blob: 61560d4f7836bf2cf0ad1e4fd0494b66d43dcc01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkTextBlobPriv_DEFINED
#define SkTextBlobPriv_DEFINED
#include "SkTextBlob.h"
class SkReadBuffer;
class SkWriteBuffer;
class SkTextBlobPriv {
* Serialize to a buffer.
static void Flatten(const SkTextBlob& , SkWriteBuffer&);
* Recreate an SkTextBlob that was serialized into a buffer.
* @param SkReadBuffer Serialized blob data.
* @return A new SkTextBlob representing the serialized data, or NULL if the buffer is
* invalid.
static sk_sp<SkTextBlob> MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer&);
class SkTextBlobBuilderPriv {
static const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& AllocRunText(SkTextBlobBuilder* builder,
const SkPaint& font, int count, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, int textByteCount,
SkString lang, const SkRect* bounds = nullptr) {
return builder->allocRunText(font, count, x, y, textByteCount, lang, bounds);
static const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& AllocRunTextPos(SkTextBlobBuilder* builder,
const SkPaint& font, int count, int textByteCount, SkString lang,
const SkRect* bounds = nullptr) {
return builder->allocRunTextPos(font, count, textByteCount, lang, bounds);
* Iterate through all of the text runs of the text blob. For example:
* for (SkTextBlobRunIterator it(blob); !it.done(); {
* .....
* }
class SkTextBlobRunIterator {
SkTextBlobRunIterator(const SkTextBlob* blob);
enum GlyphPositioning : uint8_t {
kDefault_Positioning = 0, // Default glyph advances -- zero scalars per glyph.
kHorizontal_Positioning = 1, // Horizontal positioning -- one scalar per glyph.
kFull_Positioning = 2 // Point positioning -- two scalars per glyph.
bool done() const;
void next();
uint32_t glyphCount() const;
const uint16_t* glyphs() const;
const SkScalar* pos() const;
const SkPoint& offset() const;
void applyFontToPaint(SkPaint*) const;
GlyphPositioning positioning() const;
uint32_t* clusters() const;
uint32_t textSize() const;
char* text() const;
bool isLCD() const;
const SkTextBlob::RunRecord* fCurrentRun;
SkDEBUGCODE(uint8_t* fStorageTop;)
#endif // SkTextBlobPriv_DEFINED