blob: 73ba8a5b515c27db36a982f2f50b124afebe5562 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/text/gpu/SubRunContainer.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/private/SkOnce.h"
#include "include/private/chromium/SkChromeRemoteGlyphCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkDescriptor.h"
#include "src/core/SkDistanceFieldGen.h"
#include "src/core/SkEnumerate.h"
#include "src/core/SkGlyph.h"
#include "src/core/SkGlyphBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeCache.h"
#include "src/gpu/AtlasTypes.h"
#include "src/text/GlyphRun.h"
#include "src/text/StrikeForGPU.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/Glyph.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/GlyphVector.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/SubRunAllocator.h"
#include <optional>
#if SK_SUPPORT_GPU // Ganesh Support
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrStyle.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/SkGr.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/ops/AtlasTextOp.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/v1/SurfaceDrawContext_v1.h"
using AtlasTextOp = skgpu::v1::AtlasTextOp;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Device.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Renderer.h"
#include <cinttypes>
namespace sktext::gpu {
// -- SubRunType -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SubRun::SubRunType : int {
kBad = 0, // Make this 0 to line up with errors from readInt.
} // namespace sktext::gpu
using MaskFormat = skgpu::MaskFormat;
using namespace sktext;
using namespace sktext::gpu;
using Device = skgpu::graphite::Device;
using DrawWriter = skgpu::graphite::DrawWriter;
using Rect = skgpu::graphite::Rect;
using Recorder = skgpu::graphite::Recorder;
using Renderer = skgpu::graphite::Renderer;
using TextureProxy = skgpu::graphite::TextureProxy;
using Transform = skgpu::graphite::Transform;
namespace {
// Use the following in your to dump telemetry for diagnosing chrome Renderer/GPU
// differences.
// extra_cflags = ["-D", "SK_TRACE_GLYPH_RUN_PROCESS"]
static const constexpr bool kTrace = true;
static const constexpr bool kTrace = false;
// -- TransformedMaskVertexFiller ------------------------------------------------------------------
class TransformedMaskVertexFiller {
TransformedMaskVertexFiller(MaskFormat maskFormat,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
SkRect sourceBounds,
SkSpan<const SkPoint> leftTop);
static TransformedMaskVertexFiller Make(SkRect sourceBounds,
MaskFormat maskType,
int strikePadding,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
static std::optional<TransformedMaskVertexFiller> MakeFromBuffer(
SkReadBuffer& buffer, SubRunAllocator* alloc);
int unflattenSize() const;
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const;
size_t vertexStride(const SkMatrix& matrix) const {
if (fMaskType != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
// For formats MaskFormat::kA565 and MaskFormat::kA8 where A8 include SDF.
return matrix.hasPerspective() ? sizeof(Mask3DVertex) : sizeof(Mask2DVertex);
} else {
// For format MaskFormat::kARGB
return matrix.hasPerspective() ? sizeof(ARGB3DVertex) : sizeof(ARGB2DVertex);
void fillVertexData(int offset, int count,
SkSpan<const Glyph*> glyphs,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix,
SkIRect clip,
void* vertexBuffer) const;
AtlasTextOp::MaskType opMaskType() const;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
SkRect localRect() const { return fSourceBounds; }
void fillVertexData(DrawWriter* dw,
int offset, int count,
SkSpan<const Glyph*> glyphs,
SkScalar depth,
const skgpu::graphite::Transform& toDevice) const;
SkRect deviceRect(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) const;
MaskFormat grMaskType() const {return fMaskType;}
int count() const { return SkCount(fLeftTop); }
struct AtlasPt {
uint16_t u;
uint16_t v;
// Normal text mask, SDFT, or color.
struct Mask2DVertex {
SkPoint devicePos;
GrColor color;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
struct ARGB2DVertex {
ARGB2DVertex(SkPoint d, GrColor, AtlasPt a) : devicePos{d}, atlasPos{a} {}
SkPoint devicePos;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
// Perspective SDFT or SDFT forced to 3D or perspective color.
struct Mask3DVertex {
SkPoint3 devicePos;
GrColor color;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
struct ARGB3DVertex {
ARGB3DVertex(SkPoint3 d, GrColor, AtlasPt a) : devicePos{d}, atlasPos{a} {}
SkPoint3 devicePos;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void fill2D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& matrix) const;
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void fill3D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& matrix) const;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
const MaskFormat fMaskType;
const SkScalar fStrikeToSourceScale;
const SkRect fSourceBounds;
const SkSpan<const SkPoint> fLeftTop;
MaskFormat maskFormat,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
SkRect sourceBounds,
SkSpan<const SkPoint> leftTop)
: fMaskType{maskFormat}
, fStrikeToSourceScale{strikeToSourceScale}
, fSourceBounds{sourceBounds}
, fLeftTop{leftTop} {}
TransformedMaskVertexFiller TransformedMaskVertexFiller::Make(
SkRect sourceBounds,
MaskFormat maskType,
int strikePadding,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
SkSpan<SkPoint> leftTop = alloc->makePODArray<SkPoint>(
[&](auto e) -> SkPoint {
auto [variant, pos] = e;
return pos;
return TransformedMaskVertexFiller{maskType, strikeToSourceScale, sourceBounds, leftTop};
// Returns the empty span if there is a problem reading the positions.
SkSpan<SkPoint> make_points_from_buffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer, SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
uint32_t glyphCount = buffer.getArrayCount();
// Zero indicates a problem with serialization.
if (!buffer.validate(glyphCount != 0)) { return {}; }
// Check that the count will not overflow the arena.
if (!buffer.validate(glyphCount <= INT_MAX &&
BagOfBytes::WillCountFit<SkPoint>(glyphCount))) { return {}; }
SkPoint* positionsData = alloc->makePODArray<SkPoint>(glyphCount);
if (!buffer.readPointArray(positionsData, glyphCount)) { return {}; }
return {positionsData, glyphCount};
std::optional<TransformedMaskVertexFiller> TransformedMaskVertexFiller::MakeFromBuffer(
SkReadBuffer& buffer, SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
int checkingMaskType = buffer.readInt();
if (!buffer.validate(0 <= checkingMaskType && checkingMaskType < skgpu::kMaskFormatCount)) {
return std::nullopt;
MaskFormat maskType = (MaskFormat)checkingMaskType;
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale = buffer.readScalar();
if (!buffer.validate(0 < strikeToSourceScale)) { return std::nullopt; }
SkRect sourceBounds = buffer.readRect();
SkSpan<SkPoint> leftTop = make_points_from_buffer(buffer, alloc);
if (leftTop.empty()) { return std::nullopt; }
return {TransformedMaskVertexFiller{maskType, strikeToSourceScale, sourceBounds, leftTop}};
void TransformedMaskVertexFiller::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
buffer.writePointArray(, SkCount(fLeftTop));
SkRect TransformedMaskVertexFiller::deviceRect(
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) const {
SkRect outBounds = fSourceBounds;
return drawMatrix.mapRect(outBounds);
int TransformedMaskVertexFiller::unflattenSize() const {
return fLeftTop.size_bytes();
void TransformedMaskVertexFiller::fillVertexData(int offset, int count,
SkSpan<const Glyph*> glyphs,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix,
SkIRect clip,
void* vertexBuffer) const {
auto quadData = [&](auto dst) {
return SkMakeZip(dst,
glyphs.subspan(offset, count),
fLeftTop.subspan(offset, count));
if (!positionMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
if (fMaskType == MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
this->fill2D(quadData((Quad*) vertexBuffer), color, positionMatrix);
} else {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
this->fill2D(quadData((Quad*) vertexBuffer), color, positionMatrix);
} else {
if (fMaskType == MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = ARGB3DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB3DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
this->fill3D(quadData((Quad*) vertexBuffer), color, positionMatrix);
} else {
using Quad = Mask3DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask3DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
this->fill3D(quadData((Quad*) vertexBuffer), color, positionMatrix);
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void TransformedMaskVertexFiller::fill2D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
SkPoint widthHeight = SkPoint::Make(glyph->fAtlasLocator.width() * fStrikeToSourceScale,
glyph->fAtlasLocator.height() * fStrikeToSourceScale);
auto [l, t] = leftTop;
auto [r, b] = leftTop + widthHeight;
SkPoint lt = positionMatrix.mapXY(l, t),
lb = positionMatrix.mapXY(l, b),
rt = positionMatrix.mapXY(r, t),
rb = positionMatrix.mapXY(r, b);
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
quad[0] = {lt, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {lb, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {rt, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {rb, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void TransformedMaskVertexFiller::fill3D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
auto mapXYZ = [&](SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
SkPoint pt{x, y};
SkPoint3 result;
positionMatrix.mapHomogeneousPoints(&result, &pt, 1);
return result;
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
SkPoint widthHeight = SkPoint::Make(glyph->fAtlasLocator.width() * fStrikeToSourceScale,
glyph->fAtlasLocator.height() * fStrikeToSourceScale);
auto [l, t] = leftTop;
auto [r, b] = leftTop + widthHeight;
SkPoint3 lt = mapXYZ(l, t),
lb = mapXYZ(l, b),
rt = mapXYZ(r, t),
rb = mapXYZ(r, b);
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
quad[0] = {lt, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {lb, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {rt, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {rb, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
AtlasTextOp::MaskType TransformedMaskVertexFiller::opMaskType() const {
switch (fMaskType) {
case MaskFormat::kA8: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kGrayscaleCoverage;
case MaskFormat::kA565: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kLCDCoverage;
case MaskFormat::kARGB: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kColorBitmap;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void TransformedMaskVertexFiller::fillVertexData(DrawWriter* dw,
int offset, int count,
SkSpan<const Glyph*> glyphs,
SkScalar depth,
const Transform& toDevice) const {
auto quadData = [&]() {
return SkMakeZip(glyphs.subspan(offset, count),
fLeftTop.subspan(offset, count));
// TODO: can't handle perspective right now
if (toDevice.type() == Transform::Type::kProjection) {
DrawWriter::Vertices verts{*dw};
for (auto [glyph, leftTop]: quadData()) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkPoint widthHeight = SkPoint::Make(glyph->fAtlasLocator.width() * fStrikeToSourceScale,
glyph->fAtlasLocator.height() * fStrikeToSourceScale);
auto [l, t] = leftTop;
auto [r, b] = leftTop + widthHeight;
SkV2 localCorners[4] = {{l, t}, {r, t}, {r, b}, {l, b}};
SkV4 devOut[4];
toDevice.mapPoints(localCorners, devOut, 4);
// TODO: Ganesh uses indices but that's not available with dynamic vertex data
// TODO: we should really use instances as well.
