blob: f9095f22783b79484eeee221acb9e2c5b5fb9d81 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SKSL_UTIL
#define SKSL_UTIL
#include "src/core/SkSLTypeShared.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLGLSL.h"
#include <memory>
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
namespace SkSL {
class Context;
class OutputStream;
class StringStream;
class Type;
struct ShaderCaps {
* Indicates how GLSL must interact with advanced blend equations. The KHR extension requires
* special layout qualifiers in the fragment shader.
enum AdvBlendEqInteraction {
kNotSupported_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! No _blend_equation_advanced extension
kAutomatic_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! No interaction required
kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! layout(blend_support_all_equations) out
kLast_AdvBlendEqInteraction = kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction
// TODO: Remove these accessors
bool shaderDerivativeSupport() const { return fShaderDerivativeSupport; }
bool nonsquareMatrixSupport() const { return fNonsquareMatrixSupport; }
/** Indicates true 32-bit integer support, with unsigned types and bitwise operations */
bool integerSupport() const { return fIntegerSupport; }
/** asinh(), acosh(), atanh() */
bool inverseHyperbolicSupport() const { return fInverseHyperbolicSupport; }
* Some helper functions for encapsulating various extensions to read FB Buffer on openglES
* TODO: On desktop opengl 4.2+ we can achieve something similar to this effect
bool fbFetchSupport() const { return fFBFetchSupport; }
bool fbFetchNeedsCustomOutput() const { return fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput; }
const char* versionDeclString() const { return fVersionDeclString; }
const char* fbFetchColorName() const { return fFBFetchColorName; }
bool flatInterpolationSupport() const { return fFlatInterpolationSupport; }
bool noperspectiveInterpolationSupport() const { return fNoPerspectiveInterpolationSupport; }
bool sampleMaskSupport() const { return fSampleMaskSupport; }
bool externalTextureSupport() const { return fExternalTextureSupport; }
bool floatIs32Bits() const { return fFloatIs32Bits; }
// SkSL only.
bool builtinFMASupport() const { return fBuiltinFMASupport; }
bool builtinDeterminantSupport() const { return fBuiltinDeterminantSupport; }
AdvBlendEqInteraction advBlendEqInteraction() const { return fAdvBlendEqInteraction; }
bool mustEnableAdvBlendEqs() const {
return fAdvBlendEqInteraction >= kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
bool mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput() const {
return fGLSLGeneration > SkSL::GLSLGeneration::k110;
bool usesPrecisionModifiers() const { return fUsesPrecisionModifiers; }
// Returns whether we can use the glsl function any() in our shader code.
bool canUseAnyFunctionInShader() const { return fCanUseAnyFunctionInShader; }
bool canUseMinAndAbsTogether() const { return fCanUseMinAndAbsTogether; }
bool canUseFractForNegativeValues() const { return fCanUseFractForNegativeValues; }
bool mustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat() const { return fMustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat; }
bool mustForceNegatedLdexpParamToMultiply() const {
return fMustForceNegatedLdexpParamToMultiply;
// Returns whether a device incorrectly implements atan(y,x) as atan(y/x)
bool atan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX() const { return fAtan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX; }
// If this returns true some operation (could be a no op) must be called between floor and abs
// to make sure the driver compiler doesn't inline them together which can cause a driver bug in
// the shader.
bool mustDoOpBetweenFloorAndAbs() const { return fMustDoOpBetweenFloorAndAbs; }
// If false, SkSL uses a workaround so that sk_FragCoord doesn't actually query gl_FragCoord
bool canUseFragCoord() const { return fCanUseFragCoord; }
// If true, short ints can't represent every integer in the 16-bit two's complement range as
// required by the spec. SKSL will always emit full ints.
bool incompleteShortIntPrecision() const { return fIncompleteShortIntPrecision; }
// If true, then conditions in for loops need "&& true" to work around driver bugs.
bool addAndTrueToLoopCondition() const { return fAddAndTrueToLoopCondition; }
// If true, then expressions such as "x && y" or "x || y" are rewritten as
// ternary to work around driver bugs.
bool unfoldShortCircuitAsTernary() const { return fUnfoldShortCircuitAsTernary; }
bool emulateAbsIntFunction() const { return fEmulateAbsIntFunction; }
bool rewriteDoWhileLoops() const { return fRewriteDoWhileLoops; }
bool rewriteSwitchStatements() const { return fRewriteSwitchStatements; }
bool removePowWithConstantExponent() const { return fRemovePowWithConstantExponent; }
// The D3D shader compiler, when targeting PS 3.0 (ie within ANGLE) fails to compile certain
// constructs. See detailed comments in GrGLCaps.cpp.
bool mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck() const {
return fMustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck;
// The Android emulator claims samplerExternalOES is an unknown type if a default precision
// statement is made for the type.
bool noDefaultPrecisionForExternalSamplers() const {
return fNoDefaultPrecisionForExternalSamplers;
// ARM GPUs calculate `matrix * vector` in SPIR-V at full precision, even when the inputs are
// RelaxedPrecision. Rewriting the multiply as a sum of vector*scalar fixes this. (skia:11769)
bool rewriteMatrixVectorMultiply() const {
return fRewriteMatrixVectorMultiply;
// Rewrites matrix equality comparisons to avoid an Adreno driver bug. (skia:11308)
bool rewriteMatrixComparisons() const { return fRewriteMatrixComparisons; }
// By default, SkSL pools IR nodes per-program. To debug memory corruption, it is sometimes
// helpful to disable that feature.
