blob: 4914680c0524caaac3708c8891eb190cb6a46882 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
gerrit_testutils ""
git_testutils ""
gitiles_testutils ""
func TestRunSteps_PostSubmit_Success(t *testing.T) {
// The revision is assigned deterministically by the GitBuilder in test().
const (
expectedBloatyFileGCSPath = "2022/01/31/01/693abc06538769c662ca1871d347323b133a5d3c/Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release/dm.tsv"
expectedJSONMetadataFileGCSPath = "2022/01/31/01/693abc06538769c662ca1871d347323b133a5d3c/Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release/dm.json"
// The revision and author are assigned deterministically by the GitBuilder in test().
const expectedJSONMetadataFileContents = `{
"version": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-01-31T01:02:03Z",
"swarming_task_id": "58dccb0d6a3f0411",
"swarming_server": "",
"task_id": "CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU",
"task_name": "CodeSize-dm-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
"compile_task_name": "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
"binary_name": "dm",
"bloaty_cipd_version": "1",
"bloaty_args": [
"patch_issue": "",
"patch_server": "",
"patch_set": "",
"repo": "",
"revision": "693abc06538769c662ca1871d347323b133a5d3c",
"commit_timestamp": "2022-01-30T23:59:00Z",
"author": "test (",
"subject": "Fake commit subject"
const expectedBloatyFileContents = "I'm a fake Bloaty output!"
// Make sure we use UTC instead of the system timezone.
fakeNow := time.Date(2022, time.January, 31, 2, 2, 3, 0, time.FixedZone("UTC+1", 60*60))
repoState := types.RepoState{
Repo: "",
mockGerrit, mockGitiles, repoState := setupMockGit(t, repoState)
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
// Mock "bloaty" invocations to output the appropriate contents to the fake stdout.
commandCollector.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if filepath.Base(cmd.Name) == "bloaty" {
_, err := cmd.CombinedOutput.Write([]byte(expectedBloatyFileContents))
return err
// "ls" and any other commands directly executed by the task driver produce no mock outputs.
return nil
mockGCSClient := test_gcsclient.NewMockClient()
expectUpload(t, mockGCSClient, expectedBloatyFileGCSPath, expectedBloatyFileContents)
expectUpload(t, mockGCSClient, expectedJSONMetadataFileGCSPath, expectedJSONMetadataFileContents)
// Realistic but arbitrary arguments.
args := runStepsArgs{
repoState: repoState,
gerrit: mockGerrit.Gerrit,
gitilesRepo: mockGitiles,
gcsClient: mockGCSClient,
swarmingTaskID: "58dccb0d6a3f0411",
swarmingServer: "",
taskID: "CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU",
taskName: "CodeSize-dm-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
compileTaskName: "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
compileTaskNameNoPatch: "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release-NoPatch",
binaryName: "dm",
bloatyCIPDVersion: "1",
bloatyPath: "/path/to/bloaty",
stripPath: "/path/to/strip",
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx = now.TimeTravelingContext(fakeNow).WithContext(ctx)
ctx = td.WithExecRunFn(ctx, commandCollector.Run)
err := runSteps(ctx, args)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
// Filter out all Git commands.
var commands []*exec.Command
for _, c := range commandCollector.Commands() {
if filepath.Base(c.Name) != "git" {
commands = append(commands, c)
// We expect the following sequence of commands: "ls", "cp", "strip", "bloaty".
require.Len(t, commands, 4)
// We copy the binary and strip the debug symbols from the copy.
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[0], "cp", "build/dm", "build/dm_stripped")
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[1], "/path/to/strip", "build/dm_stripped")
// listing the contents of the directory with the binaries is useful for debugging.
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[2], "ls", "-al", "build")
// Assert that Bloaty was invoked on the stripped binary, using the original binary for the
// file names and other debug information.