verts.append(6) << SkPoint{devOut[0].x, devOut[0].y} << depth << AtlasPt{al, at} // L,T
<< SkPoint{devOut[3].x, devOut[3].y} << depth << AtlasPt{al, ab} // L,B
<< SkPoint{devOut[1].x, devOut[1].y} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, at} // R,T
<< SkPoint{devOut[3].x, devOut[3].y} << depth << AtlasPt{al, ab} // L,B
<< SkPoint{devOut[2].x, devOut[2].y} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, ab} // R,B
<< SkPoint{devOut[1].x, devOut[1].y} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, at}; // R,T
struct AtlasPt {
uint16_t u;
uint16_t v;
// Normal text mask, SDFT, or color.
struct Mask2DVertex {
SkPoint devicePos;
GrColor color;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
struct ARGB2DVertex {
ARGB2DVertex(SkPoint d, GrColor, AtlasPt a) : devicePos{d}, atlasPos{a} {}
SkPoint devicePos;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
// Perspective SDFT or SDFT forced to 3D or perspective color.
struct Mask3DVertex {
SkPoint3 devicePos;
GrColor color;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
struct ARGB3DVertex {
ARGB3DVertex(SkPoint3 d, GrColor, AtlasPt a) : devicePos{d}, atlasPos{a} {}
SkPoint3 devicePos;
AtlasPt atlasPos;
AtlasTextOp::MaskType op_mask_type(MaskFormat maskFormat) {
switch (maskFormat) {
case MaskFormat::kA8: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kGrayscaleCoverage;
case MaskFormat::kA565: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kLCDCoverage;
case MaskFormat::kARGB: return AtlasTextOp::MaskType::kColorBitmap;
SkPMColor4f calculate_colors(skgpu::SurfaceContext* sc,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkMatrixProvider& matrix,
MaskFormat maskFormat,
const SkSurfaceProps& props,
GrPaint* grPaint) {
GrRecordingContext* rContext = sc->recordingContext();
const GrColorInfo& colorInfo = sc->colorInfo();
if (maskFormat == MaskFormat::kARGB) {
SkPaintToGrPaintReplaceShader(rContext, colorInfo, paint, matrix, nullptr, props, grPaint);
float a = grPaint->getColor4f().fA;
return {a, a, a, a};
SkPaintToGrPaint(rContext, colorInfo, paint, matrix, props, grPaint);
return grPaint->getColor4f();
SkMatrix position_matrix(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) {
SkMatrix position_matrix = drawMatrix;
return position_matrix.preTranslate(drawOrigin.x(), drawOrigin.y());
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
// Check for integer translate with the same 2x2 matrix.
// Returns the translation, and true if the change from initial matrix to the position matrix
// support using direct glyph masks.
std::tuple<bool, SkVector> can_use_direct(
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) {
// The existing direct glyph info can be used if the initialPositionMatrix, and the
// positionMatrix have the same 2x2, and the translation between them is integer.
// Calculate the translation in source space to a translation in device space by mapping
// (0, 0) through both the initial position matrix and the position matrix; take the difference.
SkVector translation = positionMatrix.mapOrigin() - initialPositionMatrix.mapOrigin();
return {initialPositionMatrix.getScaleX() == positionMatrix.getScaleX() &&
initialPositionMatrix.getScaleY() == positionMatrix.getScaleY() &&
initialPositionMatrix.getSkewX() == positionMatrix.getSkewX() &&
initialPositionMatrix.getSkewY() == positionMatrix.getSkewY() &&
SkScalarIsInt(translation.x()) && SkScalarIsInt(translation.y()),
// -- PathOpSubmitter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PathOpSubmitter holds glyph ids until ready to draw. During drawing, the glyph ids are
// converted to SkPaths. PathOpSubmitter can only be serialized when it is holding glyph ids;
// it can only be serialized before submitDraws has been called.
class PathOpSubmitter {
PathOpSubmitter() = delete;
PathOpSubmitter(const PathOpSubmitter&) = delete;
const PathOpSubmitter& operator=(const PathOpSubmitter&) = delete;
PathOpSubmitter(PathOpSubmitter&& that)
// Transfer ownership of fIDsOrPaths from that to this.
: fIDsOrPaths{std::exchange(
const_cast<SkSpan<IDOrPath>&>(that.fIDsOrPaths), SkSpan<IDOrPath>{})}
, fPositions{that.fPositions}
, fStrikeToSourceScale{that.fStrikeToSourceScale}
, fIsAntiAliased{that.fIsAntiAliased}
, fStrikeRef{std::move(that.fStrikeRef)} {}
PathOpSubmitter& operator=(PathOpSubmitter&& that) {
new (this) PathOpSubmitter{std::move(that)};
return *this;
PathOpSubmitter(bool isAntiAliased,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions,
SkSpan<IDOrPath> idsOrPaths,
StrikeRef&& strikeRef);
static PathOpSubmitter Make(const SkZip<SkPackedGlyphID, SkPoint>& accepted,
bool isAntiAliased,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
StrikeRef&& strikeRef,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
int unflattenSize() const;
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const;
static std::optional<PathOpSubmitter> MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
// submitDraws is not thread safe. It only occurs the single thread drawing portion of the GPU
// rendering.
void submitDraws(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint) const;
// When PathOpSubmitter is created only the glyphIDs are needed, during the submitDraws call,
// the glyphIDs are converted to SkPaths.
const SkSpan<IDOrPath> fIDsOrPaths;
const SkSpan<const SkPoint> fPositions;
const SkScalar fStrikeToSourceScale;
const bool fIsAntiAliased;
// If fStrikeRef.getStrikeAndSetToNullptr() is nullptr, then fIDsOrPaths holds SkPaths.
mutable StrikeRef fStrikeRef;
mutable SkOnce fConvertIDsToPaths;
int PathOpSubmitter::unflattenSize() const {
return fPositions.size_bytes() + fIDsOrPaths.size_bytes();
void PathOpSubmitter::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
buffer.writePointArray(, SkCount(fPositions));
for (IDOrPath& idOrPath : fIDsOrPaths) {
std::optional<PathOpSubmitter> PathOpSubmitter::MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
std::optional<StrikeRef> strikeRef = StrikeRef::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, client);
if (!buffer.validate(strikeRef.has_value())) {
return std::nullopt;
bool isAntiAlias = buffer.readInt();
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale = buffer.readScalar();
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions = make_points_from_buffer(buffer, alloc);
if (positions.empty()) { return std::nullopt; }
const int glyphCount = SkCount(positions);
// Remember, we stored an int for glyph id.
if (!buffer.validateCanReadN<int>(glyphCount)) { return std::nullopt; }
auto idsOrPaths = SkSpan(alloc->makeUniqueArray<IDOrPath>(glyphCount).release(), glyphCount);
for (auto& idOrPath : idsOrPaths) {
idOrPath.fGlyphID = SkTo<SkGlyphID>(buffer.readInt());
if (!buffer.isValid()) { return std::nullopt; }
return PathOpSubmitter{isAntiAlias,
bool isAntiAliased,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions,
SkSpan<IDOrPath> idsOrPaths,
StrikeRef&& strikeRef)
: fIDsOrPaths{idsOrPaths}
, fPositions{positions}
, fStrikeToSourceScale{strikeToSourceScale}
, fIsAntiAliased{isAntiAliased}
, fStrikeRef{std::move(strikeRef)} {
PathOpSubmitter::~PathOpSubmitter() {
// If we have converted glyph IDs to paths, then clean up the SkPaths.
if (fStrikeRef.getStrikeAndSetToNullptr() == nullptr) {
for (auto& idOrPath : fIDsOrPaths) {
PathOpSubmitter PathOpSubmitter::Make(const SkZip<SkPackedGlyphID, SkPoint>& accepted,
bool isAntiAliased,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
StrikeRef&& strikeRef,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
int glyphCount = SkCount(accepted);
SkPoint* positions = alloc->makePODArray<SkPoint>(glyphCount);
IDOrPath* idsOrPaths = alloc->makeUniqueArray<IDOrPath>(glyphCount).release();
for (auto [dstIdOrPath, dstPosition, srcPackedGlyphID, srcPosition] :
SkMakeZip(idsOrPaths, positions, accepted.get<0>(), accepted.get<1>())) {
dstPosition = srcPosition;
dstIdOrPath.fGlyphID = srcPackedGlyphID.glyphID();
return PathOpSubmitter{isAntiAliased,
SkSpan(positions, glyphCount),
SkSpan(idsOrPaths, glyphCount),
void PathOpSubmitter::submitDraws(SkCanvas* canvas,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint) const {
// Convert the glyph IDs to paths if it hasn't been done yet. This is thread safe.
fConvertIDsToPaths([&]() {
if (sk_sp<SkStrike> strike = fStrikeRef.getStrikeAndSetToNullptr()) {
SkPaint runPaint{paint};
SkMaskFilterBase* maskFilter = as_MFB(runPaint.getMaskFilter());
// Calculate the matrix that maps the path glyphs from their size in the strike to
// the graphics source space.
SkMatrix strikeToSource = SkMatrix::Scale(fStrikeToSourceScale, fStrikeToSourceScale);
strikeToSource.postTranslate(drawOrigin.x(), drawOrigin.y());
// If there are shaders, non-blur mask filters or styles, the path must be scaled into source
// space independently of the CTM. This allows the CTM to be correct for the different effects.
