blob: 690b3714e649aad2edc837cda881eb2b47eb2f27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef gm_runner_DEFINED
#define gm_runner_DEFINED
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "skqp_asset_manager.h"
A Skia GM is a single rendering test that can be executed on any Skia backend Canvas.
namespace skiagm {
class GM;
namespace skiatest {
struct Test;
namespace gm_runner {
using GMFactory = skiagm::GM* (*)(void*);
using UnitTest = const skiatest::Test*;
enum class SkiaBackend {
Initialize Skia
void InitSkia();
std::vector<SkiaBackend> GetSupportedBackends();
@return a list of all Skia GMs in lexicographic order.
std::vector<GMFactory> GetGMFactories(skqp::AssetManager*);
@return a list of all Skia GPU unit tests in lexicographic order.
std::vector<UnitTest> GetUnitTests();
@return a descriptive name for the GM.
std::string GetGMName(GMFactory);
@return a descriptive name for the unit test.
const char* GetUnitTestName(UnitTest);
@return a descriptive name for the backend.
const char* GetBackendName(SkiaBackend);
enum class Error {
None = 0,
BadSkiaOutput = 1,
BadGMKBData = 2,
SkiaFailure = 3,
const char* GetErrorString(Error);
@return A non-negative float representing how badly the GM failed (or zero for
success). Any error running or evaluating the GM will result in a non-zero
error code.
std::tuple<float, Error> EvaluateGM(SkiaBackend backend,
GMFactory gmFact,
skqp::AssetManager* assetManager,
const char* reportDirectoryPath);
@return a (hopefully empty) list of errors produced by this unit test.
std::vector<std::string> ExecuteTest(UnitTest);
} // namespace gm_runner
#endif // gm_runner_DEFINED