blob: 52cfc0996c4503bf5f339daf54839ef67ed94eef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_Renderer_DEFINED
#define skgpu_Renderer_DEFINED
#include "experimental/graphite/src/Attribute.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/DrawTypes.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/EnumBitMask.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/Uniform.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include <array>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
namespace skgpu {
class DrawWriter;
class ResourceProvider;
class Shape;
class UniformData;
enum class Layout;
class RenderStep {
virtual ~RenderStep() = default;
// The DrawWriter is configured with the vertex and instance strides of the RenderStep, and its
// primitive type. The recorded draws will be executed with a graphics pipeline compatible with
// this RenderStep.
virtual void writeVertices(DrawWriter*, const Shape&) const = 0;
// Write out the uniform values (aligned for the layout). These values will be de-duplicated
// across all draws using the RenderStep before uploading to the GPU, but it can be assumed the
// uniforms will be bound before the draws recorded in 'writeVertices' are executed.
// TODO: We definitely want this to return CPU memory since it's better for the caller to handle
// the de-duplication and GPU upload/binding (DrawPass tracks all this). However, a RenderStep's
// uniforms aren't going to change, and the Layout won't change during a process, so it would be
// nice if we could remember the offsets for the layout/gpu and reuse them across draws.
// Similarly, it would be nice if this could write into reusable storage and then DrawPass or
// UniformCache handles making an sk_sp if we need to assign a new unique ID to the uniform data
virtual sk_sp<UniformData> writeUniforms(Layout layout, const Shape&) const = 0;
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
bool requiresStencil() const { return fFlags & Flags::kRequiresStencil; }
bool requiresMSAA() const { return fFlags & Flags::kRequiresMSAA; }
bool performsShading() const { return fFlags & Flags::kPerformsShading; }
PrimitiveType primitiveType() const { return fPrimitiveType; }
size_t vertexStride() const { return fVertexStride; }
size_t instanceStride() const { return fInstanceStride; }
size_t numUniforms() const { return fUniforms.size(); }
size_t numVertexAttributes() const { return fVertexAttrs.size(); }
size_t numInstanceAttributes() const { return fInstanceAttrs.size(); }
// The uniforms of a RenderStep are bound to the kRenderStep slot, the rest of the pipeline
// may still use uniforms bound to other slots.
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms() const { return SkMakeSpan(fUniforms); }
SkSpan<const Attribute> vertexAttributes() const { return SkMakeSpan(fVertexAttrs); }
SkSpan<const Attribute> instanceAttributes() const { return SkMakeSpan(fInstanceAttrs); }
// TODO: Actual API to do things
// 1. Provide stencil settings
// 2. Provide shader key or MSL(?) for the vertex stage
// 4. Write uniform data given a Shape/Transform/Stroke info
// 6. Some Renderers benefit from being able to share vertices between RenderSteps. Must find a
// way to support that. It may mean that RenderSteps get state per draw.
// - Does Renderer make RenderStepFactories that create steps for each DrawList::Draw?
// - Does DrawList->DrawPass conversion build a separate array of blind data that the
// stateless Renderstep can refer to for {draw,step} pairs?
// - Does each DrawList::Draw have extra space (e.g. 8 bytes) that steps can cache data in?
enum class Flags : unsigned {
kNone = 0b000,
kRequiresStencil = 0b001,
kRequiresMSAA = 0b010,
kPerformsShading = 0b100,
// While RenderStep does not define the full program that's run for a draw, it defines the
// entire vertex layout of the pipeline. This is not allowed to change, so can be provided to
// the RenderStep constructor by subclasses.
RenderStep(Mask<Flags> flags,
std::initializer_list<Uniform> uniforms,
PrimitiveType primitiveType,
std::initializer_list<Attribute> vertexAttrs,
std::initializer_list<Attribute> instanceAttrs)
: fFlags(flags)
, fPrimitiveType(primitiveType)
, fUniforms(uniforms)
, fVertexAttrs(vertexAttrs)
, fInstanceAttrs(instanceAttrs)
, fVertexStride(0)
, fInstanceStride(0) {
for (auto v : this->vertexAttributes()) {
fVertexStride += v.sizeAlign4();
for (auto i : this->instanceAttributes()) {
fInstanceStride += i.sizeAlign4();
// Cannot copy or move
RenderStep(const RenderStep&) = delete;
RenderStep(RenderStep&&) = delete;
Mask<Flags> fFlags;
PrimitiveType fPrimitiveType;
// TODO: When we always use C++17 for builds, we should be able to just let subclasses declare
// constexpr arrays and point to those, but we need explicit storage for C++14.
