blob: e13929e550f9ada8b8ddc3cedf61f33f792147df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package common
import (
infra_testutils ""
func TestComputeBenchmarkTestRunnerCLIFlags_Success(t *testing.T) {
test := func(name string, benchmarkInfo BenchmarkInfo, expectedFlags []string) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
actualFlags := ComputeBenchmarkTestRunnerCLIFlags(benchmarkInfo)
assert.Equal(t, expectedFlags, actualFlags)
test("post-submit task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
}, []string{
"--gitHash", "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
"task", "",
test("CL task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
ChangelistID: "12345",
PatchsetOrder: "3",
}, []string{
"--gitHash", "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
"--issue", "12345",
"--patchset", "3",
"task", "",
"changelist", "",
func TestUploadToPerf_NoOutputsZIPOrDir_Error(t *testing.T) {
test := func(name string, benchmarkInfo BenchmarkInfo) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
gcsClient := mocks.NewGCSClient(t)
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
err := UploadToPerf(ctx, gcsClient, benchmarkInfo, "/no/such/")
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "stat /no/such/ no such file or directory")
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
testutils.AssertStepNames(t, res) // No steps.
gcsClient.AssertNotCalled(t, "Bucket")
gcsClient.AssertNotCalled(t, "SetFileContents")
test("post-submit task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
test("CL task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
ChangelistID: "12345",
PatchsetOrder: "3",
func TestUploadToPerf_OutputsZip_NoResultsJSONFile_Error(t *testing.T) {
test := func(name string, benchmarkInfo BenchmarkInfo) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
undeclaredTestOutputs := map[string]string{
// Does not contain a results.json file. File contents do not matter for this test.
"some-image.png": "fake PNG",
"some-plaintext.txt": "fake TXT",
// Write undeclared test outputs to disk.
outputsZIP := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "")
testutils.MakeZIP(t, outputsZIP, undeclaredTestOutputs)
// Will be returned by the mocked os_steps.TempDir() when the task driver tries to create a
// directory in which to extract the undeclared outputs ZIP archive.
outputsZIPExtractionDir := t.TempDir()
gcsClient := mocks.NewGCSClient(t)
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// We don't need to assert the exact number of times that os_steps.TempDir() is called
// because said function produces a "Creating TempDir" task driver step, and we check the
// exact set of steps produced.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, os_steps.TempDirContextKey, testutils.MakeTempDirMockFn(t, outputsZIPExtractionDir))
err := UploadToPerf(ctx, gcsClient, benchmarkInfo, outputsZIP)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "stat "+outputsZIPExtractionDir+"/results.json: no such file or directory")
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
testutils.AssertStepNames(t, res,
"Creating TempDir",
"Extract undeclared outputs archive "+outputsZIP+" into "+outputsZIPExtractionDir,
"Extracting file: some-image.png",
"Not extracting non-PNG / non-JSON file: some-plaintext.txt",
"Stat "+outputsZIPExtractionDir+"/results.json",
gcsClient.AssertNotCalled(t, "Bucket")
gcsClient.AssertNotCalled(t, "SetFileContents")
test("post-submit task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
test("CL task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
ChangelistID: "12345",
PatchsetOrder: "3",
func TestUploadToPerf_OutputsDirectory_NoResultsJSONFile_Error(t *testing.T) {
test := func(name string, benchmarkInfo BenchmarkInfo) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
undeclaredTestOutputs := map[string]string{
// Does not contain a results.json file. File contents do not matter for this test.
