blob: dfc5295e9ff81af494875173ac678294ca538878 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/render/TextSDFRenderStep.h"
#include "src/core/SkPipelineData.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recorder.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLString.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawParams.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecorderPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/text/AtlasManager.h"
#include "src/text/gpu/SubRunContainer.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
namespace {
static constexpr DepthStencilSettings kDirectShadingPass = {
/*backStencil=*/ {},
/*refValue=*/ 0,
/*stencilTest=*/ false,
/*depthTest=*/ true,
/*depthWrite=*/ true
// We are expecting to sample from up to 4 textures
constexpr int kNumSDFAtlasTextures = 4;
} // namespace
TextSDFRenderStep::TextSDFRenderStep(bool isA8)
: RenderStep("TextSDFRenderStep",
isA8 ? "A8" : "565",
Flags::kPerformsShading | Flags::kHasTextures | Flags::kEmitsCoverage,
/*uniforms=*/{{"atlasSizeInv", SkSLType::kFloat2},
{"distanceAdjust", SkSLType::kFloat}},
/*vertexAttrs=*/ {},
{{"mat0", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"mat1", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"mat2", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"uvScale", VertexAttribType::kUShort2, SkSLType::kUShort2},
{"uvPos", VertexAttribType::kUShort2, SkSLType::kUShort2},
{"depth", VertexAttribType::kUShort_norm, SkSLType::kFloat}},
{{"unormTexCoords", SkSLType::kFloat2},
{"textureCoords", SkSLType::kFloat2},
{"texIndex", SkSLType::kFloat}}) {
// TODO: store if it's A8 and adjust shader
TextSDFRenderStep::~TextSDFRenderStep() {}
const char* TextSDFRenderStep::vertexSkSL() const {
return R"(
float2 baseCoords = float2(float(sk_VertexID >> 1), float(sk_VertexID & 1));
baseCoords *= float2(uvScale);
float3 position = baseCoords.x*mat0 + baseCoords.y*mat1 + mat2;
int texIdx = (int)(uvPos.x >> 13);
unormTexCoords = baseCoords + float2(uvPos.x & 0x1fff, uvPos.y);
textureCoords = unormTexCoords * atlasSizeInv;
texIndex = float(texIdx);
float4 devPosition = float4(position.xy, depth, position.z);
std::string TextSDFRenderStep::texturesAndSamplersSkSL(int binding) const {
std::string result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kNumSDFAtlasTextures; ++i) {
"layout(binding=%d) uniform sampler2D sdf_atlas_%d;\n", binding, i);
return result;
const char* TextSDFRenderStep::fragmentCoverageSkSL() const {
// TODO: To minimize the number of shaders generated this is the full affine shader.
// For best performance it may be worth creating the uniform scale shader as well,
// as that's the most common case.
// TODO: Need to add 565 support.
// TODO: Need aliased and possibly sRGB support.
return R"(
half texColor;
if (texIndex == 0) {
texColor = sample(sdf_atlas_0, textureCoords).r;
} else if (texIndex == 1) {
texColor = sample(sdf_atlas_1, textureCoords).r;
} else if (texIndex == 2) {
texColor = sample(sdf_atlas_2, textureCoords).r;
} else if (texIndex == 3) {
texColor = sample(sdf_atlas_3, textureCoords).r;
} else {
texColor = sample(sdf_atlas_0, textureCoords).r;
// The distance field is constructed as uchar8_t values, so that the zero value is at 128,
// and the supported range of distances is [-4 * 127/128, 4].
// Hence to convert to floats our multiplier (width of the range) is 4 * 255/128 = 7.96875
// and zero threshold is 128/255 = 0.50196078431.
half distance = 7.96875*(texColor - 0.50196078431);
// We may further adjust the distance for gamma correction.
distance -= half(distanceAdjust);
// After the distance is unpacked, we need to correct it by a factor dependent on the
// current transformation. For general transforms, to determine the amount of correction
// we multiply a unit vector pointing along the SDF gradient direction by the Jacobian of
// unormTexCoords (which is the inverse transform for this fragment) and take the length of
// the result.
half2 dist_grad = half2(float2(dFdx(distance), dFdy(distance)));
half dg_len2 = dot(dist_grad, dist_grad);
// The length of the gradient may be near 0, so we need to check for that. This also
// compensates for the Adreno, which likes to drop tiles on division by 0
if (dg_len2 < 0.0001) {
dist_grad = half2(0.7071, 0.7071);
} else {
dist_grad = dist_grad*half(inversesqrt(dg_len2));
// Computing the Jacobian and multiplying by the gradient.
half2 Jdx = half2(dFdx(unormTexCoords));
half2 Jdy = half2(dFdy(unormTexCoords));
half2 grad = half2(dist_grad.x*Jdx.x + dist_grad.y*Jdy.x,
dist_grad.x*Jdx.y + dist_grad.y*Jdy.y);
// This gives us a smooth step across approximately one fragment.
half afwidth = 0.65*length(grad);
// TODO: handle aliased and sRGB rendering
half val = smoothstep(-afwidth, afwidth, distance);
outputCoverage = half4(val);
void TextSDFRenderStep::writeVertices(DrawWriter* dw, const DrawParams& params) const {
const SubRunData& subRunData = params.geometry().subRunData();
uint16_t unormDepth = params.order().depth().bits();
subRunData.subRun()->fillInstanceData(dw, subRunData.startGlyphIndex(), subRunData.glyphCount(),
unormDepth, params.transform());
void TextSDFRenderStep::writeUniformsAndTextures(const DrawParams& params,
SkPipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
SkDEBUGCODE(UniformExpectationsValidator uev(gatherer, this->uniforms());)
const SubRunData& subRunData = params.geometry().subRunData();
unsigned int numProxies;
Recorder* recorder = subRunData.recorder();
const sk_sp<TextureProxy>* proxies =
SkASSERT(proxies && numProxies > 0);
// write uniforms
skvx::float2 atlasDimensionsInverse = {1.f/proxies[0]->dimensions().width(),
// TODO: get this from DistanceFieldAdjustTable and luminance color (set in SubRunData?)
float gammaCorrection = 0.f;
// write textures and samplers
const SkSamplingOptions kSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear);
constexpr SkTileMode kTileModes[2] = { SkTileMode::kClamp, SkTileMode::kClamp };
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numProxies; ++i) {
gatherer->add(kSamplingOptions, kTileModes, proxies[i]);
// If the atlas has less than 4 active proxies we still need to set up samplers for the shader.
for (unsigned int i = numProxies; i < kNumSDFAtlasTextures; ++i) {
gatherer->add(kSamplingOptions, kTileModes, proxies[0]);
} // namespace skgpu::graphite