blob: de59c6c32a4d1f511a14571c8f3213d60294e935 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "gif_lib.h"
* This class implements the decoding for gif images
class SkGifCodec : public SkCodec {
* Checks the start of the stream to see if the image is a gif
static bool IsGif(SkStream*);
* Assumes IsGif was called and returned true
* Creates a gif decoder
* Reads enough of the stream to determine the image format
static SkCodec* NewFromStream(SkStream*);
* Initiates the gif decode
Result onGetPixels(const SkImageInfo&, void*, size_t, const Options&,
SkPMColor*, int32_t*) override;
SkEncodedFormat onGetEncodedFormat() const override {
return kGIF_SkEncodedFormat;
* This function cleans up the gif object after the decode completes
* It is used in a SkAutoTCallIProc template
static int32_t CloseGif(GifFileType* gif);
* Frees any extension data used in the decode
* Used in a SkAutoTCallVProc
static void FreeExtension(SavedImage* image);
* Creates an instance of the decoder
* Called only by NewFromStream
* @param srcInfo contains the source width and height
* @param stream the stream of image data
* @param gif pointer to library type that manages gif decode
* takes ownership
SkGifCodec(const SkImageInfo& srcInfo, SkStream* stream, GifFileType* gif);
SkAutoTCallIProc<GifFileType, CloseGif> fGif; // owned
typedef SkCodec INHERITED;