blob: 9aacd69b3ae9c84f73e79f4d6f22f76544dea4af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkFloatingPoint_DEFINED
#define SkFloatingPoint_DEFINED
#include "include/private/base/SkAttributes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatBits.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMath.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
inline constexpr float SK_FloatSqrt2 = 1.41421356f;
inline constexpr float SK_FloatPI = 3.14159265f;
inline constexpr double SK_DoublePI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
static inline float sk_float_sqrt(float x) { return std::sqrt(x); }
static inline float sk_float_sin(float x) { return std::sin(x); }
static inline float sk_float_cos(float x) { return std::cos(x); }
static inline float sk_float_tan(float x) { return std::tan(x); }
static inline float sk_float_floor(float x) { return std::floor(x); }
static inline float sk_float_ceil(float x) { return std::ceil(x); }
static inline float sk_float_trunc(float x) { return std::trunc(x); }
static inline float sk_float_acos(float x) { return std::acos(x); }
static inline float sk_float_asin(float x) { return std::asin(x); }
static inline float sk_float_atan2(float y, float x) { return std::atan2(y,x); }
static inline float sk_float_abs(float x) { return std::fabs(x); }
static inline float sk_float_copysign(float x, float y) { return std::copysign(x, y); }
static inline float sk_float_mod(float x, float y) { return std::fmod(x,y); }
static inline float sk_float_pow(float x, float y) { return std::pow(x, y); }
static inline float sk_float_exp(float x) { return std::exp(x); }
static inline float sk_float_log(float x) { return std::log(x); }
static inline float sk_float_log2(float x) { return std::log2(x); }
static constexpr int sk_float_sgn(float x) {
return (0.0f < x) - (x < 0.0f);
static constexpr float sk_float_degrees_to_radians(float degrees) {
return degrees * (SK_FloatPI / 180);
static constexpr float sk_float_radians_to_degrees(float radians) {
return radians * (180 / SK_FloatPI);
// floor(double+0.5) vs. floorf(float+0.5f) give comparable performance, but upcasting to double
// means tricky values like 0.49999997 and 2^24 get rounded correctly. If these were rounded
// as floatf(x + .5f), they would be 1 higher than expected.
#define sk_float_round(x) (float)sk_double_round((double)(x))
static inline bool sk_float_isfinite(float x) {
return SkFloatBits_IsFinite(SkFloat2Bits(x));
static inline bool sk_floats_are_finite(float a, float b) {
return sk_float_isfinite(a) && sk_float_isfinite(b);
static inline bool sk_floats_are_finite(const float array[], int count) {
float prod = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
prod *= array[i];
// At this point, prod will either be NaN or 0
return prod == 0; // if prod is NaN, this check will return false
static inline bool sk_float_isinf(float x) {
return SkFloatBits_IsInf(SkFloat2Bits(x));
static constexpr bool sk_float_isnan(float x) { return x != x; }
static constexpr bool sk_double_isnan(double x) { return x != x; }
inline constexpr int SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat = 2147483520;
inline constexpr int SK_MinS32FitsInFloat = -SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat;
// 0x7fffff8000000000
inline constexpr int64_t SK_MaxS64FitsInFloat = SK_MaxS64 >> (63-24) << (63-24);
inline constexpr int64_t SK_MinS64FitsInFloat = -SK_MaxS64FitsInFloat;
* Return the closest int for the given float. Returns SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat for NaN.
static constexpr int sk_float_saturate2int(float x) {
x = x < SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat ? x : SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat;
x = x > SK_MinS32FitsInFloat ? x : SK_MinS32FitsInFloat;
return (int)x;
* Return the closest int for the given double. Returns SK_MaxS32 for NaN.
static constexpr int sk_double_saturate2int(double x) {
x = x < SK_MaxS32 ? x : SK_MaxS32;
x = x > SK_MinS32 ? x : SK_MinS32;
return (int)x;
* Return the closest int64_t for the given float. Returns SK_MaxS64FitsInFloat for NaN.
static constexpr int64_t sk_float_saturate2int64(float x) {
x = x < SK_MaxS64FitsInFloat ? x : SK_MaxS64FitsInFloat;
x = x > SK_MinS64FitsInFloat ? x : SK_MinS64FitsInFloat;
return (int64_t)x;
#define sk_float_floor2int(x) sk_float_saturate2int(sk_float_floor(x))
#define sk_float_round2int(x) sk_float_saturate2int(sk_float_round(x))
#define sk_float_ceil2int(x) sk_float_saturate2int(sk_float_ceil(x))
#define sk_float_floor2int_no_saturate(x) (int)sk_float_floor(x)
#define sk_float_round2int_no_saturate(x) (int)sk_float_round(x)
#define sk_float_ceil2int_no_saturate(x) (int)sk_float_ceil(x)
#define sk_double_floor(x) floor(x)
#define sk_double_round(x) floor((x) + 0.5)
#define sk_double_ceil(x) ceil(x)
#define sk_double_floor2int(x) (int)sk_double_floor(x)
#define sk_double_round2int(x) (int)sk_double_round(x)
#define sk_double_ceil2int(x) (int)sk_double_ceil(x)
// Cast double to float, ignoring any warning about too-large finite values being cast to float.
// Clang thinks this is undefined, but it's actually implementation defined to return either
// the largest float or infinity (one of the two bracketing representable floats). Good enough!
static constexpr float sk_double_to_float(double x) {
return static_cast<float>(x);
inline constexpr float SK_FloatNaN = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
inline constexpr float SK_FloatInfinity = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
inline constexpr float SK_FloatNegativeInfinity = -SK_FloatInfinity;
inline constexpr double SK_DoubleNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
// Calculate the midpoint between a and b. Similar to std::midpoint in c++20.
static constexpr float sk_float_midpoint(float a, float b) {
// Use double math to avoid underflow and overflow.
return static_cast<float>(0.5 * (static_cast<double>(a) + b));
static inline float sk_float_rsqrt_portable(float x) { return 1.0f / sk_float_sqrt(x); }
static inline float sk_float_rsqrt (float x) { return 1.0f / sk_float_sqrt(x); }
// The number of significant digits to print.
inline constexpr int SK_FLT_DECIMAL_DIG = std::numeric_limits<float>::max_digits10;
// IEEE defines how float divide behaves for non-finite values and zero-denoms, but C does not,
// so we have a helper that suppresses the possible undefined-behavior warnings.
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4723)
// Your function
static constexpr float sk_ieee_float_divide(float numer, float denom) {
return numer / denom;
static constexpr double sk_ieee_double_divide(double numer, double denom) {
return numer / denom;
#pragma warning( pop )
// Return a*b + c.
static inline float sk_fmaf(float a, float b, float c) {
return std::fma(a, b, c);
// Returns true iff the provided number is within a small epsilon of 0.
bool sk_double_nearly_zero(double a);
// Compare two doubles and return true if they are within maxUlpsDiff of each other.
// * nan as a or b - returns false.
// * infinity, infinity or -infinity, -infinity - returns true.
// * infinity and any other number - returns false.
// ulp is an initialism for Units in the Last Place.
bool sk_doubles_nearly_equal_ulps(double a, double b, uint8_t maxUlpsDiff=16);