blob: 806e0bb05f4419264fad3ebd919753604556e1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_UniformManager_DEFINED
#define skgpu_UniformManager_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint3.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAlign.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTDArray.h"
#include "src/base/SkHalf.h"
#include "src/base/SkMathPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkSLTypeShared.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Uniform.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class UniformDataBlock;
* Layout::kStd140
* ===============
* From OpenGL Specification Section "Standard Uniform Block Layout"
* []:
* 1. If the member is a scalar consuming N basic machine units, the base alignment is N.
* 2. If the member is a two- or four-component vector with components consuming N basic machine
* units, the base alignment is 2N or 4N, respectively.
* 3. If the member is a three-component vector with components consuming N
* basic machine units, the base alignment is 4N.
* 4. If the member is an array of scalars or vectors, the base alignment and array
* stride are set to match the base alignment of a single array element, according
* to rules (1), (2), and (3), and rounded up to the base alignment of a vec4. The
* array may have padding at the end; the base offset of the member following
* the array is rounded up to the next multiple of the base alignment.
* 5. If the member is a column-major matrix with C columns and R rows, the
* matrix is stored identically to an array of C column vectors with R components each,
* according to rule (4).
* 6. If the member is an array of S column-major matrices with C columns and
* R rows, the matrix is stored identically to a row of S × C column vectors
* with R components each, according to rule (4).
* 7. If the member is a row-major matrix with C columns and R rows, the matrix
* is stored identically to an array of R row vectors with C components each,
* according to rule (4).
* 8. If the member is an array of S row-major matrices with C columns and R
* rows, the matrix is stored identically to a row of S × R row vectors with C
* components each, according to rule (4).
* 9. If the member is a structure, the base alignment of the structure is N, where
* N is the largest base alignment value of any of its members, and rounded
* up to the base alignment of a vec4. The individual members of this substructure are then
* assigned offsets by applying this set of rules recursively,
* where the base offset of the first member of the sub-structure is equal to the
* aligned offset of the structure. The structure may have padding at the end;
* the base offset of the member following the sub-structure is rounded up to
* the next multiple of the base alignment of the structure.
* 10. If the member is an array of S structures, the S elements of the array are laid
* out in order, according to rule (9).
* Layout::kStd430
* ===============
* When using the std430 storage layout, shader storage blocks will be laid out in buffer storage
* identically to uniform and shader storage blocks using the std140 layout, except that the base
* alignment and stride of arrays of scalars and vectors in rule 4 and of structures in rule 9 are
* not rounded up a multiple of the base alignment of a vec4.
* NOTE: While not explicitly stated, the layout rules for WebGPU and WGSL are identical to std430
* for SSBOs and nearly identical to std140 for UBOs. The default mat2x2 type is treated as two
* float2's (not an array), so its size is 16 and alignment is 8 (vs. a size of 32 and alignment of
* 16 in std140). When emitting WGSL from SkSL, prepareUniformPolyfillsForInterfaceBlock() defined
* in WGSLCodeGenerator, will modify the type declaration to match std140 exactly. This allows the
* UniformManager and UniformOffsetCalculator to avoid having WebGPU-specific layout rules
* (whereas SkSL::MemoryLayout has more complete rules).
* Layout::kMetal
* ===============
* SkSL converts its types to the non-packed SIMD vector types in MSL. The size and alignment rules
* are equivalent to std430 with the exception of half3 and float3. In std430, the size consumed
* by non-array uniforms of these types is 3N while Metal consumes 4N (which is equal to the
* alignment of a vec3 in both Layouts).
* Half vs. Float Uniforms
* =======================
* Regardless of the precision when the shader is executed, std140 and std430 layouts consume
* "half"-based uniforms in full 32-bit precision. Metal consumes "half"-based uniforms expecting
* them to have already been converted to f16. WebGPU has an extension to support f16 types, which
* behave like this, but we do not currently utilize it.
* The rules for std430 can be easily extended to f16 by applying N = 2 instead of N = 4 for the
* base primitive alignment.
* NOTE: This could also apply to the int vs. short or uint vs. ushort types, but these smaller
* integer types are not supported on all platforms as uniforms. We disallow short integer uniforms
* entirely, and if the data savings are required, packing should be implemented manually.
* Short integer vertex attributes are supported when the vector type lets it pack into 32 bits
* (e.g. int16x2 or int8x4).
