blob: 23f0bf5e8a9c1dcc5e8f455ec234aa3947a4cf17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Adds compile-time JS functions to augment the CanvasKit interface.
// Specifically, anything that should only be on the Skottie builds of canvaskit.
// assets is a dictionary of named blobs: { key: ArrayBuffer, ... }
// The keys should be well-behaved strings - they're turned into null-terminated
// strings for the native side.
// prop_filter_prefix is an optional string acting as a name filter for selecting
// "interesting" Lottie properties (surfaced in the embedded player controls)
// soundMap is an optional object that maps string names to AudioPlayers
// AudioPlayers manage a single audio layer with a seek function
// logger is an optional logging object, expected to provide two functions:
// - onError(err_str, json_node_str)
// - onWarning(wrn_str, json_node_str)
CanvasKit.MakeManagedAnimation = function(json, assets, prop_filter_prefix, soundMap, logger) {
if (!CanvasKit._MakeManagedAnimation) {
throw 'Not compiled with MakeManagedAnimation';
if (!prop_filter_prefix) {
prop_filter_prefix = '';
if (!assets) {
return CanvasKit._MakeManagedAnimation(json, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, prop_filter_prefix,
soundMap, logger);
var assetNamePtrs = [];
var assetDataPtrs = [];
var assetSizes = [];
var assetKeys = Object.keys(assets || {});
for (var i = 0; i < assetKeys.length; i++) {
var key = assetKeys[i];
var buffer = assets[key];
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var iptr = CanvasKit._malloc(data.byteLength);
CanvasKit.HEAPU8.set(data, iptr);
// lengthBytesUTF8 and stringToUTF8Array are defined in the emscripten
// JS. See
// Add 1 for null terminator
var strLen = lengthBytesUTF8(key) + 1;
var strPtr = CanvasKit._malloc(strLen);
stringToUTF8(key, strPtr, strLen);
// Not entirely sure if it matters, but the uintptr_t are 32 bits
// we want to copy our array of uintptr_t into the right size memory.
var namesPtr = copy1dArray(assetNamePtrs, "HEAPU32");
var assetsPtr = copy1dArray(assetDataPtrs, "HEAPU32");
var assetSizesPtr = copy1dArray(assetSizes, "HEAPU32");
var anim = CanvasKit._MakeManagedAnimation(json, assetKeys.length, namesPtr,
assetsPtr, assetSizesPtr, prop_filter_prefix,
soundMap, logger);
// The C++ code has made copies of the asset and string data, so free our copies.
return anim;
CanvasKit.SlottableTextProperty = function(t) {
// Use [''] to tell closure not to minify the names
t['text'] = t['text'] || "";
t['textSize'] = t['textSize'] || 0;
t['minTextSize'] = t['minTextSize'] || 0;
t['maxTextSize'] = t['maxTextSize'] || Number.MAX_VALUE;
t['strokeWidth'] = t['strokeWidth'] || 0;
t['lineHeight'] = t['lineHeight'] || 0;
t['lineShift'] = t['lineShift'] || 0;
t['ascent'] = t['ascent'] || 0;
t['maxLines'] = t['maxLines'] || 0;
t['horizAlign'] = t['horizAlign'] || CanvasKit.TextAlign.Left;
t['vertAlign'] = t['vertAlign'] || CanvasKit.VerticalTextAlign.Top;
t['strokeJoin'] = t['strokeJoin'] || CanvasKit.StrokeJoin.Miter;
t['direction'] = t['direction'] || CanvasKit.TextDirection.LTR;
t['linebreak'] = t['linebreak'] || CanvasKit.LineBreakType.HardLineBreak;
t['resize'] = t['resize'] || CanvasKit.ResizePolicy.None;
if (!t['fillColor']) {
t['fillColor'] = CanvasKit.TRANSPARENT;
if (!t['strokeColor']) {
t['strokeColor'] = CanvasKit.TRANSPARENT;
if (!t['boundingBox']) {
t['boundingBox'] = [0,0,0,0];
return t;
CanvasKit._extraInitializations = CanvasKit._extraInitializations || [];
CanvasKit._extraInitializations.push(function() {
CanvasKit.Animation.prototype.render = function(canvas, dstRect) {
copyRectToWasm(dstRect, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
this._render(canvas, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
CanvasKit.Animation.prototype.size = function(optSize) {
// This will copy 2 floats into a space for 4 floats
var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray']();
if (optSize) {
// We cannot call optSize.set() because it is an error to call .set() with
// a source bigger than the destination.
optSize[0] = ta[0];
optSize[1] = ta[1];
return optSize;
// Be sure to return a copy of just the first 2 values.
return ta.slice(0, 2);
if (CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation) {
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.render = function(canvas, dstRect) {
copyRectToWasm(dstRect, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
this._render(canvas, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
}; = function(t, optDamageRect) {
this._seek(t, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray']();
if (optDamageRect) {
return optDamageRect;
return ta.slice();
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.seekFrame = function(frame, optDamageRect) {
this._seekFrame(frame, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray']();
if (optDamageRect) {
return optDamageRect;
return ta.slice();
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.setColor = function(key, color) {
var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color);
return this._setColor(key, cPtr);
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.setColorSlot = function(key, color) {
var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color);
return this._setColorSlot(key, cPtr);
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.getColorSlot = function(key) {
this._getColorSlot(key, _scratchColorPtr);
var fourFloats = copyColorFromWasm(_scratchColorPtr);
if (fourFloats[0] == -1) {
return null;
return fourFloats;
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.setVec2Slot = function(key, vec) {
copy1dArray(vec, 'HEAPF32', _scratchThreeFloatsAPtr);
return this._setVec2Slot(key, _scratchThreeFloatsAPtr);
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.getVec2Slot = function(key) {
this._getVec2Slot(key, _scratchThreeFloatsAPtr);
var ta = _scratchThreeFloatsA['toTypedArray']();
if (ta[2] === -1) {
return null;
return ta.slice(0, 2);
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.setTextSlot = function(key, textValue) {
var fillPtr = copyColorToWasm(textValue['fillColor'], _scratchColorPtr);
var strokePtr = copyColorToWasm(textValue['strokeColor'], _scratchFourFloatsAPtr);
var boxPtr = copyRectToWasm(textValue['boundingBox'], _scratchFourFloatsBPtr);
textValue['_fillColorPtr'] = fillPtr;
textValue['_strokeColorPtr'] = strokePtr;
textValue['_boundingBoxPtr'] = boxPtr;
return this._setTextSlot(key, textValue);
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.setTransform = function(key, anchor, position, scale, rotation, skew, skew_axis) {
let transformData = [anchor[0], anchor[1], position[0], position[1], scale[0], scale[1], rotation, skew, skew_axis];
const tPtr = copy1dArray(transformData, 'HEAPF32', _scratch3x3MatrixPtr);
return this._setTransform(key, tPtr);
CanvasKit.ManagedAnimation.prototype.size = function(optSize) {
// This will copy 2 floats into a space for 4 floats
var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray']();
if (optSize) {
// We cannot call optSize.set() because it is an error to call .set() with
// a source bigger than the destination.
optSize[0] = ta[0];
optSize[1] = ta[1];
return optSize;
// Be sure to return a copy of just the first 2 values.
return ta.slice(0, 2);
}(Module)); // When this file is loaded in, the high level object is "Module";