
# Files generated by the autotools:
# Built by Makefile.devel.
# Built by libcharset/Makefile.devel.
# Files generated by "make -f Makefile.devel" and even kept by "make maintainer-clean":
# Built by Makefile.devel.
# Built by libcharset/Makefile.devel.
# ---------- "make maintainerclean" gets you here ----------
# Files generated by "make" and distributed
# (i.e. kept by "make distclean")
# (see MAINTAINERCLEANFILES in and, if present, Makefile.gnulib):
# Files generated by "make", using msgfmt.
# ---------- "make distclean" ought to get you here ----------
# Directories generated by "make" and mistakenly distributed
# (i.e. mistakenly kept by "make distclean"):
# ---------- "make distclean" gets you here ----------
# Files generated by "configure" and not distributed
# (i.e. erased by "make distclean"):
# Erased by Makefile.
# Erased by libcharset/Makefile.
# Erased by libcharset/lib/Makefile.
# Erased by lib/Makefile.
# Erased by srclib/Makefile.
# Erased by src/Makefile.
# Erased by po/Makefile.
# Erased by man/Makefile.
# Erased by tests/Makefile.
# Files generated by "make" and not distributed
# (i.e. erased by "make distclean").
# Erased by libcharset/Makefile.
# ---------- "make clean" gets you here ----------
# Files generated by "make" and erased by "make clean"
# (see CLEANFILES in and, if present, Makefile.gnulib):
# ---------- "make mostlyclean" gets you here ----------
# Directories generated by "make all check" and erased by "make mostlyclean":
# Files generated by "make all check" and erased by "make mostlyclean"
# (see MOSTLYCLEANFILES in and, if present, Makefile.gnulib):
# Erased by Makefile.
# Erased by libcharset/Makefile.
# Erased by libcharset/lib/Makefile.
# Erased by lib/Makefile.
# Erased by srclib/Makefile.
# Erased by src/Makefile.
# Erased by po/Makefile.
# Erased by man/Makefile.
# Erased by tests/Makefile.
# Files generated by "make dist" and erased by "make mostlyclean"
# ---------- "make all check" gets you here ----------
# Patterns for all subdirectories: all kinds of automatic backup files.