blob: 7e47e02b772b396c7244ae17cd3bbff95198834b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLPool.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIRNode.h"
#define VLOG(...) // printf(__VA_ARGS__)
namespace SkSL {
#if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) && \
// iOS did not support for C++11 `thread_local` variables until iOS 9.
// Pooling is not supported here; we allocate all nodes directly.
struct PoolData {};
Pool::~Pool() {}
void Pool* Pool::CreatePoolOnThread(int nodesInPool) { return new Pool; }
void Pool::detachFromThread() {}
void Pool::attachToThread() {}
void* Pool::AllocIRNode() { return ::operator new(sizeof(IRNode)); }
void Pool::FreeIRNode(void* node) { ::operator delete(node); }
#else // !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS)...
namespace { struct IRNodeData {
union {
uint8_t fBuffer[sizeof(IRNode)];
IRNodeData* fFreeListNext;
}; }
struct PoolData {
// This holds the first free node in the pool. It will be null when the pool is exhausted.
IRNodeData* fFreeListHead = fNodes;
// This points to end of our pooled data, and implies the number of nodes.
IRNodeData* fNodesEnd = nullptr;
// Our pooled data lives here. (We allocate lots of nodes here, not just one.)
IRNodeData fNodes[1];
// Accessors.
ptrdiff_t nodeCount() { return fNodesEnd - fNodes; }
ptrdiff_t nodeIndex(IRNodeData* node) {
SkASSERT(node >= fNodes);
SkASSERT(node < fNodesEnd);
return node - fNodes;
static thread_local PoolData* sPoolData = nullptr;
static PoolData* create_pool_data(int nodesInPool) {
// Create a PoolData structure with extra space at the end for additional IRNode data.
int numExtraIRNodes = nodesInPool - 1;
PoolData* poolData = static_cast<PoolData*>(malloc(sizeof(PoolData) +
(sizeof(IRNodeData) * numExtraIRNodes)));
// Initialize each pool node as a free node. The free nodes form a singly-linked list, each
// pointing to the next free node in sequence.
for (int index = 0; index < nodesInPool - 1; ++index) {
poolData->fNodes[index].fFreeListNext = &poolData->fNodes[index + 1];
poolData->fNodes[nodesInPool - 1].fFreeListNext = nullptr;
poolData->fNodesEnd = &poolData->fNodes[nodesInPool];
return poolData;
Pool::~Pool() {
if (sPoolData == fData) {
SkDEBUGFAIL("SkSL pool is being destroyed while it is still attached to the thread");
sPoolData = nullptr;
// In debug mode, report any leaked nodes.
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
ptrdiff_t nodeCount = fData->nodeCount();
std::vector<bool> freed(nodeCount);
for (IRNodeData* node = fData->fFreeListHead; node; node = node->fFreeListNext) {
ptrdiff_t nodeIndex = fData->nodeIndex(node);
freed[nodeIndex] = true;
bool foundLeaks = false;
for (int index = 0; index < nodeCount; ++index) {
if (!freed[index]) {
IRNode* leak = reinterpret_cast<IRNode*>(fData->fNodes[index].fBuffer);
SkDebugf("Node %d leaked: %s\n", index, leak->description().c_str());
foundLeaks = true;
if (foundLeaks) {
SkDEBUGFAIL("leaking SkSL pool nodes; if they are later freed, this will likely be fatal");
VLOG("DELETE Pool:0x%016llX\n", (uint64_t)fData);
std::unique_ptr<Pool> Pool::CreatePoolOnThread(int nodesInPool) {
auto pool = std::unique_ptr<Pool>(new Pool);
pool->fData = create_pool_data(nodesInPool);
pool->fData->fFreeListHead = &pool->fData->fNodes[0];
VLOG("CREATE Pool:0x%016llX\n", (uint64_t)pool->fData);
return pool;
void Pool::detachFromThread() {
VLOG("DETACH Pool:0x%016llX\n", (uint64_t)sPoolData);
SkASSERT(sPoolData != nullptr);
sPoolData = nullptr;
void Pool::attachToThread() {
VLOG("ATTACH Pool:0x%016llX\n", (uint64_t)fData);
SkASSERT(sPoolData == nullptr);
sPoolData = fData;
void* Pool::AllocIRNode() {
// Is a pool attached?
if (sPoolData) {
// Does the pool contain a free node?
IRNodeData* node = sPoolData->fFreeListHead;
if (node) {
// Yes. Take a node from the freelist.
sPoolData->fFreeListHead = node->fFreeListNext;
VLOG("ALLOC Pool:0x%016llX Index:%04d 0x%016llX\n",
(uint64_t)sPoolData, (int)(node - &sPoolData->fNodes[0]), (uint64_t)node);
return node->fBuffer;
// The pool is detached or full; allocate nodes using malloc.
void* ptr = ::operator new(sizeof(IRNode));
VLOG("ALLOC Pool:0x%016llX Index:____ malloc 0x%016llX\n",
(uint64_t)sPoolData, (uint64_t)ptr);
return ptr;
void Pool::FreeIRNode(void* node_v) {
// Is a pool attached?
if (sPoolData) {
// Did this node come from our pool?
auto* node = static_cast<IRNodeData*>(node_v);
if (node >= &sPoolData->fNodes[0] && node < sPoolData->fNodesEnd) {
// Yes. Push it back onto the freelist.
VLOG("FREE Pool:0x%016llX Index:%04d 0x%016llX\n",
(uint64_t)sPoolData, (int)(node - &sPoolData->fNodes[0]), (uint64_t)node);
node->fFreeListNext = sPoolData->fFreeListHead;
sPoolData->fFreeListHead = node;
// No pool is attached or the node was malloced; it must be freed.
VLOG("FREE Pool:0x%016llX Index:____ free 0x%016llX\n",
(uint64_t)sPoolData, (uint64_t)node_v);
::operator delete(node_v);
#endif // !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS)...
} // namespace SkSL