blob: ab58bdf10744954fad363afd576dd0aeb26bf702 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrSmallPathRenderer_DEFINED
#define GrSmallPathRenderer_DEFINED
#include "GrDrawOpAtlas.h"
#include "GrOnFlushResourceProvider.h"
#include "GrPathRenderer.h"
#include "GrRect.h"
#include "GrShape.h"
#include "SkOpts.h"
#include "SkTDynamicHash.h"
class GrContext;
class ShapeData;
class ShapeDataKey;
class GrSmallPathRenderer : public GrPathRenderer, public GrOnFlushCallbackObject {
~GrSmallPathRenderer() override;
// GrOnFlushCallbackObject overrides
// Note: because this class is associated with a path renderer we want it to be removed from
// the list of active OnFlushBackkbackObjects in an freeGpuResources call (i.e., we accept the
// default retainOnFreeGpuResources implementation).
void preFlush(GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushResourceProvider, const uint32_t*, int,
SkTArray<sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext>>*) override {
if (fAtlas) {
void postFlush(GrDeferredUploadToken startTokenForNextFlush,
const uint32_t* /*opListIDs*/, int /*numOpListIDs*/) override {
if (fAtlas) {
using ShapeCache = SkTDynamicHash<ShapeData, ShapeDataKey>;
typedef SkTInternalLList<ShapeData> ShapeDataList;
static std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> createOp_TestingOnly(GrPaint&&, const GrShape&,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
GrDrawOpAtlas* atlas,
ShapeCache*, ShapeDataList*,
bool gammaCorrect,
const GrUserStencilSettings*);
struct PathTestStruct;
class SmallPathOp;
StencilSupport onGetStencilSupport(const GrShape&) const override {
return GrPathRenderer::kNoSupport_StencilSupport;
CanDrawPath onCanDrawPath(const CanDrawPathArgs&) const override;
bool onDrawPath(const DrawPathArgs&) override;
static void HandleEviction(GrDrawOpAtlas::AtlasID, void*);
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOpAtlas> fAtlas;
ShapeCache fShapeCache;
ShapeDataList fShapeList;
typedef GrPathRenderer INHERITED;