"some-image.png": "fake PNG",
"some-plaintext.txt": "fake TXT",
// Write undeclared test outputs to disk.
outputsDir := t.TempDir()
testutils.PopulateDir(t, outputsDir, undeclaredTestOutputs)
gcsClient := mocks.NewGCSClient(t)
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
err := UploadToPerf(ctx, gcsClient, benchmarkInfo, outputsDir)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "stat "+outputsDir+"/results.json: no such file or directory")
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
testutils.AssertStepNames(t, res, "Stat "+outputsDir+"/results.json")
gcsClient.AssertNotCalled(t, "Bucket")
gcsClient.AssertNotCalled(t, "SetFileContents")
test("post-submit task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
test("CL task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
ChangelistID: "12345",
PatchsetOrder: "3",
func TestUploadToPerf_OutputsZip_Success(t *testing.T) {
test := func(name string, benchmarkInfo BenchmarkInfo) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
resultsJSONFileContents := `{"foo": "this test requires that this file exists; its contents do not matter"}`
undeclaredTestOutputs := map[string]string{
"results.json": resultsJSONFileContents,
"some-image.png": "fake PNG",
"some-plaintext.txt": "fake TXT",
// Write undeclared test outputs to disk.
outputsZIP := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "")
testutils.MakeZIP(t, outputsZIP, undeclaredTestOutputs)
// Will be returned by the mocked os_steps.TempDir() when the task driver tries to create a
// directory in which to extract the undeclared outputs ZIP archive.
outputsZIPExtractionDir := t.TempDir()
gcsClient := mocks.NewGCSClient(t)
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Make sure we use UTC instead of the system timezone. The GCS path reflects the fact that
// we convert from UTC+1 to UTC.
fakeNow := time.Date(2022, time.January, 31, 2, 2, 3, 0, time.FixedZone("UTC+1", 60*60))
ctx = now.TimeTravelingContext(fakeNow).WithContext(ctx)
// We don't need to assert the exact number of times that os_steps.TempDir() is called
// because said function produces a "Creating TempDir" task driver step, and we check the
// exact set of steps produced.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, os_steps.TempDirContextKey, testutils.MakeTempDirMockFn(t, outputsZIPExtractionDir))
err := UploadToPerf(ctx, gcsClient, benchmarkInfo, outputsZIP)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
testutils.AssertStepNames(t, res,
"Creating TempDir",
"Extract undeclared outputs archive "+outputsZIP+" into "+outputsZIPExtractionDir,
"Extracting file: results.json",
"Extracting file: some-image.png",
"Not extracting non-PNG / non-JSON file: some-plaintext.txt",
"Stat "+outputsZIPExtractionDir+"/results.json",
"Read "+outputsZIPExtractionDir+"/results.json",
"Upload gs://skia-perf/nano-json-v1/2022/01/31/01/ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99/BazelTest-Foo-Bar/results_1234567890.json",
test("post-submit task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
test("CL task", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
ChangelistID: "12345",
PatchsetOrder: "3",
func TestUploadToPerf_OutputsDirectory_Success(t *testing.T) {
test := func(name string, benchmarkInfo BenchmarkInfo) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
resultsJSONFileContents := `{"foo": "this test requires that this file exists; its contents do not matter"}`
undeclaredTestOutputs := map[string]string{
"results.json": resultsJSONFileContents,
"some-image.png": "fake PNG",
"some-plaintext.txt": "fake TXT",
// Write undeclared test outputs to disk.
outputsDir := t.TempDir()
testutils.PopulateDir(t, outputsDir, undeclaredTestOutputs)
gcsClient := mocks.NewGCSClient(t)
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Make sure we use UTC instead of the system timezone. The GCS path reflects the fact that
// we convert from UTC+1 to UTC.
fakeNow := time.Date(2022, time.January, 31, 2, 2, 3, 0, time.FixedZone("UTC+1", 60*60))
ctx = now.TimeTravelingContext(fakeNow).WithContext(ctx)
err := UploadToPerf(ctx, gcsClient, benchmarkInfo, outputsDir)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return err
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
testutils.AssertStepNames(t, res,
"Stat "+outputsDir+"/results.json",
"Read "+outputsDir+"/results.json",
"Upload gs://skia-perf/nano-json-v1/2022/01/31/01/ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99/BazelTest-Foo-Bar/results_1234567890.json",
test("post-submit task, directory", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
test("CL task, directory", BenchmarkInfo{
GitCommit: "ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99ff99",
TaskName: "BazelTest-Foo-Bar",
TaskID: "1234567890",
ChangelistID: "12345",
PatchsetOrder: "3",