blob: 50cc320d26da03e1ae29a30c20f3b087c5e5f912 [file] [log] [blame]
// An if-else statement at the end of a function, with a return as the last statement on all
// paths, are not actually "early" returns. The inliner is able to recognize this pattern.
uniform half4 color;
inline half4 branchy(half4 c) {
c *= 0.5;
if (c.x > 0)
return c.xxxx;
else if (c.y > 0)
return c.yyyy;
else if (c.z > 0)
return c.zzzz;
return c.wwww;
inline half4 branchyAndBlocky(half4 c) {{{
if (c.x > 0) {
half4 d = c * 0.5;
return d.xxxx;
} else {{{
if (c.x < 0) {
return c.wwww;
} else {
return c.yyyy;
void main() {
sk_FragColor = branchy(color) * branchyAndBlocky(color);