blob: 45a57c7860d4b8645eef5654ae06ff2f68565b4d [file] [log] [blame]
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
# Sets up a module for the skia shared object to be copied into the apk.
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# Name for referencing this module in other modules
LOCAL_MODULE := skia_android
# Local filename of the skia shared object
# Makes this module into shared object that is simply copied into the apk
# Sets up the JNI module that our app calls into to draw things with skia.
include $(CLEAR_VARS) # clear out the variables of the previous module
# Name of the module that the app will reference with System.loadLibrary
LOCAL_MODULE := hello_skia_ndk
# List of the source files compiled for this module
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := helloskia.cpp
# Makes the skia shared object get pulled in as a reference
# jnigraphics defines the function AndroidBitmap_lockPixels, which we need in order to draw into
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -ljnigraphics
# Allows the compiler to find the Skia header files
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/skia/include/config \