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[3], "/path/to/bloaty",
"build/dm_stripped", "-d", "compileunits,symbols", "-n", "0", "--tsv", "--debug-file=build/dm")
// Assert that the .json and .tsv files were uploaded to GCS.
func TestRunSteps_Tryjob_Success(t *testing.T) {
const (
expectedBloatyFileGCSPath = "2022/01/31/01/tryjob/12345/3/CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU/Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release/dm.tsv"
expectedBloatyDiffFileGCSPath = "2022/01/31/01/tryjob/12345/3/CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU/Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release/dm.diff.txt"
expectedJSONMetadataFileGCSPath = "2022/01/31/01/tryjob/12345/3/CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU/Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release/dm.json"
// The revision and author are assigned deterministically by the GitBuilder in test().
const expectedJSONMetadataFileContents = `{
"version": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-01-31T01:02:03Z",
"swarming_task_id": "58dccb0d6a3f0411",
"swarming_server": "",
"task_id": "CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU",
"task_name": "CodeSize-dm-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
"compile_task_name": "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
"compile_task_name_no_patch": "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release-NoPatch",
"binary_name": "dm",
"bloaty_cipd_version": "1",
"bloaty_args": [
"bloaty_diff_args": [
"patch_issue": "12345",
"patch_server": "",
"patch_set": "3",
"repo": "",
"revision": "693abc06538769c662ca1871d347323b133a5d3c",
"commit_timestamp": "2022-01-30T23:59:00Z",
"author": "test (",
"subject": "Fake commit subject"
const expectedBloatyFileContents = "I'm a fake Bloaty output!"
const expectedBloatyDiffFileContents = "Fake Bloaty diff output over here!"
// Make sure we use UTC instead of the system timezone.
fakeNow := time.Date(2022, time.January, 31, 2, 2, 3, 0, time.FixedZone("UTC+1", 60*60))
repoState := types.RepoState{
Patch: types.Patch{
Issue: "12345",
PatchRepo: "",
Patchset: "3",
Server: "",
Repo: "",
mockGerrit, mockGitiles, repoState := setupMockGit(t, repoState)
// Mock "bloaty" invocations.
commandCollector := exec.CommandCollector{}
commandCollector.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if filepath.Base(cmd.Name) == "bloaty" {
// This argument indicates it's a binary diff invocation, see
if util.In("--", cmd.Args) {
} else {
return nil
// "ls" and any other commands directly executed by the task driver produce no mock outputs.
return nil
mockGCSClient := test_gcsclient.NewMockClient()
expectUpload(t, mockGCSClient, expectedBloatyFileGCSPath, expectedBloatyFileContents)
expectUpload(t, mockGCSClient, expectedBloatyDiffFileGCSPath, expectedBloatyDiffFileContents)
expectUpload(t, mockGCSClient, expectedJSONMetadataFileGCSPath, expectedJSONMetadataFileContents)
// Realistic but arbitrary arguments.
args := runStepsArgs{
repoState: repoState,
gerrit: mockGerrit.Gerrit,
gitilesRepo: mockGitiles,
gcsClient: mockGCSClient,
swarmingTaskID: "58dccb0d6a3f0411",
swarmingServer: "",
taskID: "CkPp9ElAaEXyYWNHpXHU",
taskName: "CodeSize-dm-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
compileTaskName: "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release",
compileTaskNameNoPatch: "Build-Debian10-Clang-x86_64-Release-NoPatch",
binaryName: "dm",
bloatyCIPDVersion: "1",
bloatyPath: "/path/to/bloaty",
stripPath: "/path/to/strip",
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx = now.TimeTravelingContext(fakeNow).WithContext(ctx)
ctx = td.WithExecRunFn(ctx, commandCollector.Run)
err := runSteps(ctx, args)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
// Filter out all Git commands.
var commands []*exec.Command
for _, c := range commandCollector.Commands() {
if filepath.Base(c.Name) != "git" {
commands = append(commands, c)
// We expect the following sequence of commands: "cp", "strip", "ls", "bloaty",
// "cp", "strip", "ls", "bloaty".
require.Len(t, commands, 8)
// We copy the binary and strip the debug symbols from the copy.
