blob: 912995525ea90ab99da20a5258d392025c106d52 [file] [log] [blame]
uniform half4 N, I, NRef;
uniform half4 colorGreen, colorRed;
half4 main(float2 xy) {
// These cannot be evaluated at compile-time since the intermediate values would overflow.
float huge = faceforward( 1, 1e30, 1e30);
float2 huge2 = faceforward(float2(1), float2(1e30), float2(1e30));
float3 huge3 = faceforward(float3(1), float3(1e30), float3(1e30));
float4 huge4 = faceforward(float4(1), float4(1e30), float4(1e30));
// We don't care about the results; they're used here to prevent them from being optimized away.
half4 expectedPos = half4(huge.xxxx + huge2.xxxx);
half4 expectedNeg = half4(huge3.xxxx + huge4.xxxx);
const half4 constN = half4(1, 2, 3, 4);
const half4 constI = half4(1, 1, -100, 1);
const half4 constNRef = half4(1);
expectedPos = half4(1, 2, 3, 4);
expectedNeg = -half4(1, 2, 3, 4);
return (faceforward(N.x, I.x, NRef.x ) == expectedNeg.x &&
faceforward(N.xy, I.xy, NRef.xy ) == expectedNeg.xy &&
faceforward(,, ) == &&
faceforward(N.xyzw, I.xyzw, NRef.xyzw ) == expectedPos.xyzw &&
faceforward(constN.x, constI.x, constNRef.x ) == expectedNeg.x &&
faceforward(constN.xy, constI.xy, constNRef.xy ) == expectedNeg.xy &&
faceforward(,, ) == &&
faceforward(constN.xyzw, constI.xyzw, constNRef.xyzw) == expectedPos.xyzw) ? colorGreen
: colorRed;