blob: 075045b2a207e018cf1e18f5644f29cc8e451200 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This task driver runs an arbitary command specified via command-line arguments. Its purpose is
// to run prebuilt Bazel tests on devices where we cannot (or don't want to) run Bazel, such as
// Raspberry Pis.
package main
import (
sk_exec ""
var (
// Required properties for this task.
projectId = flag.String("project_id", "", "ID of the Google Cloud project.")
taskId = flag.String("task_id", "", "ID of this task.")
taskName = flag.String("task_name", "", "Name of the task.")
workdir = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Working directory, the root directory of a full Skia checkout")
command = flag.String("command", "", "Path to the command to run (e.g. a shell script in a directory with CAS inputs).")
commandWorkDir = flag.String("command_workdir", "", "Path to the working directory of the command to run (e.g. a directory with CAS inputs).")
kind = flag.String("kind", "", `Test kind ("benchmark", "gm" or "unit"). Required.`)
// Flags required by all Android tests.
deviceSpecificBazelConfigName = flag.String("device_specific_bazel_config", "", "Name of a Bazel config found in //bazel/devicesrc.")
// Flags used by benchmark and GM tests.
gitCommit = flag.String("git_commit", "", "The git hash to which the data should be associated. This will be used when changelist_id and patchset_order are not set to report data to Gold that belongs on the primary branch.")
changelistID = flag.String("changelist_id", "", "Should be non-empty only when run on the CQ.")
patchsetOrderStr = flag.String("patchset_order", "", "Should be non-zero only when run on the CQ.")
// Flags used by GM tests.
label = flag.String("bazel_label", "", "The label of the Bazel target to test (only used for GM tests)")
goldctlPath = flag.String("goldctl_path", "", "The path to the golctl binary on disk.")
tryjobID = flag.String("tryjob_id", "", "Should be non-zero only when run on the CQ.")
// Optional flags.
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "True if running locally (as opposed to on the CI/CQ)")
output = flag.String("o", "", "If provided, dump a JSON blob of step data to the given file. Prints to stdout if '-' is given.")
func main() {
// StartRun calls flag.Parse()
ctx := td.StartRun(projectId, taskId, taskName, output, local)
defer td.EndRun(ctx)
if *kind == "" {
td.Fatal(ctx, skerr.Fmt("Flag --kind is required."))
var testKind testKind
if *kind == "benchmark" {
testKind = benchmarkTest
} else if *kind == "gm" {
testKind = gmTest
} else if *kind == "unit" {
testKind = unitTest
} else {
td.Fatal(ctx, skerr.Fmt("Unknown flag --kind value: %q", *kind))
if *deviceSpecificBazelConfigName != "" {
if _, ok := device_specific_configs.Configs[*deviceSpecificBazelConfigName]; !ok {
td.Fatal(ctx, skerr.Fmt("Unknown flag --device_specific_bazel_config value: %q", *deviceSpecificBazelConfigName))
wd, err := os_steps.Abs(ctx, *workdir)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Make an HTTP client with the required permissions to upload to the GCS bucket.
httpClient, _, err := auth_steps.InitHttpClient(ctx, *local, auth.ScopeReadWrite, auth.ScopeUserinfoEmail)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err))
// Make a GCS client to to upload to the GCS bucket.
store, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithHTTPClient(httpClient))
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err))
gcsClient := gcsclient.New(store, common.PerfGCSBucketName)
tdArgs := taskDriverArgs{
UploadToGoldArgs: common.UploadToGoldArgs{
BazelLabel: *label,
DeviceSpecificBazelConfig: *deviceSpecificBazelConfigName,
GoldctlPath: filepath.Join(wd, *goldctlPath),
GitCommit: *gitCommit,
ChangelistID: *changelistID,
PatchsetOrder: *patchsetOrderStr,
TryjobID: *tryjobID,
BenchmarkInfo: common.BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: *gitCommit,
TaskName: *taskName,
TaskID: *taskId,
ChangelistID: *changelistID,
PatchsetOrder: *patchsetOrderStr,
testKind: testKind,
commandPath: filepath.Join(wd, *command),
commandWorkDir: filepath.Join(wd, *commandWorkDir),
deviceSpecificBazelConfigName: *deviceSpecificBazelConfigName,
gcsClient: gcsClient,
if testKind == benchmarkTest || testKind == gmTest {
tdArgs.undeclaredOutputsDir, err = os_steps.TempDir(ctx, "", "test-undeclared-outputs-dir-*")
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if err := run(ctx, tdArgs); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
type testKind int
const (
benchmarkTest testKind = iota
// taskDriverArgs gathers the inputs to this task driver, and decouples the task driver's
// entry-point function from the command line flags, which facilitates writing unit tests.
type taskDriverArgs struct {
commandPath string
commandWorkDir string
testKind testKind
undeclaredOutputsDir string
// common.UploadToGoldArgs has an identical field, but it serves a different purpose.
deviceSpecificBazelConfigName string
gcsClient gcs.GCSClient // Only used to upload benchmark results to Perf.
// run is the entrypoint of this task driver.
func run(ctx context.Context, tdArgs taskDriverArgs) error {
// GM tests require an output directory in which to store any PNGs produced.
var env []string
if tdArgs.testKind == benchmarkTest || tdArgs.testKind == gmTest {
env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR=%s", tdArgs.undeclaredOutputsDir))
var args []string
if tdArgs.testKind == benchmarkTest {
args = common.ComputeBenchmarkTestRunnerCLIFlags(tdArgs.BenchmarkInfo)
if tdArgs.deviceSpecificBazelConfigName != "" {
args = append(args, device_specific_configs.Configs[tdArgs.deviceSpecificBazelConfigName].TestRunnerArgs()...)
runCmd := &sk_exec.Command{
Name: tdArgs.commandPath,
Args: args,
Env: env,
InheritEnv: true, // Makes sure any CIPD-downloaded tools are available on $PATH.
Dir: tdArgs.commandWorkDir,
LogStdout: true,
LogStderr: true,
_, err := sk_exec.RunCommand(ctx, runCmd)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if tdArgs.testKind == benchmarkTest {
return skerr.Wrap(common.UploadToPerf(ctx, tdArgs.gcsClient, tdArgs.BenchmarkInfo, tdArgs.undeclaredOutputsDir))
if tdArgs.testKind == gmTest {
return skerr.Wrap(common.UploadToGold(ctx, tdArgs.UploadToGoldArgs, tdArgs.undeclaredOutputsDir))
return nil