blob: e1c21d2ab04c78d3b745180b8b5b76bfdd77eb2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/SkHalf.h"
#include "src/base/SkRandom.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
// float = s[31] e[30:23] m[22:0]
static constexpr uint32_t kF32_Sign = 1 << 31;
static constexpr uint32_t kF32_Exp = 255 << 23;
static constexpr uint32_t kF32_Mant = ~(kF32_Sign | kF32_Exp);
static constexpr int kF32_Bias = 127;
// half = s[15] e[14:10] m[9:0]
static constexpr uint32_t kF16_Sign = 1 << 15;
static constexpr uint32_t kF16_Exp = 31 << 10;
static constexpr uint32_t kF16_Mant = ~(kF16_Sign | kF16_Exp);
static constexpr int kF16_Bias = 15;
DEF_TEST(FloatToHalf, r) {
#if 0
// Exhaustive test (slow)
for (uint64_t bits = 0; bits <= 0xffffffff; bits++) {
if (bits % (1 << 24) == 0) {
SkDebugf("progress 0x%08X\n", (int) bits);
// Check all 8-bit exponents and all 10-bit upper mantissas, with a combination of all 0s,
// all 1s, and random bits in the remaining 13 fractional mantissa bits.
static constexpr int kTestCount = /*sign*/2 * /*exp*/255 * /*man*/1024 * /*frac*/8;
SkRandom rand;
for (int i = 0; i < kTestCount; ++i) {
uint32_t sign = (i & 1) << 31;
uint32_t exp = ((i >> 1) & 255) << 23;
uint32_t man = ((i >> 9) & 1023) << 13;
uint32_t frac = ((i >> 19) & 7); // 0 and 1 are special, 6 other values are random bits
uint64_t bits = sign | exp | man | ((frac == 0) ? 0 : // all 0s in lost fraction
(frac == 1) ? (1 << 13) - 1 // all 1s in lost fraction
: rand.nextBits(13)); // random lost bits
float f = SkBits2Float(bits);
if (SkIsNaN(f)) {
#ifndef SK_DEBUG
// We want float->half and half->float to play well with infinities and max
// representable values in the 16-bit precision, but NaNs should have been caught ahead
// of time, so the conversion logic is allowed to convert them to infinities in release
// builds. We skip calling `to_half` in debug since it asserts that NaN isn't passed in.
uint16_t actual2 = to_half(skvx::float2{f})[0];
uint16_t actual4 = to_half(skvx::float4{f})[0];
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, (actual2 & kF16_Exp) == kF16_Exp);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, (actual4 & kF16_Exp) == kF16_Exp);
uint32_t s32 = (uint32_t) bits & kF32_Sign;
uint32_t e32 = (uint32_t) bits & kF32_Exp;
uint32_t m32 = (uint32_t) bits & kF32_Mant;
// Half floats can represent a real exponent from -14 to 15. Anything less than that would
// need to be a denorm, which is flushed to zero, or overflows and becomes infinity.
int e = (int) (e32 >> 23) - kF32_Bias; // the true signed exponent
uint32_t s16 = s32 >> 16;
uint32_t e16;
uint32_t m16;
if (e < -kF16_Bias-10 || (e == -kF16_Bias-10 && m32 <= 0)) {
// Rounds to zero
e16 = 0;
m16 = 0;
} else if ((e32 | m32) < 0x38fe'0000) {
// A subnormal non-zero f16 value
e16 = 0;
m16 = 0xffff & sk_bit_cast<uint32_t>(0.5f + SkBits2Float(e32 | m32));
} else if ((e32 | m32) < 0x3880'0000) {
// Rounds up to smallest normal f16 (2^-14)
e16 = 1;
m16 = 0;
} else if (e > kF16_Bias) {
// Either f32 infinity or a value larger than what rounds down to the max normal half.
e16 = kF16_Exp;
m16 = 0;
} else {
// A normal half value, which is rounded towards nearest even.
e16 = (uint32_t) (e + kF16_Bias) << 10;
SkASSERT((e16 & ~kF16_Exp) == 0);
// round to nearest even
m32 += 0xfff + ((m32>>13)&1);
if (m32 > kF32_Mant) {
// overflow
e16 += (1 << 10);
m16 = 0;
} else {
m16 = m32 >> 13;
// Expected conversion from f32 to f16
uint16_t expected = s16 | e16 | m16;
uint16_t actual2 = to_half(skvx::float2{f})[0];
uint16_t actual4 = to_half(skvx::float4{f})[0];
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, expected == actual2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, expected == actual4);
DEF_TEST(FloatToHalf_Constants, r) {
auto to_half = [](float f) { return skvx::to_half(skvx::float4{f})[0]; };
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == to_half(0.f));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, kF16_Sign == to_half(-0.f));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SK_Half1 == to_half(1.f));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, (kF16_Sign | SK_Half1) == to_half(-1.f));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SK_HalfMax == to_half(65504.f));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SK_HalfMin == to_half(1.f / (1 << 14)));
DEF_TEST(HalfToFloat, r) {
for (uint32_t bits = 0; bits <= 0xffff; bits++) {
uint32_t s16 = bits & kF16_Sign;
uint32_t e16 = bits & kF16_Exp;
uint32_t m16 = bits & kF16_Mant;
float actual2 = from_half(skvx::half2{(uint16_t) bits})[0];
float actual4 = from_half(skvx::half4{(uint16_t) bits})[0];
if (e16 == 0) {
// De-normal f16 or a zero = 2^-14 * 0.[m16] = 2^-14 * 2^-10 * [m16].0
float expected = (1.f / (1 << 14)) * (1.f / (1 << 10)) * m16;
if (s16 != 0) {
expected *= -1.f;
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual2 == expected);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual4 == expected);
} else if (e16 == kF16_Exp) {
if (m16 != 0) {
// A NaN stays NaN
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsNaN(actual2));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsNaN(actual4));
} else {
// +/- infinity stays infinite
if (s16) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual2 == SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual4 == SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity);
} else {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual2 == SK_ScalarInfinity);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual4 == SK_ScalarInfinity);
} else {
// A normal f16 is exactly representable in f32
uint32_t s32 = s16 << 16;
uint32_t e32 = ((e16 >> 10) + kF32_Bias - kF16_Bias) << 23;
uint32_t m32 = m16 << 13;
float expected = SkBits2Float(s32 | e32 | m32);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual2 == expected);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, actual4 == expected);