SkStrokeRec style(runPaint);
bool needsExactCTM = runPaint.getShader()
|| runPaint.getPathEffect()
|| (!style.isFillStyle() && !style.isHairlineStyle())
|| (maskFilter != nullptr && !maskFilter->asABlur(nullptr));
if (!needsExactCTM) {
SkMaskFilterBase::BlurRec blurRec;
// If there is a blur mask filter, then sigma needs to be adjusted to account for the
// scaling of fStrikeToSourceScale.
if (maskFilter != nullptr && maskFilter->asABlur(&blurRec)) {
SkMaskFilter::MakeBlur(blurRec.fStyle, blurRec.fSigma / fStrikeToSourceScale));
for (auto [idOrPath, pos] : SkMakeZip(fIDsOrPaths, fPositions)) {
// Transform the glyph to source space.
SkMatrix pathMatrix = strikeToSource;
pathMatrix.postTranslate(pos.x(), pos.y());
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
canvas->drawPath(idOrPath.fPath, runPaint);
} else {
// Transform the path to device because the deviceMatrix must be unchanged to
// draw effect, filter or shader paths.
for (auto [idOrPath, pos] : SkMakeZip(fIDsOrPaths, fPositions)) {
// Transform the glyph to source space.
SkMatrix pathMatrix = strikeToSource;
pathMatrix.postTranslate(pos.x(), pos.y());
SkPath deviceOutline;
idOrPath.fPath.transform(pathMatrix, &deviceOutline);
canvas->drawPath(deviceOutline, runPaint);
// -- PathSubRun -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PathSubRun final : public SubRun {
PathSubRun(PathOpSubmitter&& pathDrawing) : fPathDrawing(std::move(pathDrawing)) {}
static SubRunOwner Make(const SkZip<SkPackedGlyphID, SkPoint>& accepted,
bool isAntiAliased,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
StrikeRef&& strikeRef,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
return alloc->makeUnique<PathSubRun>(
accepted, isAntiAliased, strikeToSourceScale, std::move(strikeRef), alloc));
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider&,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const override {
fPathDrawing.submitDraws(canvas, drawOrigin, paint);
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device* device) const override {
fPathDrawing.submitDraws(canvas, drawOrigin, paint);
int unflattenSize() const override;
bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const override {
return true;
const AtlasSubRun* testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const override { return nullptr; }
static SubRunOwner MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
SubRunType subRunType() const override { return kPath; }
void doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const override;
PathOpSubmitter fPathDrawing;
int PathSubRun::unflattenSize() const {
return sizeof(PathSubRun) + fPathDrawing.unflattenSize();
void PathSubRun::doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
SubRunOwner PathSubRun::MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
auto pathOpSubmitter = PathOpSubmitter::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, alloc, client);
if (!buffer.validate(pathOpSubmitter.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
return alloc->makeUnique<PathSubRun>(std::move(*pathOpSubmitter));
// -- DrawableOpSubmitter --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shared code for submitting GPU ops for drawing glyphs as drawables.
class DrawableOpSubmitter {
DrawableOpSubmitter(SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions,
SkSpan<SkGlyphID> glyphIDs,
SkSpan<SkDrawable*> drawableData,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
const SkDescriptor& descriptor);
static DrawableOpSubmitter Make(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SkDescriptor& descriptor,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
int unflattenSize() const;
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const;
static std::optional<DrawableOpSubmitter> MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
void submitOps(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
const SkScalar fStrikeToSourceScale;
const SkSpan<SkPoint> fPositions;
const SkSpan<SkGlyphID> fGlyphIDs;
const SkSpan<SkDrawable*> fDrawables;
sk_sp<SkStrike> fStrike; // Owns the fDrawables.
const SkAutoDescriptor fDescriptor;
int DrawableOpSubmitter::unflattenSize() const {
return fPositions.size_bytes() +
fGlyphIDs.size_bytes() +
SkCount(fPositions) * sizeof(sk_sp<SkDrawable>);
void DrawableOpSubmitter::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
buffer.writePointArray(, SkCount(fPositions));
for (SkGlyphID glyphID : fGlyphIDs) {
std::optional<DrawableOpSubmitter> DrawableOpSubmitter::MakeFromBuffer(
SkReadBuffer& buffer, SubRunAllocator* alloc, const SkStrikeClient* client) {
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale = buffer.readScalar();
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions = make_points_from_buffer(buffer, alloc);
if (positions.empty()) { return std::nullopt; }
const int glyphCount = SkCount(positions);
// Remember, we stored an int for glyph id.
if (!buffer.validateCanReadN<int>(glyphCount)) { return std::nullopt; }
SkGlyphID* glyphIDs = alloc->makePODArray<SkGlyphID>(glyphCount);
for (int i = 0; i < SkToInt(glyphCount); ++i) {
glyphIDs[i] = SkTo<SkGlyphID>(buffer.readInt());
auto descriptor = SkAutoDescriptor::MakeFromBuffer(buffer);
if (!buffer.validate(descriptor.has_value())) { return std::nullopt; }
// Translate the TypefaceID if this was transferred from the GPU process.
if (client != nullptr) {
if (!client->translateTypefaceID(&descriptor.value())) { return std::nullopt; }
auto strike = SkStrikeCache::GlobalStrikeCache()->findStrike(*descriptor->getDesc());
if (!buffer.validate(strike != nullptr)) { return std::nullopt; }
auto drawables = alloc->makePODArray<SkDrawable*>(glyphCount);
SkBulkGlyphMetricsAndDrawables drawableGetter(sk_sp<SkStrike>{strike});
auto glyphs = drawableGetter.glyphs(SkSpan(glyphIDs, glyphCount));
for (auto [i, glyph] : SkMakeEnumerate(glyphs)) {
drawables[i] = glyph->drawable();
return {DrawableOpSubmitter{strikeToSourceScale,
SkSpan(glyphIDs, glyphCount),
SkSpan(drawables, glyphCount),
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions,
SkSpan<SkGlyphID> glyphIDs,
SkSpan<SkDrawable*> drawables,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
const SkDescriptor& descriptor)
: fStrikeToSourceScale{strikeToSourceScale}
, fPositions{positions}
, fGlyphIDs{glyphIDs}
, fDrawables{std::move(drawables)}
, fStrike(std::move(strike))
, fDescriptor{descriptor} {
DrawableOpSubmitter DrawableOpSubmitter::Make(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SkDescriptor& descriptor,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
int glyphCount = SkCount(accepted);
SkPoint* positions = alloc->makePODArray<SkPoint>(glyphCount);
SkGlyphID* glyphIDs = alloc->makePODArray<SkGlyphID>(glyphCount);
SkDrawable** drawables = alloc->makePODArray<SkDrawable*>(glyphCount);
for (auto [i, variant, pos] : SkMakeEnumerate(accepted)) {
positions[i] = pos;
glyphIDs[i] = variant.glyph()->getGlyphID();
drawables[i] = variant.glyph()->drawable();
return DrawableOpSubmitter{strikeToSourceScale,
SkSpan(positions, glyphCount),
SkSpan(glyphIDs, glyphCount),
SkSpan(drawables, glyphCount),
void DrawableOpSubmitter::submitOps(SkCanvas* canvas,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
// Calculate the matrix that maps the path glyphs from their size in the strike to
// the graphics source space.
SkMatrix strikeToSource = SkMatrix::Scale(fStrikeToSourceScale, fStrikeToSourceScale);
strikeToSource.postTranslate(drawOrigin.x(), drawOrigin.y());
// Transform the path to device because the deviceMatrix must be unchanged to
// draw effect, filter or shader paths.
for (auto [i, position] : SkMakeEnumerate(fPositions)) {
SkDrawable* drawable = fDrawables[i];
// Transform the glyph to source space.
SkMatrix pathMatrix = strikeToSource;
pathMatrix.postTranslate(position.x(), position.y());
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, false);
SkRect drawableBounds = drawable->getBounds();
canvas->saveLayer(&drawableBounds, &paint);
drawable->draw(canvas, &pathMatrix);
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
template <typename SubRunT>
SubRunOwner make_drawable_sub_run(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SkDescriptor& descriptor,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
return alloc->makeUnique<SubRunT>(
DrawableOpSubmitter::Make(drawables, std::move(strike),
strikeToSourceScale, descriptor, alloc));
// -- DrawableSubRun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DrawableSubRun : public SubRun {
DrawableSubRun(DrawableOpSubmitter&& drawingDrawing)
: fDrawingDrawing(std::move(drawingDrawing)) {}
static SubRunOwner MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix&,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const override {
fDrawingDrawing.submitOps(canvas, clip, viewMatrix, drawOrigin, paint, sdc);
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device* device) const override {
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
int unflattenSize() const override;
bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const override;
const AtlasSubRun* testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const override;
SubRunType subRunType() const override { return kDrawable; }
void doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const override;
DrawableOpSubmitter fDrawingDrawing;
int DrawableSubRun::unflattenSize() const {
return sizeof(DrawableSubRun) + fDrawingDrawing.unflattenSize();
void DrawableSubRun::doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
SubRunOwner DrawableSubRun::MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix&,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
auto drawableOpSubmitter = DrawableOpSubmitter::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, alloc, client);
if (!buffer.validate(drawableOpSubmitter.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
return alloc->makeUnique<DrawableSubRun>(std::move(*drawableOpSubmitter));
bool DrawableSubRun::canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
return true;
const AtlasSubRun* DrawableSubRun::testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const {
return nullptr;
enum ClipMethod {
std::tuple<ClipMethod, SkIRect>
calculate_clip(const GrClip* clip, SkRect deviceBounds, SkRect glyphBounds) {
if (clip == nullptr && !deviceBounds.intersects(glyphBounds)) {
return {kClippedOut, SkIRect::MakeEmpty()};
} else if (clip != nullptr) {
switch (auto result = clip->preApply(glyphBounds, GrAA::kNo); result.fEffect) {
case GrClip::Effect::kClippedOut:
return {kClippedOut, SkIRect::MakeEmpty()};
case GrClip::Effect::kUnclipped:
return {kUnclipped, SkIRect::MakeEmpty()};
case GrClip::Effect::kClipped: {
if (result.fIsRRect && result.fRRect.isRect()) {
SkRect r = result.fRRect.rect();
if (result.fAA == GrAA::kNo || GrClip::IsPixelAligned(r)) {
SkIRect clipRect = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
// Clip geometrically during onPrepare using clipRect.
if (clipRect.contains(glyphBounds)) {
// If fully within the clip, signal no clipping using the empty rect.
return {kUnclipped, SkIRect::MakeEmpty()};
// Use the clipRect to clip the geometry.
return {kGeometryClipped, clipRect};
// Partial pixel clipped at this point. Have the GPU handle it.
return {kGPUClipped, SkIRect::MakeEmpty()};
template <typename Rect>
auto ltbr(const Rect& r) {
return std::make_tuple(r.left(),, r.right(), r.bottom());
// Handle any combination of BW or color and clip or no clip.