* Generalized Layout Rules
* ========================
* From the Layout descriptions above, the following simpler rules are sufficient:
* 1. If the base primitive type is "half" and the Layout expects half floats, N = 2; else, N = 4.
* 2. For arrays of scalars or vectors (with # of components, M = 1,2,3,4):
* a. If arrays must be aligned on vec4 boundaries OR M=3, then align and stride = 4*N.
* b. Otherwise, the align and stride = M*N.
* In both cases, the total size required for the uniform is "array size"*stride.
* 3. For single scalars or vectors (M = 1,2,3,4), the align is SkNextPow2(M)*N (e.g. N,2N,4N,4N).
* a. If M = 3 and the Layout aligns the size with the alignment, the size is 4*N and N
* padding bytes must be zero'ed out afterwards.
* b. Otherwise, the align and size = M*N
* 4. The starting offset to write data is the current offset aligned to the calculated align value.
* The current offset is then incremented by the total size of the uniform.
* For arrays and padded vec3's, the padding is included in the stride and total size, meeting
* the requirements of the original rule 4 in std140. When a single float3 that is not padded
* is written, the next offset only advances 12 bytes allowing a smaller type to pack tightly
* next to the Z coordinate.
* When N = 4, the CPU and GPU primitives are compatible, regardless of being float, int, or uint.
* Contiguous ranges between any padding (for alignment or for array stride) can be memcpy'ed.
* When N = 2, the CPU data is float and the GPU data f16, so values must be converted one primitive
* at a time using SkFloatToHalf or skvx::to_half.
* The UniformManager will zero out any padding bytes (either prepended for starting alignment,
* or appended for stride alignment). This is so that the final byte array can be hashed for uniform
* value de-duplication before uploading to the GPU.
* While SkSL supports non-square matrices, the SkSLType enum and Graphite only expose support for
* square matrices. Graphite assumes all matrix uniforms are in column-major order. This matches the
* data layout of SkM44 already and UniformManager automatically transposes SkMatrix (which is in
* row-major data) to be column-major. Thus, for layout purposes, a matrix or an array of matrices
* can be laid out equivalently to an array of the column type with an array count multiplied by the
* number of columns.
* Graphite does not embed structs within structs for its UBO or SSBO declarations for paint or
* RenderSteps. However, when the "uniforms" are defined for use with SSBO random access, the
* ordered set of uniforms is actually defining a struct instead of just a top-level interface.
* As such, once all uniforms are recorded, the size must be rounded up to the maximum alignment
* encountered for its members to satisfy alignment rules for all Layouts.
* If Graphite starts to define sub-structs, UniformOffsetCalculator can be used recursively.
namespace LayoutRules {
// The three diverging behaviors across the different Layouts:
static constexpr bool PadVec3Size(Layout layout) { return layout == Layout::kMetal; }
static constexpr bool AlignArraysAsVec4(Layout layout) { return layout == Layout::kStd140; }
static constexpr bool UseFullPrecision(Layout layout) { return layout != Layout::kMetal; }
class UniformOffsetCalculator {
UniformOffsetCalculator() = default;
static UniformOffsetCalculator ForTopLevel(Layout layout, int offset = 0) {
return UniformOffsetCalculator(layout, offset, /*reqAlignment=*/1);
static UniformOffsetCalculator ForStruct(Layout layout) {
const int reqAlignment = LayoutRules::AlignArraysAsVec4(layout) ? 16 : 1;
return UniformOffsetCalculator(layout, /*offset=*/0, reqAlignment);
Layout layout() const { return fLayout; }
// NOTE: The returned size represents the last consumed byte (if the recorded
// uniforms are embedded within a struct, this will need to be rounded up to a multiple of
// requiredAlignment()).
int size() const { return fOffset; }
int requiredAlignment() const { return fReqAlignment; }
// Returns the correctly aligned offset to accommodate `count` instances of `type` and
// advances the internal offset.
// After a call to this method, `size()` will return the offset to the end of `count` instances
// of `type` (while the return value equals the aligned start offset). Subsequent calls will
// calculate the new start offset starting at `size()`.
int advanceOffset(SkSLType type, int count = Uniform::kNonArray);
// Returns the correctly aligned offset to accommodate `count` instances of a custom struct
// type that has had its own fields passed into the `substruct` offset calculator.
