blob: 8f53464d8f3ce1fb234b4897d77cd4f2c8451f96 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGpuTessellationPathRenderer_DEFINED
#define GrGpuTessellationPathRenderer_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrDynamicAtlas.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrOnFlushResourceProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrPathRenderer.h"
#include <map>
// This is the tie-in point for path rendering via GrTessellatePathOp.
class GrGpuTessellationPathRenderer : public GrPathRenderer, public GrOnFlushCallbackObject {
GrGpuTessellationPathRenderer(const GrCaps&);
StencilSupport onGetStencilSupport(const GrShape& shape) const override {
// TODO: Single-pass (e.g., convex) paths can have full support.
return kStencilOnly_StencilSupport;
CanDrawPath onCanDrawPath(const CanDrawPathArgs&) const override;
bool onDrawPath(const DrawPathArgs&) override;
void onStencilPath(const StencilPathArgs&) override;
void preFlush(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, const uint32_t* opsTaskIDs,
int numOpsTaskIDs) override;
SkPath* getAtlasUberPath(SkPathFillType fillType, bool antialias) {
int idx = (int)antialias << 1;
idx |= (int)fillType & 1;
return &fAtlasUberPaths[idx];
// Allocates space in fAtlas if the path is small and simple enough, and if there is room.
bool tryAddPathToAtlas(const GrCaps&, const SkMatrix&, const SkPath&, GrAAType,
SkIRect* devIBounds, SkIVector* devToAtlasOffset);
void renderAtlas(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*);
GrDynamicAtlas fAtlas;
SkPath fAtlasUberPaths[4]; // 2 fillTypes * 2 antialias modes.