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void generalized_direct_2D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
SkPoint originOffset,
SkIRect* clip = nullptr) {
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
uint16_t w = ar - al,
h = ab - at;
SkScalar l = leftTop.x() + originOffset.x(),
t = leftTop.y() + originOffset.y();
if (clip == nullptr) {
auto[dl, dt, dr, db] = SkRect::MakeLTRB(l, t, l + w, t + h);
quad[0] = {{dl, dt}, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {{dl, db}, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {{dr, dt}, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {{dr, db}, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
} else {
SkIRect devIRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(l, t, l + w, t + h);
SkScalar dl, dt, dr, db;
if (!clip->containsNoEmptyCheck(devIRect)) {
if (SkIRect clipped; clipped.intersect(devIRect, *clip)) {
al += clipped.left() - devIRect.left();
at += -;
ar += clipped.right() - devIRect.right();
ab += clipped.bottom() - devIRect.bottom();
std::tie(dl, dt, dr, db) = ltbr(clipped);
} else {
// TODO: omit generating any vertex data for fully clipped glyphs ?
std::tie(dl, dt, dr, db) = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0, 0);
std::tie(al, at, ar, ab) = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
std::tie(dl, dt, dr, db) = ltbr(devIRect);
quad[0] = {{dl, dt}, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {{dl, db}, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {{dr, dt}, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {{dr, db}, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
// The 99% case. No clip. Non-color only.
void direct_2D(SkZip<Mask2DVertex[4],
const Glyph*,
const SkPoint> quadData,
GrColor color,
SkPoint originOffset) {
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkScalar dl = leftTop.x() + originOffset.x(),
dt = leftTop.y() + originOffset.y(),
dr = dl + (ar - al),
db = dt + (ab - at);
quad[0] = {{dl, dt}, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {{dl, db}, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {{dr, dt}, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {{dr, db}, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
// -- DirectMaskSubRun -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DirectMaskSubRun final : public SubRun, public AtlasSubRun {
DirectMaskSubRun(MaskFormat format,
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkRect deviceBounds,
SkSpan<const SkPoint> devicePositions,
GlyphVector&& glyphs);
static SubRunOwner Make(SkRect runBounds,
const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
MaskFormat format,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
static SubRunOwner MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
void draw(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunOwner,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const override;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void draw(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device*) const override;
int unflattenSize() const override;
int glyphCount() const override;
void testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache* cache) const override;
size_t vertexStride(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const override;
std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner>
makeAtlasTextOp(const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt>&& subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const override;
std::tuple<bool, int>
regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, GrMeshDrawTarget*) const override;
void fillVertexData(void* vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin,
SkIRect clip) const override;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
std::tuple<bool, int>
regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, Recorder*) const override;
std::tuple<Rect, Transform> boundsAndDeviceMatrix(const Transform&,
SkPoint drawOrigin) const override;
const Renderer* renderer() const override {
return &Renderer::TextDirect(fMaskFormat == skgpu::MaskFormat::kA8);
void fillVertexData(DrawWriter*,
int offset, int count,
SkScalar depth,
const skgpu::graphite::Transform& transform) const override;
MaskFormat maskFormat() const override { return fMaskFormat; }
bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const override;
const AtlasSubRun* testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const override;
SubRunType subRunType() const override { return kDirectMask; }
void doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const override;
// Return true if the positionMatrix represents an integer translation. Return the device
// bounding box of all the glyphs. If the bounding box is empty, then something went singular
// and this operation should be dropped.
std::tuple<bool, SkRect> deviceRectAndCheckTransform(const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const;
const MaskFormat fMaskFormat;
const SkMatrix& fInitialPositionMatrix;
// The vertex bounds in device space. The bounds are the joined rectangles of all the glyphs.
const SkRect fGlyphDeviceBounds;
const SkSpan<const SkPoint> fLeftTopDevicePos;
// The regenerateAtlas method mutates fGlyphs. It should be called from onPrepare which must
// be single threaded.
mutable GlyphVector fGlyphs;
DirectMaskSubRun::DirectMaskSubRun(MaskFormat format,
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkRect deviceBounds,
SkSpan<const SkPoint> devicePositions,
GlyphVector&& glyphs)
: fMaskFormat{format}
, fInitialPositionMatrix{initialPositionMatrix}
, fGlyphDeviceBounds{deviceBounds}
, fLeftTopDevicePos{devicePositions}
, fGlyphs{std::move(glyphs)} {}
SubRunOwner DirectMaskSubRun::Make(SkRect runBounds,
const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
MaskFormat format,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
auto glyphLeftTop = alloc->makePODArray<SkPoint>(accepted.size());
auto glyphIDs = alloc->makePODArray<GlyphVector::Variant>(accepted.size());
for (auto [i, variant, pos] : SkMakeEnumerate(accepted)) {
glyphLeftTop[i] = pos;
glyphIDs[i].packedGlyphID = variant.packedID();
SkSpan<const SkPoint> leftTop{glyphLeftTop, accepted.size()};
return alloc->makeUnique<DirectMaskSubRun>(
format, initialPositionMatrix, runBounds, leftTop,
GlyphVector{std::move(strike), {glyphIDs, accepted.size()}});
bool DirectMaskSubRun::canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
auto [reuse, _] = can_use_direct(fInitialPositionMatrix, positionMatrix);
return reuse;
SubRunOwner DirectMaskSubRun::MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
MaskFormat maskType = (MaskFormat)buffer.readInt();
SkRect runBounds = buffer.readRect();
SkSpan<SkPoint> leftTop = make_points_from_buffer(buffer, alloc);
if (leftTop.empty()) { return nullptr; }
const int glyphCount = SkCount(leftTop);
auto glyphVector = GlyphVector::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, client, alloc);
if (!buffer.validate(glyphVector.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
if (!buffer.validate(SkCount(glyphVector->glyphs()) == glyphCount)) { return nullptr; }
return alloc->makeUnique<DirectMaskSubRun>(
maskType, initialPositionMatrix, runBounds, leftTop,
void DirectMaskSubRun::doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
buffer.writePointArray(, SkCount(fLeftTopDevicePos));
int DirectMaskSubRun::unflattenSize() const {
return sizeof(DirectMaskSubRun) +
fGlyphs.unflattenSize() +
sizeof(SkPoint) * fGlyphs.glyphs().size();
const AtlasSubRun* DirectMaskSubRun::testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const {
return this;
int DirectMaskSubRun::glyphCount() const {
return SkCount(fGlyphs.glyphs());
size_t DirectMaskSubRun::vertexStride(const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
if (!positionMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
if (fMaskFormat != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
return sizeof(Mask2DVertex);
} else {
return sizeof(ARGB2DVertex);
} else {
if (fMaskFormat != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
return sizeof(Mask3DVertex);
} else {
return sizeof(ARGB3DVertex);
void DirectMaskSubRun::draw(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
auto[drawingClip, op] = this->makeAtlasTextOp(
clip, viewMatrix, drawOrigin, paint, std::move(subRunStorage), sdc);
if (op != nullptr) {
sdc->addDrawOp(drawingClip, std::move(op));
std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner> DirectMaskSubRun::makeAtlasTextOp(
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt>&& subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
SkASSERT(this->glyphCount() != 0);
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix = viewMatrix.localToDevice();
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix = position_matrix(drawMatrix, drawOrigin);
auto [integerTranslate, subRunDeviceBounds] = this->deviceRectAndCheckTransform(positionMatrix);
if (subRunDeviceBounds.isEmpty()) {
return {nullptr, nullptr};
// Rect for optimized bounds clipping when doing an integer translate.
SkIRect geometricClipRect = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
if (integerTranslate) {
// We can clip geometrically using clipRect and ignore clip when an axis-aligned rectangular
// non-AA clip is used. If clipRect is empty, and clip is nullptr, then there is no clipping
// needed.
const SkRect deviceBounds = SkRect::MakeWH(sdc->width(), sdc->height());
auto [clipMethod, clipRect] = calculate_clip(clip, deviceBounds, subRunDeviceBounds);
switch (clipMethod) {
case kClippedOut:
// Returning nullptr as op means skip this op.
return {nullptr, nullptr};
case kUnclipped:
case kGeometryClipped:
// GPU clip is not needed.
clip = nullptr;
case kGPUClipped:
// Use th GPU clip; clipRect is ignored.
