blob: 67ebc9a1bd19ac8afc8270aef81f404d24060615 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package common
import (
sk_exec ""
// The DiskSpaceLow alert triggers at 10GB, so we set this threshold to a slightly higher value.
// For reference, Swarming seems to quarantine machines when they go below 3GB.
const bazelCachePartitionMinRequiredFreeSpaceBytes = uint64(15_000_000_000)
type bazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKeyType = string
// BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey is a context key that can be used from tests to override the
// functions used by BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpace to compute the free space on the partition where the
// Bazel cache lives. Values associated to this context key should be of type
// BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextValue.
const BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey = bazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKeyType("overwriteBazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceDiskFns")
// BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextValue is the type of the value associated with the
// BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey context key.
type BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextValue = struct {
GetPartitionMountpoints func() ([]string, error)
FreeBytesOnPartition func(string) (uint64, error)
// WithEnoughSpaceOnBazelCachePartitionTestOnlyContext returns a context that makes
// common.BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpace() think there is enough space on the partition where the Bazel
// cache is found. It also returns a path within said partition where the Bazel cache is assumed to
// live, which should be passed to the code under test that invokes
// common.BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpace().
// This function is placed here rather than in the testutils Go package to avoid an import cycle.
func WithEnoughSpaceOnBazelCachePartitionTestOnlyContext(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, string) {
const (
bazelCacheDir = "/mnt/pd0/bazel_cache"
bazelCachePartitionMountpoint = "/mnt/pd0"
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey, BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextValue{
GetPartitionMountpoints: func() ([]string, error) {
// For the purposes of satisfying common.BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpace(), it suffices to only return
// the mountpoint for the partition where the Bazel cache directory lives.
return []string{bazelCachePartitionMountpoint}, nil
FreeBytesOnPartition: func(mountpoint string) (uint64, error) {
if mountpoint != bazelCachePartitionMountpoint {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mountpoint %q does not equal %q; this is a bug", mountpoint, bazelCachePartitionMountpoint))
return uint64(20_000_000_000), nil
return ctx, bazelCacheDir
// BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpace runs "bazel clean" as a task driver step if disk space is too low. This
// step should be added at the end of any task driver that shells out to Bazel in order to prevent
// DiskSpaceLow alerts due to the Bazel cache (usually at /mnt/pd0/bazel_cache) growing too large.
// Ideally, we would like to tell Bazel to prevent the cache from growing above a certain size, but
// there is currently no way to do this. See discussion in the below links:
// -
// -
// Testing: Set the BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey context key to override the functions that
// compute the free space (measured in bytes) on the partition where the Bazel cache lives.
func BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpace(ctx context.Context, bazelCacheDir, bazelWorkspaceDir, pathToBazel string) error {
return skerr.Wrap(td.Do(ctx, td.Props("Clean Bazel cache if disk space is too low"), func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Are any of the disk-related functions mocked?
getPartitionMountpointsFn := getPartitionMountpoints
freeBytesOnPartitionFn := freeBytesOnPartition
if ctxValue := ctx.Value(BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey); ctxValue != nil {
typedCtxValue, ok := ctxValue.(BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextValue)
if !ok {
panic("context value associated with BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextKey is not a BazelCleanIfLowDiskSpaceContextValue")
if typedCtxValue.FreeBytesOnPartition != nil {
freeBytesOnPartitionFn = typedCtxValue.FreeBytesOnPartition
if typedCtxValue.GetPartitionMountpoints != nil {
getPartitionMountpointsFn = typedCtxValue.GetPartitionMountpoints
// Find the partition where the Bazel cache lives.
mountpoints, err := getPartitionMountpointsFn()
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
var mountpointCandidates []string // Any mountpoints that are prefixes of bazelCacheDir.
for _, mountpoint := range mountpoints {
if strings.HasPrefix(bazelCacheDir, mountpoint) {
mountpointCandidates = append(mountpointCandidates, mountpoint)
bazelCachePartitionMountpoint := ""
for _, candidate := range mountpointCandidates {
// The longest candidate wins. For example, if the Bazel cache directory is
// "/mnt/pd0/bazel_cache" and the candidates are "/mnt", "/mnt/pd0" and "/", then "/mnt/pd0"
// is selected.
if len(candidate) > len(bazelCachePartitionMountpoint) {
bazelCachePartitionMountpoint = candidate
if bazelCachePartitionMountpoint == "" {
return skerr.Fmt("could not find partition for Bazel cache directory at %q", bazelCacheDir)
// Find out how much free space is left on that partition.
freeSpace, err := freeBytesOnPartitionFn(bazelCachePartitionMountpoint)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Run "bazel clean" if free space on that partition is too low.
if freeSpace < bazelCachePartitionMinRequiredFreeSpaceBytes {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Free space on partition %s is %d bytes, which is below the threshold of %d bytes", bazelCachePartitionMountpoint, freeSpace, bazelCachePartitionMinRequiredFreeSpaceBytes)
if err := td.Do(ctx, td.Props(msg), func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil }); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
cmd := &sk_exec.Command{
Name: pathToBazel,
Dir: bazelWorkspaceDir,
Args: []string{"clean"},
InheritEnv: true, // Make sure "bazelisk" is on PATH.
LogStdout: true,
LogStderr: true,
_, err := sk_exec.RunCommand(ctx, cmd)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("No need to clear the Bazel cache: free space on partition %s is %d bytes, which is above the threshold of %d bytes", bazelCachePartitionMountpoint, freeSpace, bazelCachePartitionMinRequiredFreeSpaceBytes)
return skerr.Wrap(td.Do(ctx, td.Props(msg), func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil }))
// getPartitionMountpoints returns the mountpoints for all mounted partitions.
func getPartitionMountpoints() ([]string, error) {
partitionStats, err := disk.Partitions(true /* =all */)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
var mountpoints []string
for _, stat := range partitionStats {
mountpoints = append(mountpoints, stat.Mountpoint)
return mountpoints, nil
// freeBytesOnPartition returns the free space measured in bytes for the partition mounted at the
// given mountpoint
func freeBytesOnPartition(mountpoint string) (uint64, error) {
usage, err := disk.Usage(mountpoint)
if err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
return usage.Free, nil