blob: 12666a5cc913f8c8ea979c7a0ed8d00f7e1a9191 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module defines the skia_test_wrapper_with_cmdline_flags rule."""
load("//bazel:remove_indentation.bzl", "remove_indentation")
def _skia_test_wrapper_with_cmdline_flags_impl(ctx):
test_args = ([
"$(dirname $(realpath $(rootpath %s)))" % ctx.attr._arbitrary_file_in_resources_dir.label,
] if ctx.attr.requires_resources_dir else []) + ctx.attr.extra_args
template = remove_indentation("""
$(rootpath {test_binary}) {test_args}
template = ctx.expand_location(template.format(
test_binary = ctx.attr.test_binary.label,
test_args = " ".join(test_args),
), targets = [
output_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.actions.write(output_file, template, is_executable = True)
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = ctx.files._resources_dir if ctx.attr.requires_resources_dir else [],
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr.test_binary[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles)
return [DefaultInfo(
executable = output_file,
runfiles = runfiles,
skia_test_wrapper_with_cmdline_flags = rule(
doc = """Produces a script that invokes a Skia C++ test with a fixed set of command-line flags.
The reason why we use a custom rule rather than a genrule is that we wish to select() the
extra_args attribute based e.g. on the device under test and various build settings.
implementation = _skia_test_wrapper_with_cmdline_flags_impl,
attrs = {
"test_binary": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
executable = True,
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "target",
"requires_resources_dir": attr.bool(
doc = (
"If true, the test will be passed flag --resourcePath <path to //resources dir>."
"extra_args": attr.string_list(
doc = "Any additional command-line arguments to pass to the C++ test binary.",
"_resources_dir": attr.label(
doc = "This directory will optionally be added to the test's runfiles.",
default = Label("//resources"),
"_arbitrary_file_in_resources_dir": attr.label(
doc = "Used to compute the --resourcePath flag.",
default = Label("//resources:README"),
allow_single_file = True,