geometricClipRect = clipRect;
if (!geometricClipRect.isEmpty()) { SkASSERT(clip == nullptr); }
GrPaint grPaint;
const SkPMColor4f drawingColor =
calculate_colors(sdc, paint, viewMatrix, fMaskFormat, sdc->surfaceProps(), &grPaint);
auto geometry = AtlasTextOp::Geometry::Make(*this,
GrRecordingContext* const rContext = sdc->recordingContext();
GrOp::Owner op = GrOp::Make<AtlasTextOp>(rContext,
return {clip, std::move(op)};
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void DirectMaskSubRun::draw(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device* device) const {
// TODO: see makeAtlasTextOp for Geometry set up
device->drawAtlasSubRun(this, drawOrigin, paint, std::move(subRunStorage));
void DirectMaskSubRun::testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache *cache) const {
std::tuple<bool, int> DirectMaskSubRun::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end,
GrMeshDrawTarget* target) const {
return fGlyphs.regenerateAtlas(begin, end, fMaskFormat, 0, target);
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void transformed_direct_2D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& matrix) {
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkScalar dl = leftTop.x(),
dt = leftTop.y(),
dr = dl + (ar - al),
db = dt + (ab - at);
SkPoint lt = matrix.mapXY(dl, dt),
lb = matrix.mapXY(dl, db),
rt = matrix.mapXY(dr, dt),
rb = matrix.mapXY(dr, db);
quad[0] = {lt, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {lb, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {rt, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {rb, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
template<typename Quad, typename VertexData>
void transformed_direct_3D(SkZip<Quad, const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& matrix) {
auto mapXYZ = [&](SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
SkPoint pt{x, y};
SkPoint3 result;
matrix.mapHomogeneousPoints(&result, &pt, 1);
return result;
for (auto[quad, glyph, leftTop] : quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkScalar dl = leftTop.x(),
dt = leftTop.y(),
dr = dl + (ar - al),
db = dt + (ab - at);
SkPoint3 lt = mapXYZ(dl, dt),
lb = mapXYZ(dl, db),
rt = mapXYZ(dr, dt),
rb = mapXYZ(dr, db);
quad[0] = {lt, color, {al, at}}; // L,T
quad[1] = {lb, color, {al, ab}}; // L,B
quad[2] = {rt, color, {ar, at}}; // R,T
quad[3] = {rb, color, {ar, ab}}; // R,B
void DirectMaskSubRun::fillVertexData(void* vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin,
SkIRect clip) const {
auto quadData = [&](auto dst) {
return SkMakeZip(dst,
fGlyphs.glyphs().subspan(offset, count),
fLeftTopDevicePos.subspan(offset, count));
const SkMatrix positionMatrix = position_matrix(drawMatrix, drawOrigin);
auto [noTransformNeeded, originOffset] =
can_use_direct(fInitialPositionMatrix, positionMatrix);
if (noTransformNeeded) {
if (clip.isEmpty()) {
if (fMaskFormat != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
direct_2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, originOffset);
} else {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
generalized_direct_2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, originOffset);
} else {
if (fMaskFormat != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
generalized_direct_2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, originOffset, &clip);
} else {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(SkMatrix::I()));
generalized_direct_2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, originOffset, &clip);
} else if (SkMatrix inverse; fInitialPositionMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
SkMatrix viewDifference = SkMatrix::Concat(positionMatrix, inverse);
if (!viewDifference.hasPerspective()) {
if (fMaskFormat != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = Mask2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
transformed_direct_2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, viewDifference);
} else {
using Quad = ARGB2DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB2DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
transformed_direct_2D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, viewDifference);
} else {
if (fMaskFormat != MaskFormat::kARGB) {
using Quad = Mask3DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(Mask3DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
transformed_direct_3D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, viewDifference);
} else {
using Quad = ARGB3DVertex[4];
SkASSERT(sizeof(ARGB3DVertex) == this->vertexStride(positionMatrix));
transformed_direct_3D(quadData((Quad*)vertexDst), color, viewDifference);
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
std::tuple<bool, int> DirectMaskSubRun::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end,
Recorder* recorder) const {
return fGlyphs.regenerateAtlas(begin, end, fMaskFormat, 0, recorder);
std::tuple<Rect, Transform> DirectMaskSubRun::boundsAndDeviceMatrix(const Transform& localToDevice,
SkPoint drawOrigin) const {
// The baked-in matrix differs from the current localToDevice by a translation if the upper 2x2
// remains the same, and there's no perspective. Since there's no projection, Z is irrelevant
// so it's okay that fInitialPositionMatrix is an SkMatrix and has discarded the 3rd row/col,
// and can ignore those values in localToDevice.
const SkM44& positionMatrix = localToDevice.matrix();
const bool compatibleMatrix = positionMatrix.rc(0,0) == fInitialPositionMatrix.rc(0,0) &&
positionMatrix.rc(0,1) == fInitialPositionMatrix.rc(0,1) &&
positionMatrix.rc(1,0) == fInitialPositionMatrix.rc(1,0) &&
positionMatrix.rc(1,1) == fInitialPositionMatrix.rc(1,1) &&
localToDevice.type() != Transform::Type::kProjection &&
if (compatibleMatrix) {
const SkV4 mappedOrigin =, drawOrigin.y(), 0.f, 1.f);
const SkV2 offset = {mappedOrigin.x - fInitialPositionMatrix.getTranslateX(),
mappedOrigin.y - fInitialPositionMatrix.getTranslateY()};
if (SkScalarIsInt(offset.x) && SkScalarIsInt(offset.y)) {
// The offset is an integer (but make sure), which means the generated mask can be
// accessed without changing how texels would be sampled.
return {Rect(fGlyphDeviceBounds),
// Otherwise compute the relative transformation from fInitialPositionMatrix to localToDevice,
// with the drawOrigin applied. If fInitialPositionMatrix or the concatenation is not invertible
// the returned Transform is marked invalid and the draw will be automatically dropped.
return {Rect(fGlyphDeviceBounds),
localToDevice.preTranslate(drawOrigin.x(), drawOrigin.y())
template<typename VertexData>
void direct_dw(DrawWriter* dw,
SkZip<const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
SkScalar depth) {
DrawWriter::Vertices verts{*dw};
for (auto [glyph, leftTop]: quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkScalar dl = leftTop.x(),
dt = leftTop.y(),
dr = dl + (ar - al),
db = dt + (ab - at);
// TODO: Ganesh uses indices but that's not available with dynamic vertex data
// TODO: we should really use instances as well.
verts.append(6) << SkPoint{dl, dt} << depth << AtlasPt{al, at} // L,T
<< SkPoint{dl, db} << depth << AtlasPt{al, ab} // L,B
<< SkPoint{dr, dt} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, at} // R,T
<< SkPoint{dl, db} << depth << AtlasPt{al, ab} // L,B
<< SkPoint{dr, db} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, ab} // R,B
<< SkPoint{dr, dt} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, at}; // R,T
template<typename VertexData>
void transformed_direct_dw(DrawWriter* dw,
SkZip<const Glyph*, const VertexData> quadData,
SkScalar depth, const Transform& transform) {
DrawWriter::Vertices verts{*dw};
for (auto [glyph, leftTop]: quadData) {
auto[al, at, ar, ab] = glyph->fAtlasLocator.getUVs();
SkScalar dl = leftTop.x(),
dt = leftTop.y(),
dr = dl + (ar - al),
db = dt + (ab - at);
SkV2 localCorners[4] = {{dl, dt}, {dr, dt}, {dr, db}, {dl, db}};
SkV4 devOut[4];
transform.mapPoints(localCorners, devOut, 4);
// TODO: Ganesh uses indices but that's not available with dynamic vertex data
// TODO: we should really use instances as well.
verts.append(6) << SkPoint{devOut[0].x, devOut[0].y} << depth << AtlasPt{al, at} // L,T
<< SkPoint{devOut[3].x, devOut[3].y} << depth << AtlasPt{al, ab} // L,B
<< SkPoint{devOut[1].x, devOut[1].y} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, at} // R,T
<< SkPoint{devOut[3].x, devOut[3].y} << depth << AtlasPt{al, ab} // L,B
<< SkPoint{devOut[2].x, devOut[2].y} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, ab} // R,B
<< SkPoint{devOut[1].x, devOut[1].y} << depth << AtlasPt{ar, at}; // R,T
void DirectMaskSubRun::fillVertexData(DrawWriter* dw,
int offset, int count,
SkScalar depth,
const skgpu::graphite::Transform& toDevice) const {
auto quadData = [&]() {
return SkMakeZip(fGlyphs.glyphs().subspan(offset, count),
fLeftTopDevicePos.subspan(offset, count));
// TODO: Can't handle perspective right now
if (toDevice.type() == Transform::Type::kProjection) {
bool noTransformNeeded = (toDevice.type() == Transform::Type::kIdentity);
if (noTransformNeeded) {
direct_dw(dw, quadData(), depth);
} else {
transformed_direct_dw(dw, quadData(), depth, toDevice);
// true if only need to translate by integer amount, device rect.
std::tuple<bool, SkRect> DirectMaskSubRun::deviceRectAndCheckTransform(
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
const SkMatrix& initialMatrix = fInitialPositionMatrix;
const SkPoint offset = positionMatrix.mapOrigin() - initialMatrix.mapOrigin();
const bool compatibleMatrix = positionMatrix[0] == initialMatrix[0] &&
positionMatrix[1] == initialMatrix[1] &&
positionMatrix[3] == initialMatrix[3] &&
positionMatrix[4] == initialMatrix[4] &&
!positionMatrix.hasPerspective() &&
if (compatibleMatrix && SkScalarIsInt(offset.x()) && SkScalarIsInt(offset.y())) {
return {true, fGlyphDeviceBounds.makeOffset(offset)};
} else if (SkMatrix inverse; fInitialPositionMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
SkMatrix viewDifference = SkMatrix::Concat(positionMatrix, inverse);
return {false, viewDifference.mapRect(fGlyphDeviceBounds)};
// initialPositionMatrix is singular. Do nothing.
return {false, SkRect::MakeEmpty()};
// -- TransformedMaskSubRun ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TransformedMaskSubRun final : public SubRun, public AtlasSubRun {
TransformedMaskSubRun(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
TransformedMaskVertexFiller&& vertexFiller,
GlyphVector&& glyphs);
static SubRunOwner Make(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkRect sourceBounds,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
MaskFormat maskType,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
static SubRunOwner MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
void draw(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const override;
std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner>
makeAtlasTextOp(const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt>&& subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const override;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void draw(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device*) const override;
int unflattenSize() const override;
bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const override;
const AtlasSubRun* testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const override;
void testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache *cache) const override;
std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, GrMeshDrawTarget*) const override;
void fillVertexData(
void* vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin,
SkIRect clip) const override;
size_t vertexStride(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const override;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, Recorder*) const override;
std::tuple<Rect, Transform> boundsAndDeviceMatrix(const Transform&,
SkPoint drawOrigin) const override;
const Renderer* renderer() const override {
return &Renderer::TextDirect(fVertexFiller.grMaskType() == skgpu::MaskFormat::kA8);
void fillVertexData(DrawWriter*,
int offset, int count,
SkScalar depth,
const skgpu::graphite::Transform& transform) const override;
MaskFormat maskFormat() const override { return fVertexFiller.grMaskType(); }
int glyphCount() const override;
SubRunType subRunType() const override { return kTransformMask; }
void doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const override;
// The rectangle that surrounds all the glyph bounding boxes in device space.
