blob: 2822c39a79821b5800d6ec6e836a1bad416eef73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_Caps_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_Caps_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAlign.h"
#include "src/core/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/gpu/ResourceKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/Swizzle.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/SDFTControl.h"
class SkCapabilities;
namespace SkSL { struct ShaderCaps; }
namespace skgpu { class ShaderErrorHandler; }
namespace skgpu::graphite {
enum class BufferType : int;
struct ContextOptions;
class ComputePipelineDesc;
class GraphicsPipelineDesc;
class GraphiteResourceKey;
struct RenderPassDesc;
class TextureInfo;
class TextureProxy;
struct ResourceBindingRequirements {
// The required data layout rules for the contents of a uniform buffer.
Layout fUniformBufferLayout = Layout::kInvalid;
// The required data layout rules for the contents of a storage buffer.
Layout fStorageBufferLayout = Layout::kInvalid;
// Whether combined texture-sampler types are supported. Backends that do not support
// combined image samplers (i.e. sampler2D) require a texture and sampler object to be bound
// separately and their binding indices explicitly specified in the shader text.
bool fSeparateTextureAndSamplerBinding = false;
// Whether buffer, texture, and sampler resource bindings use distinct index ranges.
bool fDistinctIndexRanges = false;
class Caps {
virtual ~Caps();
const SkSL::ShaderCaps* shaderCaps() const { return fShaderCaps.get(); }
sk_sp<SkCapabilities> capabilities() const;
virtual TextureInfo getDefaultSampledTextureInfo(SkColorType,
Mipmapped mipmapped,
Renderable) const = 0;
virtual TextureInfo getDefaultMSAATextureInfo(const TextureInfo& singleSampledInfo,
Discardable discardable) const = 0;
virtual TextureInfo getDefaultDepthStencilTextureInfo(SkEnumBitMask<DepthStencilFlags>,
uint32_t sampleCount,
Protected) const = 0;
virtual UniqueKey makeGraphicsPipelineKey(const GraphicsPipelineDesc&,
const RenderPassDesc&) const = 0;
virtual UniqueKey makeComputePipelineKey(const ComputePipelineDesc&) const = 0;
bool areColorTypeAndTextureInfoCompatible(SkColorType, const TextureInfo&) const;
bool isTexturable(const TextureInfo&) const;
virtual bool isRenderable(const TextureInfo&) const = 0;
int maxTextureSize() const { return fMaxTextureSize; }
virtual void buildKeyForTexture(SkISize dimensions,
const TextureInfo&,
GraphiteResourceKey*) const = 0;
const ResourceBindingRequirements& resourceBindingRequirements() const {
return fResourceBindingReqs;
// Returns the required alignment in bytes for the offset into a uniform buffer when binding it
// to a draw.
size_t requiredUniformBufferAlignment() const { return fRequiredUniformBufferAlignment; }
// Returns the required alignment in bytes for the offset into a storage buffer when binding it
// to a draw.
size_t requiredStorageBufferAlignment() const { return fRequiredStorageBufferAlignment; }
// Returns the required alignment in bytes for the offset and size of copies involving a buffer.
size_t requiredTransferBufferAlignment() const { return fRequiredTransferBufferAlignment; }
// Returns the aligned rowBytes when transfering to or from a Texture
size_t getAlignedTextureDataRowBytes(size_t rowBytes) const {
return SkAlignTo(rowBytes, fTextureDataRowBytesAlignment);
* Backends may have restrictions on what types of textures support Device::writePixels().
* If this returns false then the caller should implement a fallback where a temporary texture
* is created, pixels are written to it, and then that is copied or drawn into the the surface.
virtual bool supportsWritePixels(const TextureInfo& textureInfo) const = 0;
* Backends may have restrictions on what types of textures support Device::readPixels().
* If this returns false then the caller should implement a fallback where a temporary texture
* is created, the original texture is copied or drawn into it, and then pixels read from
* the temporary texture.
virtual bool supportsReadPixels(const TextureInfo& textureInfo) const = 0;
* Given a dst pixel config and a src color type what color type must the caller coax the
* the data into in order to use writePixels.
virtual SkColorType supportedWritePixelsColorType(SkColorType dstColorType,
const TextureInfo& dstTextureInfo,
SkColorType srcColorType) const = 0;
* Given a src surface's color type and its texture info as well as a color type the caller
* would like read into, this provides a legal color type that the caller can use for
* readPixels. The returned color type may differ from the passed dstColorType, in
* which case the caller must convert the read pixel data (see GrConvertPixels). When converting
* to dstColorType the swizzle in the returned struct should be applied. The caller must check
* the returned color type for kUnknown.