// After a call to this method, `size()` will return the offset to the end of `count` instances
// of the struct types (while the return value equals the aligned start offset). This includes
// any required padding of the struct size per rule #9.
int advanceStruct(const UniformOffsetCalculator& substruct, int count = Uniform::kNonArray);
UniformOffsetCalculator(Layout layout, int offset, int reqAlignment)
: fLayout(layout), fOffset(offset), fReqAlignment((reqAlignment)) {}
Layout fLayout = Layout::kInvalid;
int fOffset = 0;
int fReqAlignment = 1;
class UniformManager {
UniformManager(Layout layout) { this->resetWithNewLayout(layout); }
SkSpan<const char> finish() {
return SkSpan(fStorage);
size_t size() const { return fStorage.size(); }
void resetWithNewLayout(Layout layout);
void reset() { this->resetWithNewLayout(fLayout); }
// scalars
void write(float f) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat>(&f); }
void write(int32_t i) { this->write<SkSLType::kInt >(&i); }
void writeHalf(float f) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf >(&f); }
// [i|h]vec4 and arrays thereof (just add overloads as needed)
void write(const SkPMColor4f& c) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat4>(c.vec()); }
void write(const SkRect& r) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat4>(r.asScalars()); }
void write(const SkV4& v) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat4>(v.ptr()); }
void write(const SkIRect& r) { this->write<SkSLType::kInt4>(&r); }
void writeHalf(const SkPMColor4f& c) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf4>(c.vec()); }
void writeHalf(const SkRect& r) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf4>(r.asScalars()); }
void writeHalf(const SkV4& v) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf4>(v.ptr()); }
void writeArray(SkSpan<const SkV4> v) {
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kFloat4>(, v.size());
void writeArray(SkSpan<const SkPMColor4f> c) {
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kFloat4>(, c.size());
void writeHalfArray(SkSpan<const SkPMColor4f> c) {
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kHalf4>(, c.size());
// [i|h]vec3
void write(const SkV3& v) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat3>(v.ptr()); }
void write(const SkPoint3& p) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat3>(&p); }
void writeHalf(const SkV3& v) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf3>(v.ptr()); }
void writeHalf(const SkPoint3& p) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf3>(&p); }
// NOTE: 3-element vectors never pack efficiently in arrays, so avoid using them
// [i|h]vec2
void write(const SkV2& v) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat2>(v.ptr()); }
void write(const SkSize& s) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat2>(&s); }
void write(const SkPoint& p) { this->write<SkSLType::kFloat2>(&p); }
void write(const SkISize& s) { this->write<SkSLType::kInt2>(&s); }
void writeHalf(const SkV2& v) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf2>(v.ptr()); }
void writeHalf(const SkSize& s) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf2>(&s); }
void writeHalf(const SkPoint& p) { this->write<SkSLType::kHalf2>(&p); }
// NOTE: 2-element vectors don't pack efficiently in std140, so avoid using them
// matrices
void write(const SkM44& m) {
// All Layouts treat a 4x4 column-major matrix as an array of vec4's, which is exactly how
// SkM44 already stores its data.
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kFloat4>(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(m), 4);
void writeHalf(const SkM44& m) {
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kHalf4>(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(m), 4);
void write(const SkMatrix& m) {
// SkMatrix is row-major, so rewrite to column major. All Layouts treat a 3x3 column
// major matrix as an array of vec3's.
float colMajor[9] = {m[0], m[3], m[6],
m[1], m[4], m[7],
m[2], m[5], m[8]};
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kFloat3>(colMajor, 3);
void writeHalf(const SkMatrix& m) {
float colMajor[9] = {m[0], m[3], m[6],
m[1], m[4], m[7],
m[2], m[5], m[8]};
this->writeArray<SkSLType::kHalf3>(colMajor, 3);
// NOTE: 2x2 matrices can be manually packed the same or better as a vec4, so prefer that
// This is a specialized uniform writing entry point intended to deduplicate the paint
// color. If a more general system is required, the deduping logic can be added to the
// other write methods (and this specialized method would be removed).
void writePaintColor(const SkPMColor4f& color) {
if (fWrotePaintColor) {
// Validate expected uniforms, but don't write a second copy since the paint color
// uniform can only ever be declared once in the final SkSL program.