SkRect deviceRect(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) const;
const SkMatrix& fInitialPositionMatrix;
const TransformedMaskVertexFiller fVertexFiller;
// The regenerateAtlas method mutates fGlyphs. It should be called from onPrepare which must
// be single threaded.
mutable GlyphVector fGlyphs;
TransformedMaskSubRun::TransformedMaskSubRun(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
TransformedMaskVertexFiller&& vertexFiller,
GlyphVector&& glyphs)
: fInitialPositionMatrix{initialPositionMatrix}
, fVertexFiller{std::move(vertexFiller)}
, fGlyphs{std::move(glyphs)} { }
SubRunOwner TransformedMaskSubRun::Make(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkRect sourceBounds,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
MaskFormat maskType,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
auto vertexFiller = TransformedMaskVertexFiller::Make(
sourceBounds, maskType, 0, strikeToSourceScale, accepted, alloc);
auto glyphVector = GlyphVector::Make(std::move(strike), accepted.get<0>(), alloc);
return alloc->makeUnique<TransformedMaskSubRun>(
initialPositionMatrix, std::move(vertexFiller), std::move(glyphVector));
SubRunOwner TransformedMaskSubRun::MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
auto vertexFiller = TransformedMaskVertexFiller::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, alloc);
if (!buffer.validate(vertexFiller.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
auto glyphVector = GlyphVector::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, client, alloc);
if (!buffer.validate(glyphVector.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
if (!buffer.validate(SkCount(glyphVector->glyphs()) == vertexFiller->count())) {
return nullptr;
return alloc->makeUnique<TransformedMaskSubRun>(
initialPositionMatrix, std::move(*vertexFiller), std::move(*glyphVector));
int TransformedMaskSubRun::unflattenSize() const {
return sizeof(TransformedMaskSubRun) + fGlyphs.unflattenSize() + fVertexFiller.unflattenSize();
void TransformedMaskSubRun::doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
void TransformedMaskSubRun::draw(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
auto[drawingClip, op] = this->makeAtlasTextOp(
clip, viewMatrix, drawOrigin, paint, std::move(subRunStorage), sdc);
if (op != nullptr) {
sdc->addDrawOp(drawingClip, std::move(op));
std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner>
TransformedMaskSubRun::makeAtlasTextOp(const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt>&& subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
SkASSERT(this->glyphCount() != 0);
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix = viewMatrix.localToDevice();
GrPaint grPaint;
SkPMColor4f drawingColor = calculate_colors(
sdc, paint, viewMatrix, fVertexFiller.grMaskType(), sdc->surfaceProps(), &grPaint);
auto geometry = AtlasTextOp::Geometry::Make(*this,
GrRecordingContext* const rContext = sdc->recordingContext();
GrOp::Owner op = GrOp::Make<AtlasTextOp>(rContext,
this->deviceRect(drawMatrix, drawOrigin),
return {clip, std::move(op)};
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void TransformedMaskSubRun::draw(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device* device) const {
// TODO: see makeAtlasTextOp for Geometry set up
device->drawAtlasSubRun(this, drawOrigin, paint, std::move(subRunStorage));
// If we are not scaling the cache entry to be larger, than a cache with smaller glyphs may be
// better.
bool TransformedMaskSubRun::canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
if (fInitialPositionMatrix.getMaxScale() < 1) {
return false;
return true;
void TransformedMaskSubRun::testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache *cache) const {
std::tuple<bool, int> TransformedMaskSubRun::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end,
GrMeshDrawTarget* target) const {
return fGlyphs.regenerateAtlas(begin, end, fVertexFiller.grMaskType(), 1, target);
void TransformedMaskSubRun::fillVertexData(void* vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin,
SkIRect clip) const {
const SkMatrix positionMatrix = position_matrix(drawMatrix, drawOrigin);
fVertexFiller.fillVertexData(offset, count,
size_t TransformedMaskSubRun::vertexStride(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const {
return fVertexFiller.vertexStride(drawMatrix);
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
std::tuple<bool, int> TransformedMaskSubRun::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end,
Recorder* recorder) const {
return fGlyphs.regenerateAtlas(begin, end, fVertexFiller.grMaskType(), 1, recorder);
std::tuple<Rect, Transform> TransformedMaskSubRun::boundsAndDeviceMatrix(
const Transform& localToDevice, SkPoint drawOrigin) const {
return {Rect(fVertexFiller.localRect()),
localToDevice.preTranslate(drawOrigin.x(), drawOrigin.y())};
void TransformedMaskSubRun::fillVertexData(DrawWriter* dw,
int offset, int count,
SkScalar depth,
const Transform& transform) const {
offset, count,
int TransformedMaskSubRun::glyphCount() const {
return SkCount(fGlyphs.glyphs());
SkRect TransformedMaskSubRun::deviceRect(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) const {
return fVertexFiller.deviceRect(drawMatrix, drawOrigin);
const AtlasSubRun* TransformedMaskSubRun::testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const {
return this;
// -- SDFTSubRun -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SDFTSubRun final : public SubRun, public AtlasSubRun {
SDFTSubRun(bool useLCDText,
bool antiAliased,
const SDFTMatrixRange& matrixRange,
TransformedMaskVertexFiller&& vertexFiller,
GlyphVector&& glyphs);
static SubRunOwner Make(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
const SkFont& runFont,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkRect sourceBounds,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SDFTMatrixRange& matrixRange,
SubRunAllocator* alloc);
static SubRunOwner MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client);
void draw(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const override;
std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner>
makeAtlasTextOp(const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt>&& subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const override;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void draw(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint&,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device*) const override;
int unflattenSize() const override;
bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const override;
const AtlasSubRun* testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const override;
void testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache *cache) const override;
std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, GrMeshDrawTarget*) const override;
void fillVertexData(
void* vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin,
SkIRect clip) const override;
size_t vertexStride(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const override;
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, Recorder*) const override;
std::tuple<Rect, Transform> boundsAndDeviceMatrix(const Transform&,
SkPoint drawOrigin) const override;
const Renderer* renderer() const override { return &Renderer::TextSDF(fUseLCDText); }
void fillVertexData(DrawWriter*,
int offset, int count,
SkScalar depth,
const skgpu::graphite::Transform& transform) const override;
MaskFormat maskFormat() const override { return fVertexFiller.grMaskType(); }
int glyphCount() const override;
SubRunType subRunType() const override { return kSDFT; }
void doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const override;
// The rectangle that surrounds all the glyph bounding boxes in device space.
SkRect deviceRect(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) const;
const bool fUseLCDText;
const bool fAntiAliased;
const SDFTMatrixRange fMatrixRange;
const TransformedMaskVertexFiller fVertexFiller;
// The regenerateAtlas method mutates fGlyphs. It should be called from onPrepare which must
// be single threaded.