// Alternatively, if we imposed a max attr count, similar to Renderer's num render steps, we
// could just have this be std::array and keep all attributes inline with the RenderStep memory.
// On the other hand, the attributes are only needed when creating a new pipeline so it's not
// that performance sensitive.
std::vector<Uniform> fUniforms;
std::vector<Attribute> fVertexAttrs;
std::vector<Attribute> fInstanceAttrs;
size_t fVertexStride; // derived from vertex attribute set
size_t fInstanceStride; // derived from instance attribute set
* The actual technique for rasterizing a high-level draw recorded in a DrawList is handled by a
* specific Renderer. Each technique has an associated singleton Renderer that decomposes the
* technique into a series of RenderSteps that must be executed in the specified order for the draw.
* However, the RenderStep executions for multiple draws can be re-arranged so batches of each
* step can be performed in a larger GPU operation. This re-arranging relies on accurate
* determination of the DisjointStencilIndex for each draw so that stencil steps are not corrupted
* by another draw before its cover step is executed. It also relies on the CompressedPaintersOrder
* for each draw to ensure steps are not re-arranged in a way that violates the original draw order.
* Renderer itself is non-virtual since it simply has to point to a list of RenderSteps. RenderSteps
* on the other hand are virtual implement the technique specific functionality. It is entirely
* possible for certain types of steps, e.g. a bounding box cover, to be re-used across different
* Renderers even if the preceeding steps were different.
class Renderer {
// Graphite defines a limited set of renderers in order to increase likelihood of batching
// across draw calls, and reduce the number of shader permutations required. These Renderers
// are stateless singletons and remain alive for the entire program. Each Renderer corresponds
// to a specific recording function on DrawList.
static const Renderer& StencilAndFillPath();
// TODO: Not on the immediate sprint target, but show what needs to be added for DrawList's API
// static const Renderer& FillConvexPath();
// static const Renderer& StrokePath();
// TODO: Will add more of these as primitive rendering etc. is fleshed out
// The maximum number of render steps that any Renderer is allowed to have.
static constexpr int kMaxRenderSteps = 4;
SkSpan<const RenderStep* const> steps() const {
return {&fSteps.front(), static_cast<size_t>(fStepCount) };
const char* name() const { return fName.c_str(); }
int numRenderSteps() const { return fStepCount; }
bool requiresStencil() const { return fRequiresStencil; }
bool requiresMSAA() const { return fRequiresMSAA; }
// max render steps is 4, so just spell the options out for now...
Renderer(const char* name, const RenderStep* s1)
: Renderer(name, std::array<const RenderStep*, 1>{s1}) {}
Renderer(const char* name, const RenderStep* s1, const RenderStep* s2)
: Renderer(name, std::array<const RenderStep*, 2>{s1, s2}) {}
Renderer(const char* name, const RenderStep* s1, const RenderStep* s2, const RenderStep* s3)
: Renderer(name, std::array<const RenderStep*, 3>{s1, s2, s3}) {}
Renderer(const char* name, const RenderStep* s1, const RenderStep* s2,
const RenderStep* s3, const RenderStep* s4)
: Renderer(name, std::array<const RenderStep*, 4>{s1, s2, s3, s4}) {}
template<size_t N>
Renderer(const char* name, std::array<const RenderStep*, N> steps)
: fName(name)
, fStepCount(SkTo<int>(N))
, fRequiresStencil(false)
, fRequiresMSAA(false) {
static_assert(N <= kMaxRenderSteps);
SkDEBUGCODE(bool performsShading = false;)
for (int i = 0 ; i < fStepCount; ++i) {
fSteps[i] = steps[i];
fRequiresStencil |= fSteps[i]->requiresStencil();
fRequiresMSAA |= fSteps[i]->requiresMSAA();
SkDEBUGCODE(performsShading |= fSteps[i]->performsShading());
SkASSERT(performsShading); // at least one step needs to actually shade
// Cannot move or copy
Renderer(const Renderer&) = delete;
Renderer(Renderer&&) = delete;
std::array<const RenderStep*, kMaxRenderSteps> fSteps;
SkString fName;
int fStepCount;
bool fRequiresStencil;
bool fRequiresMSAA;
} // skgpu namespace
#endif // skgpu_Renderer_DEFINED