SkASSERT(this->checkExpected(/*dst=*/nullptr, SkSLType::kFloat4, Uniform::kNonArray));
} else {
fWrotePaintColor = true;
// Copy from `src` using Uniform array-count semantics.
void write(const Uniform&, const void* src);
// UniformManager has basic support for writing substructs with the caveats:
// 1. The base alignment of the substruct must be known a priori so the first member can be
// written immediately.
// 2. Nested substructs are not supported (but could be if the padded-struct size was also
// provided to endStruct()).
// Call beginStruct(baseAlignment) before writing the first field. Then call the regular
// write functions for each of the substruct's fields in order. Lastly, call endStruct() to
// go back to writing fields in the top-level interface block.
void beginStruct(int baseAlignment) {
SkASSERT(this->checkBeginStruct(baseAlignment)); // verifies baseAlignment matches layout
fStructBaseAlignment = baseAlignment;
fReqAlignment = std::max(fReqAlignment, baseAlignment);
void endStruct() {
SkASSERT(fStructBaseAlignment >= 1); // Must have started a struct
SkASSERT(this->checkEndStruct()); // validate after padding out to struct's alignment
fStructBaseAlignment = 0;
// Debug-only functions to control uniform expectations.
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
bool isReset() const;
void setExpectedUniforms(SkSpan<const Uniform> expected, bool isSubstruct);
void doneWithExpectedUniforms();
#endif // SK_DEBUG
// All public write() functions in UniformManager already match scalar/vector SkSLTypes or have
// explicitly converted matrix SkSLTypes to a writeArray<column type> so this does not need to
// check anything beyond half[2,3,4].
static constexpr bool IsHalfVector(SkSLType type) {
return type >= SkSLType::kHalf && type <= SkSLType::kHalf4;
// Other than validation, actual layout doesn't care about 'type' and the logic can be
// based on vector length and whether or not it's half or full precision.
template <int N, bool Half> void write(const void* src, SkSLType type);
template <int N, bool Half> void writeArray(const void* src, int count, SkSLType type);
// Helpers to select dimensionality and convert to full precision if required by the Layout.
template <SkSLType Type> void write(const void* src) {
static constexpr int N = SkSLTypeVecLength(Type);
if (IsHalfVector(Type) && !LayoutRules::UseFullPrecision(fLayout)) {
this->write<N, /*Half=*/true>(src, Type);
} else {
this->write<N, /*Half=*/false>(src, Type);
template <SkSLType Type> void writeArray(const void* src, int count) {
static constexpr int N = SkSLTypeVecLength(Type);
if (IsHalfVector(Type) && !LayoutRules::UseFullPrecision(fLayout)) {
this->writeArray<N, /*Half=*/true>(src, count, Type);
} else {
this->writeArray<N, /*Half=*/false>(src, count, Type);
// This is marked 'inline' so that it can be defined below with write() and writeArray() and
// still link correctly.
inline char* append(int alignment, int size);
inline void alignTo(int alignment);
SkTDArray<char> fStorage;
Layout fLayout;
int fReqAlignment = 0;
int fStructBaseAlignment = 0;
// The paint color is treated special and we only add its uniform once.
bool fWrotePaintColor = false;
// Debug-only verification that UniformOffsetCalculator is consistent and that write() calls
// match the expected uniform declaration order.
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
UniformOffsetCalculator fOffsetCalculator; // should match implicit offsets from append()
UniformOffsetCalculator fSubstructCalculator; // 0-based, used when inside a substruct
int fSubstructStartingOffset = -1; // offset within fOffsetCalculator of first field
SkSpan<const Uniform> fExpectedUniforms;
int fExpectedUniformIndex = 0;
bool checkExpected(const void* dst, SkSLType, int count);
bool checkBeginStruct(int baseAlignment);
bool checkEndStruct();
#endif // SK_DEBUG
// Definitions
// Shared helper for both write() and writeArray()
template <int N, bool Half>
struct LayoutTraits {
static_assert(1 <= N && N <= 4);
static constexpr int kElemSize = Half ? sizeof(SkHalf) : sizeof(float);
static constexpr int kSize = N * kElemSize;
static constexpr int kAlign = SkNextPow2_portable(N) * kElemSize;
// Reads kSize bytes from 'src' and copies or converts (float->half) the N values
// into 'dst'. Does not add any other padding that may depend on usage and Layout.
static void Copy(const void* src, void* dst) {
if constexpr (Half) {
using VecF = skvx::Vec<SkNextPow2_portable(N), float>;
VecF srcData;
if constexpr (N == 3) {
// Load the 3 values into a float4 to take advantage of vectorized conversion.