bool useNodePools() const { return fUseNodePools; }
// Returns the string of an extension that must be enabled in the shader to support
// derivatives. If nullptr is returned then no extension needs to be enabled. Before calling
// this function, the caller should check that shaderDerivativeSupport exists.
const char* shaderDerivativeExtensionString() const {
return fShaderDerivativeExtensionString;
// This returns the name of an extension that must be enabled in the shader to support external
// textures. In some cases, two extensions must be enabled - the second extension is returned
// by secondExternalTextureExtensionString(). If that function returns nullptr, then only one
// extension is required.
const char* externalTextureExtensionString() const {
return fExternalTextureExtensionString;
const char* secondExternalTextureExtensionString() const {
return fSecondExternalTextureExtensionString;
SkSL::GLSLGeneration generation() const { return fGLSLGeneration; }
SkSL::GLSLGeneration fGLSLGeneration = SkSL::GLSLGeneration::k330;
bool fShaderDerivativeSupport = false;
bool fIntegerSupport = false;
bool fNonsquareMatrixSupport = false;
bool fInverseHyperbolicSupport = false;
bool fFBFetchSupport = false;
bool fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput = false;
bool fUsesPrecisionModifiers = false;
bool fFlatInterpolationSupport = false;
bool fNoPerspectiveInterpolationSupport = false;
bool fSampleMaskSupport = false;
bool fExternalTextureSupport = false;
bool fFloatIs32Bits = true;
// Used by SkSL to know when to generate polyfills.
bool fBuiltinFMASupport = false;
bool fBuiltinDeterminantSupport = false;
// Used for specific driver bug work arounds
bool fCanUseAnyFunctionInShader = true;
bool fCanUseMinAndAbsTogether = true;
bool fCanUseFractForNegativeValues = true;
bool fMustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat = false;
bool fMustForceNegatedLdexpParamToMultiply = false;
bool fAtan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX = false;
bool fMustDoOpBetweenFloorAndAbs = false;
bool fMustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck = false;
bool fCanUseFragCoord = true;
bool fIncompleteShortIntPrecision = false;
bool fAddAndTrueToLoopCondition = false;
bool fUnfoldShortCircuitAsTernary = false;
bool fEmulateAbsIntFunction = false;
bool fRewriteDoWhileLoops = false;
bool fRewriteSwitchStatements = false;
bool fRemovePowWithConstantExponent = false;
bool fNoDefaultPrecisionForExternalSamplers = false;
bool fRewriteMatrixVectorMultiply = false;
bool fRewriteMatrixComparisons = false;
// This controls behavior of the SkSL compiler, not the code we generate
bool fUseNodePools = true;
const char* fVersionDeclString = "";
const char* fShaderDerivativeExtensionString = nullptr;
const char* fExternalTextureExtensionString = nullptr;
const char* fSecondExternalTextureExtensionString = nullptr;
const char* fFBFetchColorName = nullptr;
AdvBlendEqInteraction fAdvBlendEqInteraction = kNotSupported_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
// Various sets of caps for use in tests
class ShaderCapsFactory {
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> Default() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
result->fBuiltinDeterminantSupport = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> Standalone() {
return MakeShaderCaps();
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> AddAndTrueToLoopCondition() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fAddAndTrueToLoopCondition = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> CannotUseFractForNegativeValues() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fCanUseFractForNegativeValues = false;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> CannotUseFragCoord() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fCanUseFragCoord = false;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> CannotUseMinAndAbsTogether() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fCanUseMinAndAbsTogether = false;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> EmulateAbsIntFunction() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fEmulateAbsIntFunction = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> FramebufferFetchSupport() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fFBFetchSupport = true;
result->fFBFetchColorName = "gl_LastFragData[0]";
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> IncompleteShortIntPrecision() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 310es";
result->fUsesPrecisionModifiers = true;
result->fIncompleteShortIntPrecision = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> MustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fMustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> MustForceNegatedLdexpParamToMultiply() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fMustForceNegatedLdexpParamToMultiply = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> MustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fMustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> RemovePowWithConstantExponent() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fRemovePowWithConstantExponent = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> RewriteDoWhileLoops() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fRewriteDoWhileLoops = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> RewriteMatrixComparisons() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fRewriteMatrixComparisons = true;
result->fUsesPrecisionModifiers = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> RewriteMatrixVectorMultiply() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fRewriteMatrixVectorMultiply = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> RewriteSwitchStatements() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fRewriteSwitchStatements = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> SampleMaskSupport() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = Default();
result->fSampleMaskSupport = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> ShaderDerivativeExtensionString() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
result->fShaderDerivativeExtensionString = "GL_OES_standard_derivatives";
result->fUsesPrecisionModifiers = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> UnfoldShortCircuitAsTernary() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fUnfoldShortCircuitAsTernary = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> UsesPrecisionModifiers() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 400";
result->fUsesPrecisionModifiers = true;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> Version110() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 110";
result->fGLSLGeneration = SkSL::GLSLGeneration::k110;
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> Version450Core() {
std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> result = MakeShaderCaps();
result->fVersionDeclString = "#version 450 core";
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<ShaderCaps> MakeShaderCaps();
bool type_to_sksltype(const Context& context, const Type& type, SkSLType* outType);
void write_stringstream(const StringStream& d, OutputStream& out);
} // namespace SkSL
#endif // SKSL_UTIL