blob: da5374bbf4a4161edc4e404832a5ad73f33d5886 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef Cmds_DEFINED
#define Cmds_DEFINED
class SkBitmap;
class SkCanvas;
class FakeCanvas;
class FakeMCBlob;
class SortKey;
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "experimental/ngatoy/Fake.h"
#include "experimental/ngatoy/ngatypes.h"
class Cmd {
Cmd() : fID(ID::Invalid()) {}
Cmd(ID id) : fID(id) {}
virtual ~Cmd() {}
ID id() const { return fID; }
virtual SortKey getKey() = 0;
virtual const FakeMCBlob* state() const { return nullptr; }
// To generate the actual image
virtual void execute(FakeCanvas*) const = 0;
virtual void rasterize(uint32_t zBuffer[256][256], SkBitmap* dstBM) const = 0;
// To generate the expected image
virtual void execute(SkCanvas*, const FakeMCBlob* priorState) const = 0;
virtual void dump() const = 0;
const ID fID;
class RectCmd : public Cmd {
RectCmd(ID, PaintersOrder, SkIRect, const FakePaint&, sk_sp<FakeMCBlob> state);
uint32_t getSortZ() const;
uint32_t getDrawZ() const;
SortKey getKey() override;
const FakeMCBlob* state() const override { return fMCState.get(); }
void execute(FakeCanvas*) const override;
void execute(SkCanvas* c, const FakeMCBlob* priorState) const override;
void rasterize(uint32_t zBuffer[256][256], SkBitmap* dstBM) const override;
void dump() const override {
SkDebugf("%d: drawRect %d %d %d %d -- %d",
fRect.fLeft, fRect.fTop, fRect.fRight, fRect.fBottom,
PaintersOrder fPaintersOrder;
SkIRect fRect;
FakePaint fPaint;
sk_sp<FakeMCBlob> fMCState;
#endif // Cmds_DEFINED