mutable GlyphVector fGlyphs;
SDFTSubRun::SDFTSubRun(bool useLCDText,
bool antiAliased,
const SDFTMatrixRange& matrixRange,
TransformedMaskVertexFiller&& vertexFiller,
GlyphVector&& glyphs)
: fUseLCDText{useLCDText}
, fAntiAliased{antiAliased}
, fMatrixRange{matrixRange}
, fVertexFiller{std::move(vertexFiller)}
, fGlyphs{std::move(glyphs)} { }
bool has_some_antialiasing(const SkFont& font ) {
SkFont::Edging edging = font.getEdging();
return edging == SkFont::Edging::kAntiAlias
|| edging == SkFont::Edging::kSubpixelAntiAlias;
SubRunOwner SDFTSubRun::Make(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& accepted,
const SkFont& runFont,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike,
SkRect sourceBounds,
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale,
const SDFTMatrixRange& matrixRange,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
auto vertexFiller = TransformedMaskVertexFiller::Make(
auto glyphVector = GlyphVector::Make(std::move(strike), accepted.get<0>(), alloc);
return alloc->makeUnique<SDFTSubRun>(
runFont.getEdging() == SkFont::Edging::kSubpixelAntiAlias,
SubRunOwner SDFTSubRun::MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix&,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
int useLCD = buffer.readInt();
int isAntiAliased = buffer.readInt();
SDFTMatrixRange matrixRange = SDFTMatrixRange::MakeFromBuffer(buffer);
auto vertexFiller = TransformedMaskVertexFiller::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, alloc);
if (!buffer.validate(vertexFiller.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
auto glyphVector = GlyphVector::MakeFromBuffer(buffer, client, alloc);
if (!buffer.validate(glyphVector.has_value())) { return nullptr; }
if (!buffer.validate(SkCount(glyphVector->glyphs()) == vertexFiller->count())) {
return nullptr;
return alloc->makeUnique<SDFTSubRun>(useLCD,
int SDFTSubRun::unflattenSize() const {
return sizeof(SDFTSubRun) + fGlyphs.unflattenSize() + fVertexFiller.unflattenSize();
void SDFTSubRun::doFlatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
void SDFTSubRun::draw(SkCanvas*,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
auto[drawingClip, op] = this->makeAtlasTextOp(
clip, viewMatrix, drawOrigin, paint, std::move(subRunStorage), sdc);
if (op != nullptr) {
sdc->addDrawOp(drawingClip, std::move(op));
static std::tuple<AtlasTextOp::MaskType, uint32_t, bool> calculate_sdf_parameters(
const skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext& sdc,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix,
bool useLCDText,
bool isAntiAliased) {
const GrColorInfo& colorInfo = sdc.colorInfo();
const SkSurfaceProps& props = sdc.surfaceProps();
bool isBGR = SkPixelGeometryIsBGR(props.pixelGeometry());
bool isLCD = useLCDText && SkPixelGeometryIsH(props.pixelGeometry());
using MT = AtlasTextOp::MaskType;
MT maskType = !isAntiAliased ? MT::kAliasedDistanceField
: isLCD ? (isBGR ? MT::kLCDBGRDistanceField
: MT::kLCDDistanceField)
: MT::kGrayscaleDistanceField;
bool useGammaCorrectDistanceTable = colorInfo.isLinearlyBlended();
uint32_t DFGPFlags = drawMatrix.isSimilarity() ? kSimilarity_DistanceFieldEffectFlag : 0;
DFGPFlags |= drawMatrix.isScaleTranslate() ? kScaleOnly_DistanceFieldEffectFlag : 0;
DFGPFlags |= useGammaCorrectDistanceTable ? kGammaCorrect_DistanceFieldEffectFlag : 0;
DFGPFlags |= MT::kAliasedDistanceField == maskType ? kAliased_DistanceFieldEffectFlag : 0;
if (isLCD) {
DFGPFlags |= kUseLCD_DistanceFieldEffectFlag;
DFGPFlags |= MT::kLCDBGRDistanceField == maskType ? kBGR_DistanceFieldEffectFlag : 0;
return {maskType, DFGPFlags, useGammaCorrectDistanceTable};
std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner >
SDFTSubRun::makeAtlasTextOp(const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt>&& subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
SkASSERT(this->glyphCount() != 0);
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix = viewMatrix.localToDevice();
GrPaint grPaint;
SkPMColor4f drawingColor = calculate_colors(sdc, paint, viewMatrix, MaskFormat::kA8,
sdc->surfaceProps(), &grPaint);
auto [maskType, DFGPFlags, useGammaCorrectDistanceTable] =
calculate_sdf_parameters(*sdc, drawMatrix, fUseLCDText, fAntiAliased);
auto geometry = AtlasTextOp::Geometry::Make(*this,
GrRecordingContext* const rContext = sdc->recordingContext();
GrOp::Owner op = GrOp::Make<AtlasTextOp>(rContext,
this->deviceRect(drawMatrix, drawOrigin),
return {clip, std::move(op)};
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void SDFTSubRun::draw(SkCanvas*,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkRefCnt> subRunStorage,
Device* device) const {
// TODO: see makeAtlasTextOp for Geometry set up
device->drawAtlasSubRun(this, drawOrigin, paint, std::move(subRunStorage));
bool SDFTSubRun::canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
return fMatrixRange.matrixInRange(positionMatrix);
void SDFTSubRun::testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGlyph(StrikeCache *cache) const {
std::tuple<bool, int>
SDFTSubRun::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, GrMeshDrawTarget *target) const {
return fGlyphs.regenerateAtlas(begin, end, MaskFormat::kA8, SK_DistanceFieldInset,
size_t SDFTSubRun::vertexStride(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const {
return sizeof(Mask2DVertex);
void SDFTSubRun::fillVertexData(
void *vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin,
SkIRect clip) const {
const SkMatrix positionMatrix = position_matrix(drawMatrix, drawOrigin);
fVertexFiller.fillVertexData(offset, count,
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
std::tuple<bool, int>
SDFTSubRun::regenerateAtlas(int begin, int end, Recorder *recorder) const {
return fGlyphs.regenerateAtlas(begin, end, MaskFormat::kA8, SK_DistanceFieldInset,
std::tuple<Rect, Transform> SDFTSubRun::boundsAndDeviceMatrix(const Transform& localToDevice,
SkPoint drawOrigin) const {
return {Rect(fVertexFiller.localRect()),
localToDevice.preTranslate(drawOrigin.x(), drawOrigin.y())};
void SDFTSubRun::fillVertexData(DrawWriter* dw,
int offset, int count,
SkScalar depth,
const skgpu::graphite::Transform& transform) const {
offset, count,
int SDFTSubRun::glyphCount() const {
return fVertexFiller.count();
SkRect SDFTSubRun::deviceRect(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkPoint drawOrigin) const {
return fVertexFiller.deviceRect(drawMatrix, drawOrigin);
const AtlasSubRun* SDFTSubRun::testingOnly_atlasSubRun() const {
return this;
template<typename AddSingleMaskFormat>
void add_multi_mask_format(
AddSingleMaskFormat addSingleMaskFormat,
const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint, SkMask::Format>& accepted,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& strike) {
if (accepted.empty()) { return; }
auto maskSpan = accepted.get<2>();
MaskFormat format = Glyph::FormatFromSkGlyph(maskSpan[0]);
size_t startIndex = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < accepted.size(); i++) {
MaskFormat nextFormat = Glyph::FormatFromSkGlyph(maskSpan[i]);
if (format != nextFormat) {
auto interval = accepted.subspan(startIndex, i - startIndex);
// Only pass the packed glyph ids and positions.
auto glyphsWithSameFormat = SkMakeZip(interval.get<0>(), interval.get<1>());
// Take a ref on the strike. This should rarely happen.
addSingleMaskFormat(glyphsWithSameFormat, format, sk_sp<SkStrike>(strike));
format = nextFormat;
startIndex = i;
auto interval = accepted.last(accepted.size() - startIndex);
auto glyphsWithSameFormat = SkMakeZip(interval.get<0>(), interval.get<1>());
addSingleMaskFormat(glyphsWithSameFormat, format, std::move(strike));
} // namespace
namespace sktext::gpu {
// -- SubRun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SubRun::~SubRun() = default;
void SubRun::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
SubRunOwner SubRun::MakeFromBuffer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix,
SkReadBuffer& buffer,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
const SkStrikeClient* client) {
using Maker = SubRunOwner (*)(const SkMatrix&,
const SkStrikeClient*);
static Maker makers[kSubRunTypeCount] = {
nullptr, // 0 index is bad.
int subRunTypeInt = buffer.readInt();
SkASSERT(kBad < subRunTypeInt && subRunTypeInt < kSubRunTypeCount);
if (!buffer.validate(kBad < subRunTypeInt && subRunTypeInt < kSubRunTypeCount)) {
return nullptr;
auto maker = makers[subRunTypeInt];
if (!buffer.validate(maker != nullptr)) { return nullptr; }
return maker(initialPositionMatrix, buffer, alloc, client);
// -- SubRunContainer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SubRunContainer::SubRunContainer(const SkMatrix& initialPositionMatrix)
: fInitialPositionMatrix{initialPositionMatrix} {}
void SubRunContainer::flattenAllocSizeHint(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
int unflattenSizeHint = 0;
for (auto& subrun : fSubRuns) {
unflattenSizeHint += subrun.unflattenSize();
int SubRunContainer::AllocSizeHintFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
int subRunsSizeHint = buffer.readInt();
// Since the hint doesn't affect correctness, if it looks fishy just pick a reasonable
// value.
if (subRunsSizeHint < 0 || (1 << 16) < subRunsSizeHint) {
subRunsSizeHint = 128;
return subRunsSizeHint;
void SubRunContainer::flattenRuns(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
int subRunCount = 0;
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto& subRun : fSubRuns) {
subRunCount += 1;
for (auto& subRun : fSubRuns) {
SubRunContainerOwner SubRunContainer::MakeFromBufferInAlloc(SkReadBuffer& buffer,
const SkStrikeClient* client,
SubRunAllocator* alloc) {
SkMatrix positionMatrix;
if (!buffer.isValid()) { return nullptr; }
SubRunContainerOwner container = alloc->makeUnique<SubRunContainer>(positionMatrix);
int subRunCount = buffer.readInt();
SkASSERT(subRunCount > 0);
if (!buffer.validate(subRunCount > 0)) { return nullptr; }
for (int i = 0; i < subRunCount; ++i) {
auto subRunOwner = SubRun::MakeFromBuffer(
container->initialPosition(), buffer, alloc, client);
if (!buffer.validate(subRunOwner != nullptr)) { return nullptr; }
if (subRunOwner != nullptr) {
return container;
size_t SubRunContainer::EstimateAllocSize(const GlyphRunList& glyphRunList) {
// The difference in alignment from the per-glyph data to the SubRun;
constexpr size_t alignDiff = alignof(DirectMaskSubRun) - alignof(SkPoint);
constexpr size_t vertexDataToSubRunPadding = alignDiff > 0 ? alignDiff : 0;
size_t totalGlyphCount = glyphRunList.totalGlyphCount();
// This is optimized for DirectMaskSubRun which is by far the most common case.
return totalGlyphCount * sizeof(SkPoint)
+ GlyphVector::GlyphVectorSize(totalGlyphCount)
+ glyphRunList.runCount() * (sizeof(DirectMaskSubRun) + vertexDataToSubRunPadding)
+ sizeof(SubRunContainer);
std::tuple<bool, SubRunContainerOwner> SubRunContainer::MakeInAlloc(
const GlyphRunList& glyphRunList,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix,
const SkPaint& runPaint,
SkStrikeDeviceInfo strikeDeviceInfo,
StrikeForGPUCacheInterface* strikeCache,
SubRunAllocator* alloc,
SubRunCreationBehavior creationBehavior,
const char* tag) {
SkASSERT(alloc != nullptr);
[[maybe_unused]] SkString msg;
if constexpr (kTrace) {
const uint64_t uniqueID = glyphRunList.uniqueID();
msg.appendf("\nStart glyph run processing");
if (tag != nullptr) {
msg.appendf(" for %s ", tag);
if (uniqueID != SK_InvalidUniqueID) {
msg.appendf(" uniqueID: %" PRIu64, uniqueID);
msg.appendf("\n matrix\n");
msg.appendf(" %7.3g %7.3g %7.3g\n %7.3g %7.3g %7.3g\n",
positionMatrix[0], positionMatrix[1], positionMatrix[2],
positionMatrix[3], positionMatrix[4], positionMatrix[5]);
SubRunContainerOwner container = alloc->makeUnique<SubRunContainer>(positionMatrix);
SkASSERT(strikeDeviceInfo.fSDFTControl != nullptr);
if (strikeDeviceInfo.fSDFTControl == nullptr) {
// Return empty container.