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[0], "cp", "build/dm", "build/dm_stripped")
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[1], "/path/to/strip", "build/dm_stripped")
// listing the contents of the directory with the binaries is useful for debugging.
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[2], "ls", "-al", "build")
// Assert that Bloaty was invoked on the binary with the right arguments
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[3], "/path/to/bloaty",
"build/dm_stripped", "-d", "compileunits,symbols", "-n", "0", "--tsv", "--debug-file=build/dm")
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[4], "cp", "build_nopatch/dm", "build_nopatch/dm_stripped")
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[5], "/path/to/strip", "build_nopatch/dm_stripped")
// Assert that "ls build_nopatch" was executed to list the contents of the directory with the
// binaries built by the compile task at tip-of-tree, for debugging purposes.
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[6], "ls", "-al", "build_nopatch")
// We perform a diff between the two binaries (the -- is how bloaty does that).
assertCommandEqual(t, commands[7], "/path/to/bloaty",
"build/dm_stripped", "--debug-file=build/dm",
"-d", "compileunits,symbols", "-n", "0", "-s", "file",
"--", "build_nopatch/dm_stripped", "--debug-file=build_nopatch/dm")
// Assert that the .json, .tsv and .diff.txt files were uploaded to GCS.
func expectUpload(t *testing.T, client *test_gcsclient.GCSClient, path, contents string) {
client.On("SetFileContents", testutils.AnyContext, path, gcs.FILE_WRITE_OPTS_TEXT, mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
fileContents := string(args.Get(3).([]byte))
assert.Equal(t, contents, fileContents)
func assertCommandEqual(t *testing.T, actualCmd *exec.Command, expectedCmd string, expectedArgs ...string) {
assert.Equal(t, expectedCmd, actualCmd.Name)
assert.Equal(t, expectedArgs, actualCmd.Args)
func setupMockGit(t *testing.T, repoState types.RepoState) (*gerrit_testutils.MockGerrit, *gitiles.Repo, types.RepoState) {
commitTimestamp := time.Date(2022, time.January, 30, 23, 59, 0, 0, time.UTC)
// Seed a fake Git repository.
gitBuilder := git_testutils.GitInit(t, context.Background())
t.Cleanup(func() {
gitBuilder.Add(context.Background(), "", "I'm a fake repository.")
repoState.Revision = gitBuilder.CommitMsgAt(context.Background(), "Fake commit subject", commitTimestamp)
// Mock a Gerrit client.
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmp)
mockGerrit := gerrit_testutils.NewGerrit(t, tmp)
Issue: 12345,
Owner: &gerrit.Person{
Name: "test",
Email: "",
Subject: "Fake commit subject",
// We ignore the patchset commit hashes, their values do not matter.
Revisions: map[string]*gerrit.Revision{
"commit hash for patchset 1": {
Number: 1,
CreatedString: commitTimestamp.Add(-2 * time.Hour).Format(time.RFC3339),
"commit hash for patchset 2": {
Number: 2,
CreatedString: commitTimestamp.Add(-time.Hour).Format(time.RFC3339),
"commit hash for patchset 3": {
Number: 3,
CreatedString: commitTimestamp.Format(time.RFC3339),
"commit hash for patchset 4": {
Number: 4,
CreatedString: commitTimestamp.Add(time.Hour).Format(time.RFC3339),
// Mock a Gitiles client.
urlMock := mockhttpclient.NewURLMock()
mockRepo := gitiles_testutils.NewMockRepo(t, gitBuilder.RepoUrl(), git.GitDir(gitBuilder.Dir()), urlMock)
mockRepo.MockGetCommit(context.Background(), repoState.Revision)
mockGitiles := gitiles.NewRepo(gitBuilder.RepoUrl(), urlMock.Client())
return mockGerrit, mockGitiles, repoState