virtual SkColorType supportedReadPixelsColorType(SkColorType srcColorType,
const TextureInfo& srcTextureInfo,
SkColorType dstColorType) const = 0;
bool clampToBorderSupport() const { return fClampToBorderSupport; }
bool protectedSupport() const { return fProtectedSupport; }
// Returns whether storage buffers are supported.
bool storageBufferSupport() const { return fStorageBufferSupport; }
// Returns whether storage buffers are preferred over uniform buffers, when both will yield
// correct results.
bool storageBufferPreferred() const { return fStorageBufferPreferred; }
// Returns whether a draw buffer can be mapped.
bool drawBufferCanBeMapped() const { return fDrawBufferCanBeMapped; }
// Returns the skgpu::Swizzle to use when sampling or reading back from a texture with the
// passed in SkColorType and TextureInfo.
skgpu::Swizzle getReadSwizzle(SkColorType, const TextureInfo&) const;
// Returns the skgpu::Swizzle to use when writing colors to a surface with the passed in
// SkColorType and TextureInfo.
skgpu::Swizzle getWriteSwizzle(SkColorType, const TextureInfo&) const;
skgpu::ShaderErrorHandler* shaderErrorHandler() const { return fShaderErrorHandler; }
float minDistanceFieldFontSize() const { return fMinDistanceFieldFontSize; }
float glyphsAsPathsFontSize() const { return fGlyphsAsPathsFontSize; }
size_t glyphCacheTextureMaximumBytes() const { return fGlyphCacheTextureMaximumBytes; }
bool allowMultipleGlyphCacheTextures() const { return fAllowMultipleGlyphCacheTextures; }
bool supportBilerpFromGlyphAtlas() const { return fSupportBilerpFromGlyphAtlas; }
sktext::gpu::SDFTControl getSDFTControl(bool useSDFTForSmallText) const;
// Subclasses must call this at the end of their init method in order to do final processing on
// the caps.
void finishInitialization(const ContextOptions&);
// TODO: This value should be set by some context option. For now just making it 4.
uint32_t defaultMSAASamples() const { return 4; }
// There are only a few possible valid sample counts (1, 2, 4, 8, 16). So we can key on those 5
// options instead of the actual sample value.
static inline uint32_t SamplesToKey(uint32_t numSamples) {
switch (numSamples) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return 1;
case 4:
return 2;
case 8:
return 3;
case 16:
return 4;
// ColorTypeInfo for a specific format.
// Used in format tables.
struct ColorTypeInfo {
SkColorType fColorType = kUnknown_SkColorType;
SkColorType fTransferColorType = kUnknown_SkColorType;
enum {
kUploadData_Flag = 0x1,
// Does Graphite itself support rendering to this colorType & format pair. Renderability
// still additionally depends on if the format itself is renderable.
kRenderable_Flag = 0x2,
uint32_t fFlags = 0;
skgpu::Swizzle fReadSwizzle;
skgpu::Swizzle fWriteSwizzle;
int fMaxTextureSize = 0;
size_t fRequiredUniformBufferAlignment = 0;
size_t fRequiredStorageBufferAlignment = 0;
size_t fRequiredTransferBufferAlignment = 0;
size_t fTextureDataRowBytesAlignment = 1;
std::unique_ptr<SkSL::ShaderCaps> fShaderCaps;
bool fClampToBorderSupport = true;
bool fProtectedSupport = false;
bool fStorageBufferSupport = false;
bool fStorageBufferPreferred = false;
bool fDrawBufferCanBeMapped = true;
ResourceBindingRequirements fResourceBindingReqs;
// Client-provided Caps
* If present, use this object to report shader compilation failures. If not, report failures
* via SkDebugf and assert.
ShaderErrorHandler* fShaderErrorHandler = nullptr;
int fMaxTextureAtlasSize = 2048;
size_t fGlyphCacheTextureMaximumBytes = 2048 * 1024 * 4;
float fMinDistanceFieldFontSize = 18;
float fGlyphsAsPathsFontSize = 324;
bool fAllowMultipleGlyphCacheTextures = true;
bool fSupportBilerpFromGlyphAtlas = false;
virtual bool onIsTexturable(const TextureInfo&) const = 0;
virtual const ColorTypeInfo* getColorTypeInfo(SkColorType, const TextureInfo&) const = 0;
sk_sp<SkCapabilities> fCapabilities;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_Caps_DEFINED