return {true, std::move(container)};
const SkSurfaceProps deviceProps = strikeDeviceInfo.fSurfaceProps;
const SkScalerContextFlags scalerContextFlags = strikeDeviceInfo.fScalerContextFlags;
const SDFTControl SDFTControl = *strikeDeviceInfo.fSDFTControl;
auto bufferScope = SkSubRunBuffers::EnsureBuffers(glyphRunList);
auto [accepted, rejected] = bufferScope.buffers();
bool someGlyphExcluded = false;
std::vector<SkPackedGlyphID> packedGlyphIDs;
SkSpan<SkPoint> positions;
// This rearranging of arrays is temporary until the updated buffer system is
// in place.
auto convertToGlyphIDs = [&](SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint> good)
-> SkZip<SkPackedGlyphID, SkPoint> {
positions = good.get<1>();
for (auto [packedGlyphID, variant] : SkMakeZip(packedGlyphIDs, good.get<0>())) {
packedGlyphID = variant.glyph()->getPackedID();
return SkMakeZip(packedGlyphIDs, positions);
for (auto& glyphRun : glyphRunList) {
const SkFont& runFont = glyphRun.font();
// Only consider using direct or SDFT drawing if not drawing hairlines and not perspective.
if ((runPaint.getStyle() != SkPaint::kStroke_Style || runPaint.getStrokeWidth() != 0)
&& !positionMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
SkScalar approximateDeviceTextSize =
SkFontPriv::ApproximateTransformedTextSize(runFont, positionMatrix);
if (SDFTControl.isSDFT(approximateDeviceTextSize, runPaint)) {
// Process SDFT - This should be the .009% case.
const auto& [strikeSpec, strikeToSourceScale, matrixRange] =
runFont, runPaint, deviceProps, positionMatrix, SDFTControl);
if constexpr(kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" SDFT case:\n%s", strikeSpec.dump().c_str());
if (!SkScalarNearlyZero(strikeToSourceScale)) {
ScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(strikeCache);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" glyphs:(x,y):\n %s\n", accepted->dumpInput().c_str());
SkRect sourceBounds = strike->prepareForSDFTDrawing(
strikeToSourceScale, accepted, rejected);
if (creationBehavior == kAddSubRuns && !accepted->empty()) {
matrixRange, alloc));
if (!rejected->source().empty() && !SDFTControl.forcePaths()) {
// Process masks including ARGB - this should be the 99.99% case.
// This will handle medium size emoji that are sharing the run with SDFT drawn text.
// If things are too big they will be passed along to the drawing of last resort
// below.
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeMask(
runFont, runPaint, deviceProps, scalerContextFlags, positionMatrix);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" Mask case:\n%s", strikeSpec.dump().c_str());
ScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(strikeCache);
rejected->source(), positionMatrix, strike->roundingSpec());
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" glyphs:(x,y):\n %s\n", accepted->dumpInput().c_str());
// The strikeToSourceScale is 1 because the entire CTM is used to generate the
// glyphs. No prescaling is needed.
SkRect bounds = strike->prepareForMaskDrawing(
1 /* strikeToSourceScale */, accepted, rejected);
if (creationBehavior == kAddSubRuns && !accepted->empty()) {
auto addGlyphsWithSameFormat =
[&](const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& acceptedGlyphsAndLocations,
MaskFormat format,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& runStrike) {
SubRunOwner subRun =
if (subRun != nullptr) {
} else {
someGlyphExcluded |= true;
if (!rejected->source().empty()) {
// Drawable case - handle big things with that have a drawable.
auto [strikeSpec, strikeToSourceScale] =
SkStrikeSpec::MakePath(runFont, runPaint, deviceProps, scalerContextFlags);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" Drawable case:\n%s", strikeSpec.dump().c_str());
if (!SkScalarNearlyZero(strikeToSourceScale)) {
ScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(strikeCache);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" glyphs:(x,y):\n %s\n", accepted->dumpInput().c_str());
strike->prepareForDrawableDrawing(accepted, rejected);
if (container && !accepted->empty()) {
if (!rejected->source().empty()) {
// Path case - handle big things without color and that have a path.
auto [strikeSpec, strikeToSourceScale] =
SkStrikeSpec::MakePath(runFont, runPaint, deviceProps, scalerContextFlags);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" Path case:\n%s", strikeSpec.dump().c_str());
if (!SkScalarNearlyZero(strikeToSourceScale)) {
StrikeRef strikeRef = strikeCache->findOrCreateStrikeRef(strikeSpec);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf(" glyphs:(x,y):\n %s\n", accepted->dumpInput().c_str());
strikeRef.asStrikeForGPU()->prepareForPathDrawing(accepted, rejected);
if (creationBehavior == kAddSubRuns && !accepted->empty()) {
if (!rejected->source().empty()) {
// Drawing of last resort - Scale masks that fit in the atlas to the screen using
// bilerp.
const SkMatrix* gaugingMatrix = &positionMatrix;
if (positionMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
// The Scaler can't take perspective matrices, so use I as our best guess.
gaugingMatrix = &SkMatrix::I();
// Remember, this will be an integer. Reduce to make a one pixel border for the
// bilerp padding.
static const constexpr SkScalar kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension =
SkGlyphDigest::kSkSideTooBigForAtlas - 2;
// Get the raw glyph IDs to simulate device drawing to figure the maximum device
// dimension.
const SkSpan<const SkGlyphID> glyphs = rejected->source().get<0>();
// It could be that this font produces glyphs that won't fit in the atlas. Find the
// largest glyph dimension for the glyph run.
SkStrikeSpec gaugingStrikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeTransformMask(
runFont, runPaint, deviceProps, scalerContextFlags, *gaugingMatrix);
ScopedStrikeForGPU gaugingStrike =
// Remember, this will be an integer.
const SkScalar originalMaxGlyphDimension =
if (originalMaxGlyphDimension == 0) {
// Nothing to draw here. Skip this SubRun.
SkScalar strikeToSourceScale = 1;
SkFont reducedFont = runFont;
if (originalMaxGlyphDimension > kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension) {
// For glyphs that won't fit in the atlas, calculating the amount to reduce the
// size can't be done using simple ratios. This is because the SkScaler forces
// glyph width and height to integer amounts causing the ratio to be too high if
// it rounds up. If it does round up, you need to try again to find the maximum
// glyph dimensions and scale factor.
SkScalar maxGlyphDimension = originalMaxGlyphDimension;
SkScalar reductionFactor = kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension / maxGlyphDimension;
// Find a new reducedFont that produces a maximum glyph dimension that is
// <= kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension.
do {
// Make a smaller font that will hopefully fit in the atlas.
reducedFont.setSize(runFont.getSize() * reductionFactor);
// Create a strike to calculate the new reduced maximum glyph dimension.
SkStrikeSpec reducingStrikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeTransformMask(
reducedFont, runPaint, deviceProps, scalerContextFlags, *gaugingMatrix);
ScopedStrikeForGPU reducingStrike =
// Remember, this will be an integer.
maxGlyphDimension = reducingStrike->findMaximumGlyphDimension(glyphs);
if (maxGlyphDimension == 0) {
// Avoid the divide by zero below.
goto skipSubRun;
// The largest reduction factor allowed for each iteration. Smaller reduction
// factors reduce the font size faster.
static constexpr SkScalar kMaximumReduction =
1.0f - 1.0f / kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension;
// Make the reduction smaller by at least kMaximumReduction in case the
// maximum glyph dimension is too big.
reductionFactor *=
std::min(kMaximumReduction, kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension/maxGlyphDimension);
} while (maxGlyphDimension > kMaxBilerpAtlasDimension);
// Calculate the factor to make the maximum dimension of the reduced font be the
// same size as the maximum dimension from the original runFont.
strikeToSourceScale = originalMaxGlyphDimension / maxGlyphDimension;
if (!SkScalarNearlyZero(strikeToSourceScale)) {
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeTransformMask(
reducedFont, runPaint, deviceProps, scalerContextFlags, *gaugingMatrix);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf("Transformed case:\n%s", strikeSpec.dump().c_str());
ScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(strikeCache);
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf("glyphs:(x,y):\n %s\n", accepted->dumpInput().c_str());
SkRect sourceBounds = strike->prepareForMaskDrawing(
strikeToSourceScale, accepted, rejected);
if (creationBehavior == kAddSubRuns && !accepted->empty()) {
auto addGlyphsWithSameFormat =
[&](const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& acceptedGlyphsAndLocations,
MaskFormat format,
sk_sp<SkStrike>&& runStrike) {
SubRunOwner subRun =
if (subRun != nullptr) {
} else {
someGlyphExcluded |= true;
if constexpr (kTrace) {
msg.appendf("End glyph run processing");
if (tag != nullptr) {
msg.appendf(" for %s ", tag);
SkDebugf("%s\n", msg.c_str());
return {someGlyphExcluded, std::move(container)};
void SubRunContainer::draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkRefCnt* subRunStorage,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc) const {
for (auto& subRun : fSubRuns) {
subRun.draw(canvas, clip, viewMatrix, drawOrigin, paint, sk_ref_sp(subRunStorage), sdc);
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
void SubRunContainer::draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
SkPoint drawOrigin,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkRefCnt* subRunStorage,
skgpu::graphite::Device* device) const {
for (auto& subRun : fSubRuns) {
subRun.draw(canvas, drawOrigin, paint, sk_ref_sp(subRunStorage), device);
bool SubRunContainer::canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix) const {
for (const SubRun& subRun : fSubRuns) {
if (!subRun.canReuse(paint, positionMatrix)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace sktext::gpu