blob: 2bf9f3cccc20d7fb22236ddefbc5fe54f4cd1111 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_ContextUtils_DEFINED
#define skgpu_ContextUtils_DEFINED
#include "experimental/graphite/include/Context.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
namespace skgpu {
class PaintParams;
class Uniform;
// A single, fully specified combination resulting from a PaintCombo (i.e., it corresponds to a
// specific skgpu::PaintParams object (a subset of SkPaint))
struct Combination {
bool operator==(const Combination& other) const {
return fShaderType == other.fShaderType &&
fTileMode == other.fTileMode &&
fBlendMode == other.fBlendMode;
uint32_t key() const {
return (static_cast<int>(fShaderType) << 9) | // 6 values -> 3 bits
(static_cast<int>(fTileMode) << 7) | // 4 values -> 2 bits
(static_cast<int>(fBlendMode) << 2); // 29 values -> 5 bits
ShaderCombo::ShaderType fShaderType = ShaderCombo::ShaderType::kNone;
// Tile mode and blend mode are ignored if shader type is kNone; tile mode is ignored if
// shader type is kSolidColor.
SkTileMode fTileMode = SkTileMode::kClamp;
SkBlendMode fBlendMode = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
class UniformData : public SkRefCnt {
// TODO: should we require a name (e.g., "gradient_uniforms") for each uniform block so
// we can better name the Metal FS uniform struct?
static sk_sp<UniformData> Make(int count,
const Uniform* uniforms,
size_t dataSize);
~UniformData() override {
// TODO: fOffsets and fData should just be allocated right after UniformData in an arena
delete [] fOffsets;
delete [] fData;
int count() const { return fCount; }
const Uniform* uniforms() const { return fUniforms; }
uint32_t* offsets() { return fOffsets; }
uint32_t offset(int index) {
SkASSERT(index >= 0 && index < fCount);
return fOffsets[index];
char* data() { return fData; }
size_t dataSize() const { return fDataSize; }
UniformData(int count,
const Uniform* uniforms,
uint32_t* offsets,
char* data,
size_t dataSize)
: fCount(count)
, fUniforms(uniforms)
, fOffsets(offsets)
, fData(data)
, fDataSize(dataSize) {
const int fCount;
const Uniform* fUniforms;
uint32_t* fOffsets; // offset of each uniform in 'fData'
char* fData;
const size_t fDataSize;
std::tuple<Combination, sk_sp<UniformData>> ExtractCombo(const PaintParams&);
std::string GetMSLUniformStruct(ShaderCombo::ShaderType);
} // namespace skgpu
#endif // skgpu_ContextUtils_DEFINED