blob: ed54aba787d5d17ec82cbed82fc39eaea63b5ace [file] [log] [blame]
# Description:
# Skia graphics library.
# Definitions for Google BUILD file.
# Platform-independent SRCS
SRCS = glob(
# TODO(mtklein): might be more maintainable with a blacklist instead?
# Third Party
exclude = [
"src/pdf/SkPDFFont.cpp", # Wrapped by google/SkPDFFont_sfntly.cpp
# TODO(mtklein): files below here probably want upstream fixes
"src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread_mach.cpp", # Mac-only. Move to ports?
# Non-Mac-non-Linux. Move to ports?
"src/utils/SkThreadUtils_win.cpp", # Windows-only. Move to ports?
HDRS = glob(
# Includes needed by Skia implementation. Not public includes.
"-Wno-deprecated-declarations", # Internal use of deprecated methods. :(
"-Wno-implicit-fallthrough", # Some intentional fallthrough.
# It'd be nice for fastbuild, dbg -> SK_DEBUG, opt -> SK_RELEASE.
# Chrome DEFINES.
# Turn on a few Google3-specific build fixes.
LINKOPTS = ["-ldl"]