// The 4th value will not be copied to dst.
const float* srcF = static_cast<const float*>(src);
srcData = VecF{srcF[0], srcF[1], srcF[2], 0.f};
} else {
srcData = VecF::Load(src);
auto dstData = to_half(srcData);
// NOTE: this is identical to Vec::store() for N=1,2,4 and correctly drops the 4th
// lane when N=3.
memcpy(dst, &dstData, kSize);
} else {
memcpy(dst, src, kSize);
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
static void Validate(const void* src, SkSLType type, Layout layout) {
// Src validation
// All primitives on the CPU side should be 4 byte aligned
// Type and validation layout
SkASSERT(SkSLTypeVecLength(type) == N); // Matrix types should have been flattened already
if constexpr (Half) {
} else {
SkASSERT(SkSLTypeIsFullPrecisionNumericType(type) ||
template<int N, bool Half>
void UniformManager::write(const void* src, SkSLType type) {
using L = LayoutTraits<N, Half>;
SkDEBUGCODE(L::Validate(src, type, fLayout);)
// Layouts diverge in how vec3 size is determined for non-array usage
char* dst = (N == 3 && LayoutRules::PadVec3Size(fLayout))
? this->append(L::kAlign, L::kSize + L::kElemSize)
: this->append(L::kAlign, L::kSize);
SkASSERT(this->checkExpected(dst, type, Uniform::kNonArray));
L::Copy(src, dst);
if (N == 3 && LayoutRules::PadVec3Size(fLayout)) {
memset(dst + L::kSize, 0, L::kElemSize);
template<int N, bool Half>
void UniformManager::writeArray(const void* src, int count, SkSLType type) {
using L = LayoutTraits<N, Half>;
static constexpr int kSrcStride = N * 4; // Source data is always in multiples of 4 bytes.
SkDEBUGCODE(L::Validate(src, type, fLayout);)
SkASSERT(count > 0);
if (Half || N == 3 || (N != 4 && LayoutRules::AlignArraysAsVec4(fLayout))) {
// A non-dense array (N == 3 is always padded to vec4, or the Layout requires it),
// or we have to perform half conversion so iterate over each element.
static constexpr int kStride = Half ? L::kAlign : 4*L::kElemSize;
SkASSERT(!(Half && LayoutRules::AlignArraysAsVec4(fLayout))); // should be exclusive
const char* srcBytes = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src);
char* dst = this->append(kStride, kStride*count);
SkASSERT(this->checkExpected(dst, type, count));
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
L::Copy(srcBytes, dst);
if constexpr (kStride - L::kSize > 0) {
memset(dst + L::kSize, 0, kStride - L::kSize);
dst += kStride;
srcBytes += kSrcStride;
} else {
// A dense array with no type conversion, so copy in one go.
SkASSERT(L::kAlign == L::kSize && kSrcStride == L::kSize);
char* dst = this->append(L::kAlign, L::kSize*count);
SkASSERT(this->checkExpected(dst, type, count));
memcpy(dst, src, L::kSize*count);
void UniformManager::alignTo(int alignment) {
SkASSERT(alignment >= 1 && SkIsPow2(alignment));
if ((fStorage.size() & (alignment - 1)) != 0) {
this->append(alignment, /*size=*/0);
char* UniformManager::append(int alignment, int size) {
// The base alignment for a struct should have been calculated for the current layout using
// UniformOffsetCalculator, so every field appended within the struct should have an alignment
// less than or equal to that base alignment.
SkASSERT(fStructBaseAlignment <= 0 || alignment <= fStructBaseAlignment);
const int offset = fStorage.size();
const int padding = SkAlignTo(offset, alignment) - offset;
// These are just asserts not aborts because SkSL compilation imposes limits on the size of
// runtime effect arrays, and internal shaders should not be using excessive lengths.
SkASSERT(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - alignment >= offset);
SkASSERT(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - size >= padding);
char* dst = fStorage.append(size + padding);
if (padding > 0) {
memset(dst, 0, padding);
dst += padding;
fReqAlignment = std::max(fReqAlignment, alignment);
return dst;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_UniformManager_DEFINED