Remove SurfacePro Test tasks.

Test tasks were added in,
but dm results are identical to to IntelIris540; just some differences
in fonts. Removing the Test tasks will allow the bot to run Perf more
frequently, providing better data.

Bug: skia:6978
Change-Id: Icb8b6af7267a879b2d761d0e7fca6064f53281f8
No-Try: true
Reviewed-by: Ravi Mistry <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
diff --git a/infra/bots/jobs.json b/infra/bots/jobs.json
index bc7616b..934bd78 100644
--- a/infra/bots/jobs.json
+++ b/infra/bots/jobs.json
@@ -400,10 +400,6 @@
-  "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug",
-  "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE",
-  "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release",
-  "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE",
diff --git a/infra/bots/tasks.json b/infra/bots/tasks.json
index de75421..6818155 100644
--- a/infra/bots/tasks.json
+++ b/infra/bots/tasks.json
@@ -2417,30 +2417,6 @@
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug": {
-      "priority": 0.8,
-      "tasks": [
-        "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug"
-      ]
-    },
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE": {
-      "priority": 0.8,
-      "tasks": [
-        "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE"
-      ]
-    },
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release": {
-      "priority": 0.8,
-      "tasks": [
-        "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release"
-      ]
-    },
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE": {
-      "priority": 0.8,
-      "tasks": [
-        "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE"
-      ]
-    },
     "Test-Win10-MSVC-ZBOX-GPU-GTX1070-x86_64-Debug": {
       "priority": 0.8,
       "tasks": [
@@ -18598,194 +18574,6 @@
       "max_attempts": 1,
       "priority": 0.8
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug": {
-      "cipd_packages": [
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skimage",
-          "path": "skimage",
-          "version": "version:29"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skp",
-          "path": "skp",
-          "version": "version:80"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/svg",
-          "path": "svg",
-          "version": "version:9"
-        }
-      ],
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Build-Win-MSVC-x86_64-Debug",
-        "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "gpu:8086:591e-",
-        "os:Windows-10-15063",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "execution_timeout_ns": 14400000000000,
-      "expiration_ns": 72000000000000,
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "test",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)"
-      ],
-      "io_timeout_ns": 2400000000000,
-      "isolate": "test_skia_bundled_win.isolate",
-      "max_attempts": 1,
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE": {
-      "cipd_packages": [
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skimage",
-          "path": "skimage",
-          "version": "version:29"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skp",
-          "path": "skp",
-          "version": "version:80"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/svg",
-          "path": "svg",
-          "version": "version:9"
-        }
-      ],
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Build-Win-MSVC-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE",
-        "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "gpu:8086:591e-",
-        "os:Windows-10-15063",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "execution_timeout_ns": 14400000000000,
-      "expiration_ns": 72000000000000,
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "test",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)"
-      ],
-      "io_timeout_ns": 2400000000000,
-      "isolate": "test_skia_bundled_win.isolate",
-      "max_attempts": 1,
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release": {
-      "cipd_packages": [
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skimage",
-          "path": "skimage",
-          "version": "version:29"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skp",
-          "path": "skp",
-          "version": "version:80"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/svg",
-          "path": "svg",
-          "version": "version:9"
-        }
-      ],
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Build-Win-MSVC-x86_64-Release",
-        "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "gpu:8086:591e-",
-        "os:Windows-10-15063",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "execution_timeout_ns": 14400000000000,
-      "expiration_ns": 72000000000000,
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "test",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)"
-      ],
-      "io_timeout_ns": 2400000000000,
-      "isolate": "test_skia_bundled_win.isolate",
-      "max_attempts": 1,
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
-    "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE": {
-      "cipd_packages": [
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skimage",
-          "path": "skimage",
-          "version": "version:29"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/skp",
-          "path": "skp",
-          "version": "version:80"
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "skia/bots/svg",
-          "path": "svg",
-          "version": "version:9"
-        }
-      ],
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Build-Win-MSVC-x86_64-Release-ANGLE",
-        "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "gpu:8086:591e-",
-        "os:Windows-10-15063",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "execution_timeout_ns": 14400000000000,
-      "expiration_ns": 72000000000000,
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "test",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)"
-      ],
-      "io_timeout_ns": 2400000000000,
-      "isolate": "test_skia_bundled_win.isolate",
-      "max_attempts": 1,
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
     "Test-Win10-MSVC-ZBOX-GPU-GTX1070-x86_64-Debug": {
       "cipd_packages": [
@@ -25626,114 +25414,6 @@
       "isolate": "upload_dm_results.isolate",
       "priority": 0.8
-    "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug": {
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "cpu:x86-64-avx2",
-        "gpu:none",
-        "os:Debian-9.1",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "upload_dm_results",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)",
-        "gs_bucket=skia-infra-gm"
-      ],
-      "isolate": "upload_dm_results.isolate",
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
-    "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE": {
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "cpu:x86-64-avx2",
-        "gpu:none",
-        "os:Debian-9.1",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "upload_dm_results",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Debug-ANGLE",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)",
-        "gs_bucket=skia-infra-gm"
-      ],
-      "isolate": "upload_dm_results.isolate",
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
-    "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release": {
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "cpu:x86-64-avx2",
-        "gpu:none",
-        "os:Debian-9.1",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "upload_dm_results",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)",
-        "gs_bucket=skia-infra-gm"
-      ],
-      "isolate": "upload_dm_results.isolate",
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
-    "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE": {
-      "dependencies": [
-        "Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE"
-      ],
-      "dimensions": [
-        "cpu:x86-64-avx2",
-        "gpu:none",
-        "os:Debian-9.1",
-        "pool:Skia"
-      ],
-      "extra_args": [
-        "--workdir",
-        "../../..",
-        "upload_dm_results",
-        "repository=<(REPO)",
-        "buildername=Test-Win10-MSVC-SurfacePro2017-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-ANGLE",
-        "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
-        "revision=<(REVISION)",
-        "patch_repo=<(PATCH_REPO)",
-        "patch_storage=<(PATCH_STORAGE)",
-        "patch_issue=<(ISSUE)",
-        "patch_set=<(PATCHSET)",
-        "gs_bucket=skia-infra-gm"
-      ],
-      "isolate": "upload_dm_results.isolate",
-      "priority": 0.8
-    },
     "Upload-Test-Win10-MSVC-ZBOX-GPU-GTX1070-x86_64-Debug": {
       "dependencies": [