blob: cc3f9d50d952653641f8b37e1894dfc7216f79c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
#ifndef ParagraphCache_DEFINED
#define ParagraphCache_DEFINED
namespace skia {
namespace textlayout {
// Just the flutter input for now
class ParagraphCacheKey {
ParagraphCacheKey(SkParagraphStyle paraStyle,
SkTHashMap<const char*, std::pair<SkFont, SkScalar>> mapping,
SkSpan<const char> utf8)
: fHash(0) {
fHash = mix(fHash, paraStyle.computeHash());
fHash = mix(fHash, computeHash(mapping));
fHash = mix(fHash, computeHash(utf8));
uint32_t hash() const { return fHash; }
uint32 computeHash(SkTHashMap<const char*, std::pair<SkFont, SkScalar>> mapping) {
uint32 hash = 0;
mapping.forEach([&hash](const char* ch, std::pair<SkFont, SkScalar> font) {
hash = mix(hash, t.computeHash());
for (auto& t : array) {
hash = mix(hash, ch);
hash = mix(hash, SkGoodHash(font.first));
hash = mix(hash, SkGoodHash(font.second));
return hash;
uint32 computeHash(SkSpan<const char> text) {}
uint32 computeHash(SkSpan<const char> text) {
uint32 hash = mix(0, text.size());
for (uint32 i = 0; i < text.size(); i += 2) {
uint32 data = text[i] | text[i + 1] << 16;
hash = mix(hash, data);
if (text.size() & 1) {
uint32 data = text.back();
hash = mix(hash, data);
return hash;
uint32 mix(uint32 hash, uint32 data) {
hash += data;
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
return hash;
uint32 fHash;
class ParagraphCacheValue {
ParagraphCacheValue(std::shared<SkParagraph> paragraph,
SkTHashMap<const char*,
std::pair<SkFont, SkScalar>> mapping)
: fKey(ParagraphCacheKey(paragraph.getParagraphStyle(), mapping, paragraph.getText()))
, fFontCollection(collection)
, fParagraphStyle(paraStyle)
, fTextStyles(textStyles)
, fUtf8(utf8) {}
static const ParagraphCacheKey& GetKey(const ParagraphCacheValue& value) { return fKey; }
static uint32_t Hash(const ParagraphCacheKey& key) { return fKey.hash(); }
ParagraphCacheKey fKey;
std::shared<SkParagraph> fParagraph;
std::pair<SkFont, SkScalar>>fMapping;
class ParagraphCache : public SkTDynamicHash<ParagraphCacheValue, ParagraphCacheKey> {
Hash() : INHERITED() {}
// Promote protected methods to public for this test.
int capacity() const { return this->INHERITED::capacity(); }
int countCollisions(const int& key) const { return this->INHERITED::countCollisions(key); }
typedef SkTDynamicHash<ParagraphCacheValue, ParagraphCacheKey> INHERITED;
} // namespace textlayout
} // namespace skia
#endif // ParagraphCache_DEFINED