blob: b68b3b4a22bd6ffee8e3eace26f43b659ac1c32d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGLSLCaps_DEFINED
#define GrGLSLCaps_DEFINED
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrGLSL.h"
class GrGLSLCaps : public GrShaderCaps {
* Indicates how GLSL must interact with advanced blend equations. The KHR extension requires
* special layout qualifiers in the fragment shader.
enum AdvBlendEqInteraction {
kNotSupported_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! No _blend_equation_advanced extension
kAutomatic_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! No interaction required
kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! layout(blend_support_all_equations) out
kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! Specific layout qualifiers per equation
kLast_AdvBlendEqInteraction = kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction
* Initializes the GrGLSLCaps to a default set of features
GrGLSLCaps(const GrContextOptions&);
* Some helper functions for encapsulating various extensions to read FB Buffer on openglES
* TODO(joshualitt) On desktop opengl 4.2+ we can achieve something similar to this effect
bool fbFetchSupport() const { return fFBFetchSupport; }
bool fbFetchNeedsCustomOutput() const { return fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput; }
bool bindlessTextureSupport() const { return fBindlessTextureSupport; }
const char* fbFetchColorName() const { return fFBFetchColorName; }
const char* fbFetchExtensionString() const { return fFBFetchExtensionString; }
bool dropsTileOnZeroDivide() const { return fDropsTileOnZeroDivide; }
AdvBlendEqInteraction advBlendEqInteraction() const { return fAdvBlendEqInteraction; }
bool mustEnableAdvBlendEqs() const {
return fAdvBlendEqInteraction >= kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
bool mustEnableSpecificAdvBlendEqs() const {
return fAdvBlendEqInteraction == kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
bool mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput() const {
return fGLSLGeneration > k110_GrGLSLGeneration;
GrGLSLGeneration generation() const { return fGLSLGeneration; }
* Returns a string containing the caps info.
SkString dump() const override;
GrGLSLGeneration fGLSLGeneration;
bool fDropsTileOnZeroDivide : 1;
bool fFBFetchSupport : 1;
bool fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput : 1;
bool fBindlessTextureSupport : 1;
const char* fFBFetchColorName;
const char* fFBFetchExtensionString;
AdvBlendEqInteraction fAdvBlendEqInteraction;
friend class GrGLCaps; // For initialization.
typedef GrShaderCaps INHERITED;